It appears that the Republican legislators are getting their marching orders from ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council). See here.
This is taken directly from their model legislation:
Model Policy
WHEREAS, Only {insert number} states have governors and legislatures in agreement to optionally expand Medicaid up to all persons earning up to one hundred thirty-eight percent (138%) of the federal poverty level beginning January 1, 2014, as outlined in thePatient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA); and
The House voted on HB1150 Private Option Appropriation bill today for the third time, and it failed. There needed to be 75 Yeas for the bill to pass. This bill does NOT need to be passed! Remember: if HB1150 ever passes, you can blame the Republicans for giving you ObamaCare. What is the matter with all these so-called Republicans supporting the Private Option?
Click here to read an Associated Press article by Andrew DeMillo about the Arkansas Senate passing the “Health Plan” and the Arkansas House rejecting it. Be sure to read both pages after you click the link.
A quote from the article:
“I think this is one of the worst socioeconomic policies in the history of our state that we will live to regret,” Sen. Alan Clark, R- Lonsdale, told colleagues before the vote.
Also, Senator Jane English changed her “No” vote last year to a “Yea” vote this year. The article explains:
Prospects had dimmed for the private option in the Senate last month after an opponent of the program won a special election and a former supporter of the program announced she would vote against it. But supporters secured the deciding vote after Republican Sen. Jane English, who voted against the private option last year, said she’d back the funding bill in exchange to changes to the state’s workforce training program.
It’s embarrassing that a senator could be swayed so easily on such an important topic.
(Consider printing each of those links off and comparing them.)
Also, the last we heard, the Arkansas House will be voting on this issue again at 10:00 a.m. Friday morning, February 21, 2014. PLEASE continue to call your Representatives and tell them to vote “NO” on any bill supporting the Private Option or appropriations for it. The House number is 501-682-6211. Leave a message for your representative Friday morning at that number.
Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas