How did Act 197 (the water fluoridation mandate) get passed in the first place? Were the legislators presented with false evidence which swayed their votes?
We’ve been asking these questions ever since the fluoridation mandate was passed by the Arkansas legislature in 2011.
At the Arkansas Joint Health Committee meeting on October 5, 2015, Dr. Nate Smith of the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) testified very generally that a study was done in two communities in Arkansas (one fluoridated and one non-fluoridated) and claimed that there was a “50% decrease in dental costs in the fluoridated community”, BUT he never mentioned the names of those communities nor any specifics! Based on his vague statements, Secure Arkansas wanted to find out more information, specifically the name of the study and a copy of it in printed format.
Verifiable proof of these two separate but parallel studies was requested from the ADH by Secure Arkansas via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The ADH has stated that these studies were done during a time in which Lynn Mouden was the ADH Director of Oral Health, but documentation of the studies cannot be found and seems to be non-existent.
Here is the information that Secure Arkansas requested from the ADH on November 10, 2015:
names of the individuals and organizations who participated in and/or conducted this survey. If this survey/study was peer reviewed please send publication.
all data related to this survey including the number of dental professionals that provide dental services in these 2 counties
any income comparisons of each county’s population
records of the dates these 2 counties were fluoridated
any follow up surveys done after the non fluoridated county became fluoridated
The reply we received from Reginald Rogers of ADH was: “Please find attached an article regarding what you requested. It was not peer reviewed. There were no income comparisons to our knowledge.”
Later, on November 24, 2015, we also asked Mr. Rogers of ADH for this information:
Provide a copy of the dental screening request made by Perry County Hometown Health Coalition to the Arkansas Department of Health, Office of Oral Health in 2002.
Provide a copy of the response sent from the Arkansas Department of Health, Office of Oral Health, to Perry County Hometown Health Coalition concerning the dental screening request.
Provide a copy of the dental screening request made by any school in Morrilton, Arkansas to the Arkansas Department of Health, Office of Oral Health, in 2002.
Provide a copy of the response sent from the Arkansas Department of Health, Office of Oral Health, to the Morrilton, Arkansas school concerning the dental screening request.
Neither of the two FOIA requests above from Secure Arkansas to the ADH were ever fulfilled.
The following is a direct quote from Oral Health in Arkansas: The Facts Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) in which the ADH actually referenced the non-existent ADH Oral Health report/survey/study from 2002:
“Two separate but parallel studies were conducted in Morrilton and Perry County, Arkansas. The data from these neighboring communities, on opposite sides of the Arkansas River, vividly showcase the efficacy of water fluoridation. In January of 2002, elementary school students in Perryville, Casa and Ann Watson schools received dental screenings at the request of the Perry County Hometown Health Coalition. In October of 2002, all kindergarten students from the City of Morrilton also received a dental screening at the request of the school. Comparing the data from fluoridated Morrilton to the data on the same age students in Perry County showed twice the decay rate for non-fluoridated Perry County children.”
As you may recall from several of our past alerts, due to the lack of evidence provided by the ADH, Secure Arkansas challenged the ADH regarding their claim that studies were conducted. As we’ve mentioned several times before, it is Secure Arkansas’ belief that these 2002 dental screening studies that were supposedly conducted for elementary students in schools in Perry County and Morrilton, Arkansas never existed! We believe the data was falsified based on interviews from witnesses that were actually present at the time the surveys were supposedly conducted in each school district!
Witnesses claim the 2002 dental screenings/study never happened at Morrilton Elementary
Witnesses from Perry County, Anne Watson Elementary in Bigelow claim that no study/dental screenings were done in their school in 2002
Witnesses from Perry-Casa Elementary (now merged into Two Rivers Elementary) claim they did not remember any 2002 study/dental screenings done there or at that time
And, in fact, the schools themselves have NO record that the survey/studies were ever performed, and to date, we cannot find even one person that remembers any dental screenings or surveys done in that area of Arkansas for this “2002 Study”.
This brings us to the BIG NEWS! Recently, Secure Arkansas has secured numerous signed affidavits from witnesses employed by the schools in which the alleged 2002 dental screenings/surveys were performed.
These affidavits state that the dental surveys/studies/reports WERE NEVER PERFORMED!
These affidavits were personally hand-delivered to Governor Hutchinson’s office on December 18, 2015.
Reginald Rogers of the ADH has notified us: “I have been informed that since the study occurred many years ago, there are no documents that can be located. That data does not have to be maintained.”
So, they aren’t required to keep such dental screening data on file, but the Arkansas Year 2000 Statewide Oral Health Needs Assessment Survey states on page 2:
“Because little data has ever been collected on oral health needs within Arkansas, the first challenge was to collect baseline data on oral health. With an appropriate database, decisions can be made to guide dental public health policy. To that end, during the spring of 2000, the Department provided support for a statewide oral health needs assessment. In addition, data is necessary for reporting to agencies of the federal government.”
Also, according to the Arkansas Oral Health Plan 2012-2015, page 22 states:
Recommendation 2.10. “Create and maintain an oral health surveillance system for use by policy makers and program planners to most effectively address the oral health needs of Arkansans across the lifespan.”
“ACROSS THE LIFESPAN”… but how, exactly, are they going to track this if no records exist?
If the oral health needs of Arkansans across the lifespan is so important, why did ADH not maintain all past data that has been gathered?
Just to remind you: Dr. Lynn Mouden, who was the director of the Arkansas Department of Health (AHD) Office of Oral Health, used these non-existent dental studies (referenced above) in an attempt to prove that people in a non-fluoridated area have more cavities than a fluoridated area.
Dr. Lynn Mouden
Former Arkansas Oral Health Director
Current Chief Dental officer for U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Telephone: 410-786-4126
Secure Arkansas reviewed the 2011 IRS 990 filing of Delta Dental of Arkansas and found that Mouden was a Director of Delta Dental at the same time he was director of the AHD Office of Oral Health.
The Harrison Daily Times also reviewed the filing and found Dr. Lynn Mouden’s name listed as a director of Delta Dental. This is a direct conflict of interest between the AHD, Delta Dental, and Dr. Lynn Mouden, Director of Oral Health of the ADH in 2011.
Mouden moved on to become the Chief Dental Officer for the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 2012. This man has travelled all the way from Weston, Missouri, to Washington D.C! That’s quite a step up for a small town Missouri dentist!
We want to remind you that the Delta Dental Foundation provides the grant money for the startup costs for all fluoridation installation, and the Delta Dental Plan of Arkansas transferred these startup costs to Delta Dental Foundation of Arkansas.
This article shows that bogus studies/reports were used to pass the Arkansas Fluoride Mandate bill SB359/Act197. It also seems that this same bogus information appears in many of the pro-fluoride reports that were used to sell this toxic water fluoridation to the legislators and public. It is also believed that Dr. Lynn Mouden used this bogus data to land a job in the Washington, DC area as Chief Dental Officer at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS/CMCS).
Hopefully, this information can be used to correct this injustice on the public which is harming the environment, humans, plants, and animals.
In closing, since the fluoride mandate was based on a false report, then we must have the governor nullify and void ACT 197. Also, fluoride is now listed as a neurotoxin, so a call for a moratorium on water fluoridation in Arkansas is in order.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas