This is a friendly reminder to call/email/fax/text/Tweet/Facebook contact your Arkansas state senators and ask them to support HB1355 (An Act To Provide Local Control Over Fluoride Levels In Water Systems). It passed on the House floor on 2/19/2015 (60 YEAS, 34 NAYS and 6 Non-Voting) and is headed to the Senate_Committee_on_Public_Health,_Welfare,_and_Labor to be heard tomorrow, Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 10:00 a.m!
Please start contacting the Senate Public Health Committee members immediately and ask them to support HB1355 and to vote YEA when the bill comes up. There are only eight lawmakers on the committee, and their contact information shown is below. We will need five votes to get it out of committee and sent to the senate floor. PLEASE don’t let this bill die in the Senate committee!
Senators, it is in your ballpark now. Let’s not disappoint the people that expect a return to local control. Please check with your own local communities, water operators, and quorum courts that support local control. Please be considerate of your own constituents.
Remember: This bill allows local control of the addition of fluoride into our public drinking water systems.
The Senators and Representatives who voted Nay instead of YEA on HB1355 are telling you that they know what is best for you and are making decisions about your health, whether you agree with them or not! We should have never had a state mandate in the first place! Most individuals do not like to hear this type of official order coming down from the Arkansas State government.
The status of HB1355 can be found by clicking here.
The House vote can be displayed by clicking here.
Here is the list of committee members that you need to start calling immediately! They must be contacted by all means of communication. The bill could be scrapped tomorrow if you do not keep the heat on! This is your last chance, so be sure to make every effort.
Ask them to support HB1355 and to vote YEA when the bill comes up tomorrow morning.
Staff Member Phil Price |
Secretary Juanita Witham |
Attorney Michael Feehan Jessica Beel |
Be sure to forward this email to your family and friends! Our health is important!
They may also sign up to receive our Action Alerts by clicking here.
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Secure Arkansas