EPA’s Plan EJ 2014… Twenty years in the making
In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 12898, an order for all federal agencies to take government action involving Environmental Justice issues.
Then, in 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency updated its environmental justice strategy and developed “Plan EJ 2014”, a model roadmap for advancing environmental justice, rule making, permitting, compliance and enforcement, community-based programs, and their work with other federal agencies. “EJ” stands for Environmental Justice.
You need this document from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), and your local government officials need it, too. Please see to it that your elected officials get a copy, even if you have to print it off and take it to them personally. Please let them know how concerned you are about your property rights and the overreaching hand of the federal government. Environmental Justice does NOT need to be integrated into our local programs and policies.
Click here for the original link to the document if you’re unable to open the one linked above. Please note: it’s a PDF file containing 45 pages, so load time could be higher than normal and dependent on your internet speed and service.
A quote directly from the EPA Plan EJ 2014 Progress Report.
“Also establish partnerships with local, state, tribal, and federal governments and organizations to achieve healthy and sustainable communities.”
So, the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY is establishing partnerships with our LOCAL officials and/or associations. Read the first paragraph again. Federal agencies are required to adjust their programs, policies, and activities concerning the environment. One way the EPA plans to do this is by incorporating Environmental Justice in its permitting process. If they grant a permit, they can TAKE AWAY that permit… or NOT grant it in the first place. This is one small example of the way U.N. Agenda 21 is implemented locally, statewide, nationwide, and PLANET-wide. They will be trying to take control over many of our rights that already exist. We cannot allow this to happen.
Unless we get involved locally, especially by attending Quorum Court and City Council meetings, I think we can safely say that we’ll see more stringent permit conditions as well as some stiff rulemaking policies coming forth from our Quorum Courts and City Councils. Exclusive original jurisdiction belongs to the elected Justices of the Peace, NOT the Association of Counties who oversee our elected officials.
Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas