We sent the FOIA Request below to Jonesboro Mayor Harold Perrin and City Clerk Donna Jackson today. PLEASE do the same! Create a new email, then write your name at the bottom of the letter before emailing it to them – or you may mail the request to them. Be sure to sign your name on the letter if you do so.
***begin FOIA Template***
September 16, 2014
RE: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request
City of Jonesboro, Mayor Harold Perrin
Attn: Mayor Harold Perrin, hperrin@jonesboro.org
Attn: Jonesboro City Clerk Donna K. Jackson djackson@jonesboro.org
300 S. Church St.
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Dear Mayor Perrin and City Clerk Jackson,
Per the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act 93 of 1967, I am requesting the following information:
- A copy of all grant applications pertaining to the Jonesboro Metropolitan Planning Commission filed with the State of Arkansas, US Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGO).
- A copy of all grant applications pertaining to the Jonesboro Greensboro/Greensborough Village Town Center Plan filed with the State of Arkansas, US Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGO).
- A copy of all approved grants received pertaining to Jonesboro Planning Commission from the State of Arkansas, US Government and NGO’s.
- A copy of all approved grants received pertaining to Jonesboro Greensboro/Greensborough Village Town Center Plan from the State of Arkansas, US Government and NGO’s.
- Copy of all correspondence from US Mail, email’s and telephone communications pertaining to the Jonesboro Metropolitan Planning Organization.
- Copy of all correspondence from US Mail, email’s and telephone communications pertaining to the Jonesboro Greensboro/Greensborough Village Town Center Plan.
- A copy of all correspondence between the City of Jonesboro and the developers pertaining to the Jonesboro Metropolitan Planning Commission and the Jonesboro Greensboro/Greensborough Village Town Center Plan.
- A copy of all the financial sheets showing the total funds expended through September 15, 2014 for both the Jonesboro Metropolitan Planning Commission and the Jonesboro Greensboro/Greensborough Village Town Center Plan.
- Copy of all correspondence pertaining to the Jonesboro Metropolitan Planning Commission/ Jonesboro Greensboro/Greensborough Village Town Center Plan and the Jonesboro Planning & Zoning Department.
Please make these available electronically.
Please note Arkansas Code 25-19-104 Penalty – any person who negligently violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.
(Your name and contact info)
Cc: Jonesboro City Clerk
***end FOIA Template***