Update on Huntsville School District Sex Scandal
There will be a court hearing on Monday, Nov. 8, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at the Madison County Courthouse: Plantiff, Ben Rightsell (Parent) vs. the Huntsville School Board. The address for the Madison County Courthouse is 201 West Main Street, Huntsville, Arkansas 72740. Phone 479-738-2215
If you live within a reasonable driving distance, please attend this very important hearing and support the parents and children of this lawsuit. There needs to be standing-room-only in that courtroom.
You might also want to attend the school board meeting on November 15 at 7:00 pm.
There are 17 victims — 9th graders sexually assaulting 8th graders in the basketball locker rooms. (Secure Arkansas believes there could be more victims than this.) There is no way that parents in this state will put up with this type of disgraceful behavior against their children, and it needs to be rectified quickly!
Also, petitions are being circulated for the Resignation of the School Board that will be presented at the next board meeting on November 15 at 7:00 pm. If you’d like to sign the petition, contact us, and we will assist you.
The Huntsville School Board and coaches need to resign! They have completely failed in protecting the children that attend their school… let alone attempting to cover it up and hide it.
Our heartfelt prayers go out to all of the children and parents involved in this sex scandal. These parents sent their kids off to school with a reasonable expectation that they would be protected, but those children were abused… These boys have been through great trauma… and some of them may be receiving threats.
If there are any other parents in any other school districts whose children are facing these types of abuses and who would like to seek counsel, you can contact Attorney Joey McCutchen at his office: (479) 783-0036 or Toll Free: (800) 871-0036.
And if there are more of you who want to come forward, PLEASE do so. Now is the time.
Read the articles below for more information.
Huntsville School District faces more scrutiny from sexual abuse allegations — a KNWA news article and short VIDEO from Oct. 22, 2021
District Asks Court to Seal Federal Case — Filing says lawsuit likely to identify students involved — article from Oct. 26, 2021
“Huntsville School District: Seal Sex-Abuse Case” — from Oct. 26, 2021
Madison County Record Files Motion to Keep Records Regarding Huntsville Schools’ Sexual Assault Lawsuit Open — a KNWA news article; updated Oct. 28, 2021, including a short VIDEO
Here are some more important and shocking details that you may want to know from a parent of a victim at Huntsville High School, in Huntsville Arkansas. Be sure to click the links:
Board members are still working to hide the case. We have moved forward and have pending title 9 violations, which constituted felonies. Monday our district pushed to gag our lawyer, and parents. So much more has come to surface with released text messages between the board and staff.
Parents are pushing for answers in our school district. Our school board is attempting to hide sexual assaults that took place in our school, as well as games in towns around us since at least 2019. Our Title 9 investigation was a joke! Recommendations were made by the investigators/school admins, but the school board overruled the recommendations. Not one of our perpetrators has been disciplined, or faced criminal charges that weren’t overturned. We did have two of the boys admit guilt in January. They took the fall for the “silver spooned”. It was recommended that they be expelled for the rest of the semester and the following school year. Recommendations were released to the victims and the public. Sexual assault/abuse class were to be done before the school year started by the perpetrators (never happened). A secret board meeting was held, and the expulsions were cleared. The two that came forward, took the fall for the group while the others haven’t seen any punishment.
17 boys have been assaulted by 8 peers in their locker room. It has taken place for over a number of years. A total of 52 boys were questioned; many were scared to come forward. Perpetrators are children of influential individuals in the community. Certain board members who have nephews who have been identified as perpetrators have refused to recuse themselves or resign, and has intimidated victims when being questioned by the Title 9 investigators/ board.
There are lawsuits in place. Including multiple FIOA violations which the superintendent admitted guilt, conducting secret board meetings, and not informing victims or media. Currently, perps are still in school, still in sports, and have continued to threaten the victims. It wasn’t until lawsuits were filed, that a statement was released by the DA, criminal charges are being reviewed. The District Attorney, Matt Durrett, has been reviewing this case since June 11, 2021. One boy was assaulted over 10 times throughout the basketball season. Not even a reported mandate was filed for months after the assault was known. It was NOT reported to the Child Abuse Hotline nor DHS. After a lawsuit was filed by Attorney Joey McCutchen, an investigation began, a basketball coach that was informed, and participated in the questioning resigned the first week of August.
We also have a second coach that has resigned with possible charges, for inviting the girls volleyball team to his home to clean, in exchange for alcohol, and girls being assaulted while being intoxicated. We also have pending charges from November 2020, regarding a bus driver arrested for drunk driving while operating a bus full of children.
A picture comment from the paper with the superintendent’s comment to the board president is shown below. Parents are being ignored!
For a more complete story, read these articles:
A CLOSER LOOK: Huntsville schools basketball players practiced ‘baptizing’ to ‘bean dipping,’ per Title IX investigation — from KNWA June 11, 2021
EXCLUSIVE: ‘I think a whole bunch of people need to be fired.’ Huntsville student says ‘baptizing’ continued after investigations started — a victim statement; article from KNWA July 16, 2021
More FOIA violations come to light from Huntsville School District — from 5News Oct. 22, 2021
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Secure Arkansas