David Gearhart, Chancellor for the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, has invited legislators to hear 5 illegal aliens speak at a panel discussion on Monday, April 23, 2012, 7:30 p.m., at the Fayetteville Town Center. The subject of the panel is, “Undocumented: Living in the Shadows.”
This is a direct violation of U.S. Statute 8 USC, Section 1324a, which states “…any person who knowingly hires, harbors or transports any illegal alien is guilty of a felony punishable to 10 years jail plus $2000 fine per illegal alien.”
Gearhart knows he is promoting lawlessness as illustrated by this quote in his invitation: “Two panelists are university students who grew up in Arkansas. The other three panelists grew up in Massachusetts, New York and Virginia, respectively. Their undocumented immigration status makes travel within the U.S. difficult and risky and their ability to work legally impossible. They are taking a significant risk by making themselves so publicly visible.”
Please contact Chancellor Gearhart atchancellor@uark.edu and let him know that you object to him, as Chancellor of a state institution, supporting illegal activity.
In 2009, Gearhart testified in favor of a bill to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens. In 2005, during legislative hearings on HB1525 a bill to give scholarships and in-state tuition to illegal aliens, by Joyce Elliott, several presidents of colleges spoke in favor of the bill. However when asked one by one by a legislator if they would hire these students when they graduated, these university presidents all admitted they would not. They knew they had to answer this way; otherwise they would be confessing they would be willing to be involved in criminal activity by hiring them.
You might also find it interesting that University of Arkansas Chancellor David Gearhart received a $225,000 bonus in 2010, and his salary was raised to $289,000, according to Arkansas Times at this link.
Gearhart sent legislators invitations to this event, evidently in an attempt to build support for the Dream Act or amnesty for these students. Please contact your legislators to let them know what is going on and how many people are still concerned about this issue. Also, is there anyone that will check into this matter and try to attend the event on the 23rd at the Town Hall in Fayetteville and give us a report on it? It is open and free to the public but the Chancellor acted as though there may not be room for everyone that wanted to come.
Click here for contact information on all Arkansas legislators.