Hurricane Harvey is absolutely devastating the east coast of Texas including Houston, Galveston, Corpus Christi, and other cities in that area. MILLIONS of people are being affected! Could Hurricane Harvey have been manipulated and weaponized, resulting in the largest disaster and flood ever to hit Texas? Secure Arkansas believes it’s being geoengineered, dear readers! Our weather can be directed and amplified! And air flows are being guided!
Let’s get to the bottom of what’s happening, shall we?
We know that the weather has been predicted and forecasted for some time…. but it IS possible to MODIFY, weaken, intensity, and direct weather in addition to merely forecasting it. Here is a research paper presented to the Air Force in August 1996 titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025”.
Here is snippet from page 9:
NOAA’s plans include extensive data gathering programs such as Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) and Doppler weather surveillance systems deployed throughout the US. Data from these sensing systems feed into over 100 forecast centers for processing by the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS), which will provide data communication, processing, and display capabilities for extensive forecasting. In addition, NOAA has leased a Cray C90 supercomputer capable of performing over 1.5×10 operations per second that has already been used to run a Hurricane Prediction System.
[Highlighted font, Secure Arkansas’]
And from page VI more towards the beginning of the paper:
In 2025, US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to warfighting applications. Such a capability offers the warfighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible. It provides opportunities to impact operations across the full spectrum of conflict and is pertinent to all possible futures. The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather-modification system to achieve military objectives rather than to provide a detailed technical road map.
[Highlighted and bold font, Secure Arkansas’]
So, they’re planning to use weather modification for military purposes… Is this weather warfare?
If you are still having your doubts about weather modification, whether it is real or NOT, then you must read the following article entitled: “Weather Modification Operations with NEXRAD Level-II Data and Products”. In that article under item 3 Decision Support System, there is a part that will clarify that weather modification is a real occurrence:
The Texas Weather Modification Association (TWMA), Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) and Weather Decision Technologies, Inc (WDT) have designed a Hydromet Decision Support System (HDSS) to support weather modification field operations in Texas and Oklahoma. The system depends on the NEXRAD wideband or Level-II data, the highest resolution data produced by the national network of S-Band radars.
Click here for public pdf copy from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) map (shown above) of the NEXRAD Towers covering the U.S.
NEXRAD stands for Next-Generation Radar and the system “currently comprises 160 sites throughout the United States and select overseas locations.”
Also, look at this! It’s an X-BAND being towed by ship out to sea for weather modification, pictured below leaving Pearl Harbor (and it can be towed anywhere to create weird weather modification):
Is there really weather modification going on now? Yes, and we do believe it has been going on for many years… so, unfortunately they can actually alter the weather! And yes, they have a type of weather management using a space-based power system. See this patent filed March 12, 2010: Patent: US 201002246996
This is a type of space-born energy! Here’s what the abstract says from the patent # 201002246996:
Space-based power system and method of altering weather using space-born energy. The space-based power system maintains proper positioning and alignment of system components without using connecting structures. Power system elements are launched into orbit, and the free-floating power system elements are maintained in proper relative alignment, e.g., position, orientation, and shape, using a control system. Energy from the space-based power system is applied to a weather element, such as a hurricane, and alters the weather element to weaken or dissipate the weather element. The weather element can be altered by changing a temperature of a section of a weather element, such as the eye of a hurricane, changing airflows, or changing a path of the weather element.
[Highlighted font, Secure Arkansas’]
When you closely examine the document on the patent itself (linked above), you can see exactly how they are manipulating our weather! This information can be found on page 12. Yes, they can alter or increase our weather.
Shown below is information about a NEWER patent (filed May 26, 2011) for modifying weather — referenced in the patent linked above:
Citing Patent |
Filing date |
Publication date |
Applicant |
Title |
May 26, 2011 |
Nov 29, 2012 |
Qasem Al-Qaffas |
Method and System for Reducing Distructive Forces of a Hurricane |
* Cited by examiner
The Title says “Method and System for Reducing Distructive [sic] Forces of a Hurricane”… but if they’re reducing, they could also be increasing the forces of weather.
(Note: they misspelled “destructive”. That wasn’t Secure Arkansas’ mistake.)
Is this like the “Silver Lining Project” that Bill Gates has talked about in the past?
This 20-minute YouTube video shows the Silver Lining Project-aerosol-cloud-
The outline in the video presented by Hailong Wang revealed a lot of intriguing information including:
Geoengineering: deliberate manipulation of the Earth’s climate to counteract the effect of global warming by GHCs
Solar radiation management
Marine cloud albedo enhancement
Seawater spray
Ocean sulfur cycle enhancement
Stratospheric aerosols
Cool roof
Space shade
Cirrus cloud seeding
GHC removal
Limiting arctic sea ice loss
Ocean heat transport
Stratospheric aerosols were mentioned in that list… Could these be the chemtrails? Oh, the chemtrails!!! LOOK UP, everybody! Do see the lines and Xs in the sky? Those are NOT the dissipating contrails but instead are nasty chemtrails.
Who’s one of the villains funding part of this? Of course, the infamous Bill Gates!
Bill Gates Announces funding for sea water-spraying cloud machines
Notice the picture below of the water vapour generating machines from the May 2010 article:
You’ve heard the saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
More to see from this older patent from 2007: US 20100074390 A1, the “Method for weather modification and vapor generator for weather modification”.
Notice this from the abstract:
A nuclear fusion reactor (2) or nuclear fission reactor (22) is used as a heat source. A heat exchanger (11 or 37) that contains water to be heated (15) is used for water vapor generation. A circulating pipe (10 or 26) through which a fluid for cooling the nuclear fusion reactor or nuclear fission reactor or for conducting heat exchange circulates is disposed so as to extend in the heat exchanger and be in contact with the water to be heated. Water vapor is thus generated. This water vapor is jetted toward the sky at a state of collimation through a vapor discharge pipe (12 or 36). A cloud for blocking sunlight is formed in the sky from the water vapor jetted to reduce the temperature of the earth surface. This enables a weather modification without discharging any greenhouse gas, e.g., CO2.
[Highlighted font, Secure Arkansas’]
Here’s a document from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) on cloud brightening from 2012. Here’s an excerpt:
Marine cloud brightening
The idea behind the marine cloud-brightening (MCB) geoengineering technique is that seeding marine stratocumulus clouds with copious quantities of roughly monodisperse sub-micrometre seawater particles might significantly enhance the cloud droplet number concentration, and thereby the cloud albedo and possibly longevity.
Shown below is a picture of the result of strange weather in France. Notice how the water has pulled back from the beach! Is this an anticyclone?
According to NASA:
“An anticyclone is a high-pressure weather system. The air above an anticyclone descends. In the northern hemisphere, a clockwise rotation develops around the anticyclone center. In the southern hemisphere, a counterclockwise rotation develops around an anticyclone. In general, the weather is usually clear and good within high-pressure areas.”
Here’s a web article entitled: “NASA Satellite Pictures Prove Our Weather Is Manipulated” and here is a picture, but be sure to click the link to see the other images.
Could there be corporations involved in this scheme? Sure, there are, and they seem to get grant money from the taxpayers!
Here are some of the corporations about whom we know that are involved in weather modification:
North American Weather Consultants, Inc (The world’s largest standing private weather modification company)
See this NASA document! “The Evolving Landscape of the 21st Century American Spaceflight”:
Page 17 of this document pridefully boasts the names of some of the global elite and corporations like Amazon, Microsoft, and Space X.
See this patent filed on June 7, 1995 on the Satellite Weather Modification System (SWMS): “Use of artificial satellites in earth orbits adaptively to modify the effect that solar radiation would otherwise have on earth’s weather”
Quoting the patent document above:
This invention is based on the realization that natural weather patterns always leave opportunities to permit regional weather modifications which are within the capabilities of the proposed Satellite Weather Modification System (SWMS). A fully developed SWMS has the potential to provide the following benefits.
1. Modify cooling, warming, or precipitations of selected regions of earth, thus modifying local and/or global weather patterns.
[Highlighted font, Secure Arkansas’]
Speaking of space and weather, the Solaren Corporation announced the next phase of their Space Solar Development Program on June 8, 2016. (Space Solar Program, SSP).
Head of the Solaren Corporation is Gary T. Spirnak: Founder, Chairman, President, and CEO.
He has the first commercially viable space solar power company!
His bio (found here) says he was with Boeing Satellite Systems and was the spacecraft engineer at Cape Canaveral AFS. It is touted on the company’s website that, “he successfully led a large spacecraft launch processing team of government and contractor personnel for a multi-billion dollar DOD satellite that flew on the space shuttle. In addition, Mr. Spirnak supported DOD and NASA Space Shuttle Launches, as well as USAF Delta and Titan launch operations in both technical and management roles.”
Also,the co-founder of Soleran and its Vice President and Chief Engineer, Dr. James Rogers, works with NASA and DOD!
Notice the timeline: Then, on August 12, 2016, Russia announced the issuance of a Space Power System patent to Solaren Corporation. With this patent, “Solaren now has key enabling Space Solar Power systems patents in all of the world’s major space-faring countries.”
Partnering with the government for profit, perhaps?
Are the “powers that be” attempting to force people off the coastlines? We think there will be many more experiments in the sky and on the earth to come… (Our air, food, water, and health are also being affected.)
Shown directly below is what we think is a complete list of U.S. Patents on weather modification. Please note, this all started in 1891. This is no mistake! We do mean 1891, and there are multiple pages of patents, so keep scrolling and clicking to read about them:
Weather Modification Patents
1920 – 1338343 – process and apparatus for the production of intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists
1927 – 1619183 – process of producing smoke clouds from moving aircraft
1932 – 1892132 – atomizing attachment for airplane engine exhausts
1933 – 1928963 – electrical system and method (for spraying chemtrails)
1941 – 2232728 – method and composition for dispelling vapors
1941 – 2257360 – desensitized pentaerythritol tetranitrate explosive
1946 – 2395827 – airplane spray unit (us. dept. of agriculture)
1950 – 2527230 – method of crystal formation and precipitation
1951 – 2570867 – method of crystal formation and precipitation (general electric)
1952 – 2582678 – material disseminating apparatus for airplanes
1953 – 2633455 – smoke generator
1954 – 2688069 – steam generator
1957 – 2801322 – decomposition chamber for monopropellant fuel
1958 – 2835530 – process for the condensation of atmospheric humidity and dissolution of fog
1959 – 2881335 – generation of electrical fields (haarp – for re-charging clouds!)
1959 – 2908442 – method for dispersing natural atmospheric fogs and clouds
1960 – 2962450 – fog dispelling composition (see references)
1962 – 3044911 – propellant system
1962 – 3056556 – method of artificially influencing the weather
1964 – 3120459 – composite incendiary powder containing metal coated oxidizing salts
1964 – 3126155 – silver iodide cloud seeding generator (main commercial ingrediant)
1964 – 3131131 – electrostatic mixing in microbial conversions
1966 – 3257801 – pyrotechnic composition comprising solid oxidizer, boron and aluminum additive and binder
1966 – 3274035 – metallic composition for production of hydroscopic smoke
1967 – 3300721 – means for communication through a layer of ionized gases (haarp)
1967 – 3338476 – heating device for use with aerosol containers
1968 – 3410489 – automatically adjustable airfoil spray system with pump
1969 – 3429507 – rainmaker
1969 – 3430533 – aircraft dispenser pod having self-sealing ejection tubes
1969 – 3432208 – fluidized particle dispenser (us air force)
1969 – 3437502 – titanium dioxide pigment coated with silica and aluminum (dupont)
1969 – 3445844 – trapped electromagnetic radiation communications system (haarp – raytheon)
1969 – 3456880 – method of producing precipitation from the atmosphere
1970 – 3534906 – control of atmospheric particles (dow chemical co)
1971 – 3564253 – system and method for irradiation of planet surface areas (space solar mirrors)
1971 – 3608820 – treatment of atmospheric conditions by intermittent dispensing of materials therein
1972 – 3647710 – method for dispersing fog with phosphate salt compositions
1972 – 3659785 – weather modification utilizing microencapsulated material (gross)
1972 – 3677840 – pyrotechnics comprising oxide of silver for weather modification use
1972 – 3690552 – fog dispersal
1973 – 3722183 – device for clearing impurities from the atmosphere
1973 – 3769107 – pyrotechnic composition for generating lead based smoke (are you serious?)
