*THIS MORNING!* Calls to STOP illegal alien in-state tuition needed – SB915
April 3, 2013
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Instate Tuition for Illegal Aliens
SB 915, an act to establish the Postsecondary Education and Economic Development Act of 2013,
We need calls now to oppose this bill!
It could be passed through committee
Sponsors of the bill are Senator Joyce Elliott (D), Little Rock,
and Senator Johnny Key (R), Mountain Home.
First Priority – Sponsors
Senator Johnny Key (R), 870-425-5200 (He is BOTH the Committee Chair AND the Sponsor)
Message to sponsors:
Please table SB 915. It is not in accordance with the Constitution and federal law. It is unfair for illegal aliens
to have advantages that our own people do not enjoy.
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We are disappointed in Senator Key, as he is a Republican Chair allowing this bill to be brought up in the Senate Education Committee.
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(Since the Committee Chair and the Vice Chair are the sponsors, you have already contacted them.)
Chair, Senator Johnny Key (R), 870-425-5200
Vice Chair, Senator Joyce Elliott (D), 501-603-9546
Senator Jason Rapert (R), 501-336-0918
Senator Bruce Holland (R), 479-996-0977
Senator Unvalde Lindsey (D), 479-444-6752
Senator Alan Clark (R), 501-262-3360
Senator Jim Hendren (R), 479-787-6222
Senator Eddie Cheatham (D), 870-364-5659
No email
Message to Senators:
Please vote “NO” on SB 915. It is about allowing illegal aliens state taxpayer benefits not enjoyed by our own citizens. It is contrary to our Constitution and federal law. It is unfair for illegal aliens to have advantages that our own people do not enjoy. Citizens must have priority.
The American people need leaders who put the law, the rule of law, and constitutional principles ahead of their personal sympathies, if the two are at odds. Most people empathize with illegal-alien youths’ predicament, but in-state tuition for them only makes matters worse. It’s no solution and only compounds the problem.
Senator Joyce Elliott has unsuccessfully tried to pass similar legislation twice before, and it is still just as wrong as it was those times before.
Senate Bill 915 says any student who graduated from and attended an Arkansas high school for three years will be charged the in-state rate.
How can Arkansas justify giving in-state tuition to illegal aliens, many of whom broke our laws to get here, when American citizens of other states are not given this same privilege? Our own citizens should have FIRST PRIORITY!
This is social injustice and redistribution of wealth!
Compassion towards a particular population, in the long run, lacks compassion for the larger community that makes the gesture even possible. It becomes a narrow and strange game of “Let’s Make a Deal”.
About 12 percent of the more than 156,000 students attending state-supported colleges and universities last year paid out-of-state tuition at about twice the cost of in-state tuition, according to Brandi Hinkle, spokeswoman for the State Department of Higher Education.
Taxpayers are already providing free K-12 education for the “undocumented”, as well as food stamps, emergency medical care, incarceration and many other items.
Opposition to affirmative action and courting illegal aliens is more a matter of having higher regard for Arkansas, America and national sovereignty and citizenship than for internationalism and global allegiance.
At this time we should not be increasing our tax obligations or tuition dollars to illegal aliens by legislating this bill.
THANK YOU for your help!
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