Secure Arkansas is requesting that the Arkansas Senate STOP this bad bill — SB 373 — immediately — Friday, March 31, 2017. SB 373 is an ANTI- Freedom of Information Act bill!
It is your responsibility, Arkansas senators, to protect our ability to access information. We do NOT want bureaucrats hiding huge amounts of OUR public records!
This bill CREATES a new attorney-client communication and work-product exemption for both current and future litigation that would allow bureaucrats to hide an infinite quantity of the taxpayers public records!
Senators, you probably noticed the plethora of attorneys from the University of Arkansas hanging around the Capitol recently. They are there — and are being paid Big Bucks from TAXPAYER MONEY — to support the University of Arkansas’ position on SB 373, NOT We the People. They don’t want Freedom of Information. They want to limit taxpayer access to public records! You must ask yourself: why is that?
“[The University of Arkansas] has ALWAYS been an enemy of freedom of information. The system and Fayetteville campus will turn out a phalanx of lawyers to defeat the little citizen who dares to challenge them. The Arkansas Times learned that when they filled the courtroom with $300-an-hour lawyers to defeat our effort to find out what promises they'd made to the Walton family in return for a $300 million gift. (A lot, it turned out.)”
(That’s a snippet taken from this Arkansas Times story.)
Remember, it’s our tax dollars (almost $200,000 a year) that fund the General Counsel, Joann Maxey, of the University of Arkansas! And that’s not all. Click here for the College/University Budget Summaries over the years. What are the colleges and universities trying to hide?
Help save our ability – and our legal right – to request FOIA’s! The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that provides the public the right to request access information from:
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We’ve made it as simple as we can for our readers to contact these legislators with this important information.
Stay tuned!
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas