Vote NO on Arkansas Ballot Issues 1 and 2
October 24, 2012
Agenda 21, Arkansas State Sovereignty
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Both Issues 1 and 2 are part of UN Agenda 21. Please read what you vote on.
Following is from a letter from Jim Qualls, Justice of the Peace, of Stone County:
Issue 1 was proposed as House Joint Resolution HJR 1001 and the legislators that proposed this bad piece of legislation are found here.
The proposed constitutional amendment 1 clearly states:
“(1) Deposit a total of one (1) cent per gallon from revenues distributed under the Arkansas Highway Distribution Law from the proceeds derived from existing motor fuel taxes and distillate fuel taxes; and
“(2) Permanently dedicate the revenues to the State Aid Street Fund created under 27-72-407.
(b) The State Aid Street funds shall aid city streets under the law.”
Code 27-72-401 begins the laws pertaining to the 27-72-400 series. (Edited in 2011) It states:
“(4) ‘Municipality’ means a city of the first class, a city of the second class, or an incorporated town.” Nowhere does it mention ‘COUNTY.'”
Code 27-72-407 states: “(b) (1) All revenues deposited in the State Aid Street Fund shall be apportioned to the municipalities as prescribed in 27-72-413 for the distribution on the state aid street system among the various municipalities.”
Again, there was no mention of Counties. Counties are covered under State Aid Roads, 27-72-301. The reason Counties can get back more in State Aid funds than they turn in is because 20.5% of the funds are divided equally among the counties, regardless of population. This gives proportionately less to large counties.
However, 27-72-413 states “(b) The state aid street system shall be allocated to the several municipalities of the state by the State Aid Street Committee”.
There is no fixed formula, no guarantee of any funds to either city or county. There was, prior to Act 1032 passed in 2011. Had this been deposited in 27-72-305, the counties would know what to expect. This amendment does not give them anything.
All of the references to 27-72-400 series was updated in 2011 and grossly changed the distribution methods. Please check out Arkansas Act 1032 of the regular session. It was house bill 1779.
If this passes, I hope there is a loophole somewhere. Otherwise, you are going to pay the tax and not see the money. READ WHAT YOU VOTE ON!
Ordinary people, regular Americans like us, young and old, need to study these socialist sustainable policies that are undermining our American way of life. We need to understand that sustainable development controls our city halls, county courthouses, state capitols and Washington, DC. They are truly transforming America away from the Land of the Free.
These sustainable policies have been gradually going on through political infiltration for over a century. Our rights have become granted privileges that can be revoked. This can be evidenced through agreements and treaties, policies, bills, acts and decisions.
We are seeing the merging of city to county, county to district, district to state, state to region and region to international.
Green energy-efficient buildings, new traffic concepts and so called “intelligent” power supply grids steer rapid urbanization in a sustainable direction.
The State of Arkansas is following the sustainable cities platform and the organizations that are administering the sustainable development policies within the state are:
1. Metro-plan (Little Rock)
2. West Central Arkansas Planning and Development District (WCAPDD)
Another Agenda 21 group is called Transportation EXcellence for the 21st Century (Tex-21). Tex-21 claims it is a non-profit multi-state transportation organization comprised of city and county officials, both elected and appointed, with private interests, dedicated to fostering opportunities for enhanced transportation in Texas, Arkansas and beyond. They are bringing awareness of the evolving multi-model transportation issues across the entire region.
We need to be watching for this Agenda 21 and transportation infrastructure development, Transport EXcellence for the 21st Century (Tex-21) . Among the executive officers for 2012, we find it interesting that our former North Little Rock Mayor, Patrick Henry Hays, is the secretary of this UN Agenda-type organization.
Click here for the 2012 Resolutions of the International Chiefs of Police.
This International Association of Chiefs of Police is advocating for environmental justice and calling on all nations to enforce environmental justice. To levy a tax is to impose a fine or a tax. Remember this while reading Agenda 21, Issue 2.
We get calls all the time about people worried about their property taxes increasing. Many people have stated that even though their property is paid off, if there are any more tax increases they can’t afford to live there.
More on Issue 2 to follow.
Securing the blessings of liberty.
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