The Constitution Convention Monitoring Group is being reactivated by Secure The Republic. Darren Weeks of Coalition to Govern America is also working on this issue with Secure The Republic. We need all the former monitors to step forward to help stop the Con-Con movement, and we need new monitors, also. Please respond to with your name, email address, and telephone number if you are available to help.
There are several groups calling for some form of a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con). This is dangerous. Once 34 states have made application for a Constitutional Convention, the U.S. is history, and you can kiss America good-bye.
The latest group calling for a Con-Con is Citizens for Self-Governance (CSG). CSG calls their movement the Convention of the States. Michael P. Farris is the head of the Convention of the States project. He’s also advisory board member of Christian Freedom International and the president of of which CFR member, Grover G. Norquist, is the Director.
Mark Levin has a new book out called “The Liberty Amendments”. Mr. Levin is calling for a Constitutional Convention in his book. Mr. Levin is sponsored by Americans for Prosperity (AFP). AFP was founded by the Koch Brothers and has ties to Kenneth C. Griffin. Kenneth C. Griffin was the fund raiser for both John McCain and Barrack Obama during the 2008 Presidential Campaign. AFP appears to be a controlled opposition group.
A Controlled Opposition group is set up by the elites to control the outcome of the issue. They control both sides of the issue.
Coalition to Govern Amerrica (CGA)
Note: The push for a new Constitutional Convention is not a new plan. This heavily financed effort has been attempted repeatedly for at least the last three decades. The money powers that run the world are behind it. They desperately want our Bill of Rights! PLEASE inform yourselves about the dangers of a Constitutional Convention and don’t buy into the lies of those who want to completely undo our form of government. If they won’t obey the Constitution now, why do you think they will if we allow them to change it?
State-specific update: Michigan is a hot state right now! Chair Earl Poleski of the Financial Liability Reform Committee is now proposing SJR V. Calls are needed immediately! Call the Committee Clerk, Malika Abdul-Basir, at 517-373-7256 to oppose this Con-Con piece of legislation!
The following are all hot links that you need to check out so that you understand the urgency that is needed to stop the attempted Constitutional Convention (Con-Con). A Con-Con will destroy the America we know. If a Con-Con ever takes place, you can kiss America good-bye.
Con-Con 2013: A Gridlock of Fact and Fiction
Problems with Levins calling for a Con-Con
Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity Calling for Con-Con