1974 – 3813875 – rocket having barium release system to create ion clouds in the upper atmosphere (nasa)
1974 – 3835293 – electrical heating aparatus for generating super heated vapors
1975 – 3877642 – freezing nucleant
1976 – 3990987 – smoke generator
1976 – 3994437 – broadcast dissemination of trace quantities of biologically active chemicals
1978 – 4129252 – method and apparatus for production of seeding materials
1979 – 4141274 – weather modification automatic cartridge dispenser
1982 – 4347284 – white cover sheet material capable of reflecting ultraviolet rays
1983 – 4412654 – laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids
1983 – 4415265 – method and apparatus for aerosol particle absorption spectroscopy
1984 – 4470544 – method of and means for weather modification
1986 – 4600147 – liquid propane generator for cloud seeding apparatus
1987 – 4643355 – method and apparatus for modification of climatic conditions
1987 – 4704942 – charged aerosol (anti-airborne biological warfare agent)
1988 – 4744919 – method of dispersing particulate aerosol tracer
1988 – 4766725 – method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
1989 – 4829838 – method and apparatus for the measurement of the size of particles entrained in a gas
1989 – 4836086 – apparatus and method for the mixing and diffusion of warm and cold air for dissolving fog
1989 – 4873928 – nuclear-sized explosions without radiation (haarp – raytheon)
1990 – 4948257 – laser optical measuring device and method for stabilizing fringe pattern spacing
1990 – 4948050 – liquid atomizing apparatus for aerial spraying
1990 – 4959559 – (united states) electromagnetic or other directed energy pulse launcher
1991 – 4999637 – creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth (haarp – raytheon)
1991 – 5003186 – stratospheric welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
1991 – 5005355 – method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
1991 – 5041760 – method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration
1991 – 5056357 – acoustic method for measuring properties of a mobile medium
1991 – 5059909 – determination of particle size and electrical charge
1992 – 5104069 – apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraft
1992 – 5110502 – method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
1992 – 5156802 – inspection of fuel particles with acoustics
1992 – 5174498 – cloud seeding
1994 – 5286979 – process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin (wow!)
1994 – 5327222 – displacement information detecting apparatus
1994 – 5360162 – method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water
1995 – 5434667 – characterization of particles by modulated dynamic light scattering
1997 – 5628455 – method and apparatus for modification of supercooled fog
1997 – 5631414 – method and device for remote diagnostics of ocean-atmosphere system state
1999 – 5922976 – method of measuring aerosol particles using automated mobility-classified aerosol detector
1999 – 5949001 – method for aerodynamic particle size analysis
1999 – 5984239 – weather modification by artificial satellites (space)
2000 – 6030506 – preparation of independently generated highly reactive chemical species
2000 – 6034073 – solvent detergent emulsions having antiviral activity
2000 – 6056203 – method and apparatus for modifying supercooled clouds
2000 – 6110590 – synthetically spun silk nanofibers and a process for making the same
2001 – 6263744 – automated mobility-classified-aerosol detector
2001 – 6281972 – method and apparatus for measuring particle-size distribution
2002 – 6382526 – process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers
2002 – 6408704 – aerodynamic particle size analysis method and apparatus
2002 – 6412416 – propellant-based aerosol generation devices and method (us army)
2003 – 6520425 – process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers
2003 – 6539812 – system for measuring the flow-rate of a gas by means of ultrasound
2003 – 6569393 – method and device for cleaning the atmosphere
2007 –20100074390 – Method for weather modification and vapor generator for weather modification
2011 – 7965488 – methods of removing aerosols from the atmosphere (ionizing antennas)
2011 – 20120298654 – Method and system for reducing destructive force of a hurricane.
Geoengineering Patents
1991 – Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
1999 – 6200530 – Water-buoyant particulate materials containing micro nutrients for phytoplankton
2001 – Method of sequestering carbon dioxide with spiral fertilization
2011 – 20120298654 – Method and system for reducing destructive force
You may want to copy and paste the patent list above. The hotlinks should transfer…
When checking for more patents, we found this bizarre Star Wars-type invention patent from Rick Martin (Feb. 12, 2015): US9346563 B1
Abstract of the patent:
A plurality of orbiting solar generators stay in constant touch. They can be congregated rapidly in space at any desired secret location. Once congregated they all discharge their energy to a death star. This death star could be a newly launched ICBM. A laser generator uses this newly acquired energy on the death star to project a non-nuclear laser ray to a target. The target could be a city, a ship or a satellite. In the event of an asteroid approaching earth, this system could destroy an asteroid. In peacetime the orbiting solar generators could supply electric power to an earth based power grid.
Because the weather can be – and is being – manipulated, we believe the “powers that be” had the ability to use it for GOOD and to help the people in the Houston/ Galveston/ Corpus Christi area rather than to allow a devastating hurricane to bring such destruction on them… This cabal needs to be exposed. News reports have stated that it will take years for the hurricane-damaged areas to recover.
In summary, if you’re still in doubt regarding the validity and occurrence of weather modification, be sure to go back through the article and click on all of the patents again.
We should all be outraged about weather modification! But don’t just get angry… get busy doing something about it! Call your U.S. Congressmen and Senators, as well as every state legislator in the country, and share this information and this article with them. We can’t just sit back and be “We the Sheeple” and not do anything. Also share this article with everyone you know via email, social media, and the good ol’ fashioned way — word of mouth! Prayer is very powerful, and so is ACTION.
As always, you can find our email articles posted on our website: The Search box is a handy tool. For more information about a topic, just type it into the Search box on our website, and click Enter!
Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas