RegionSmart Development will be covered by layers of shadow government of which you might not be aware. We are dealing with an insidious land grab, an eminent domain dark entity that seeks to concentrate power into the hands of the globalists who are working with the United Nations to consolidate everything across the planet and place all political power in the hands of a One World Government. This is to be done on a global and national level, dear reader. Systematically, this small global group is set to control the world with a mighty military force to back them. We do not want to give all ownership and control to the deep state and the sinister technocratic elite that controls it.
Some good news before the bad: Secure Arkansas acknowledges Mississippi state Representatives Steve Hopkins (R-Southaven) and Dana Criswell (R-Olive Branch) for exposing this whole mess that could have been a disaster for Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Good legislators like these are hard to find these days. The RegionSmart bill is dead, thanks to these legislators.
Once legislators started finding out that RegionSmart was linked to the Urban Land Institute (extremely liberal), then this bad piece of legislation died quickly… for now. During the tenure of former President Clinton, he called this “the partnership to reinvent government” and encouraged public-private partnerships, which he clearly knew would take power from elected officials and shift it to appointed agencies. It was Clinton who encouraged it to go to public-private partnerships that have a choke hold over America to this very day!
We momentarily dodged a bullet for now, BUT RegionSmart was established in 2019 as a 501(c)3 for creating an ecosystem of people, projects, and resources so they can build “sustainable” communities in the MidSouth. Let’s keep the spotlight on this unscrupulous Mid-South Mayors’ Council because they are dangerous and still in play, so don’t dismiss them. (You may want to read our previous article about RegionSmart Development here to refresh your memory.)
One of several worthy points that Rep. Hopkins of Mississippi made was that RegionSmart is also tied to a huge asset management company called BlackRock which has trillions of dollars of assets and is considered the world’s largest asset manager.
BlackRock has more power than most governments on earth and controls the Federal Reserve, Wall St. mega-banks like Goldman Sachs, and the World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) Great Reset according to S. William Endeahl. Endeahl is a very savvy strategist, and he wrote a good book called Gods of Money. A small pompous group of men regards themselves, quite literally, as gods — the Gods of Money.
So, we are seeing that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is in partnership with the villainous investment firm BlackRock and has infiltrated the government. Moreover, it seems they are colluding in corporatism, in which an unelected corporate elite dictates and controls top down to “We The People”, the population. To reiterate, they are using people from BlackRock to come in and infiltrate the government. Who appointed members to the detestable Urban Land Institute? BlackRock did.
Secure Arkansas suggests that everyone become aware of how this malevolent company called BlackRock has bought many politicians one way or another and operates stealthily as they go about acquiring property across the globe. BlackRock is purchasing single dwelling homes at an alarming rate, paying up to 50% above asking price so average people cannot purchase them. This is a swift sweeping action, so investment groups will acquire and own them.
Farmers and land owners, please pay attention because we need you! America will need farms all over the country to survive what the criminal elite is doing to this nation. Why are we importing most of our medicine, oil, food, grain, and goods? Our country needs to be self-sufficient. How long will it be before they issue us “Ration Stamps” in this man-made crisis?
You’ll note that the development is called RegionSmart, but beware of anything that uses “SMART” in its title. Most are connected with Sustainable Development or U.N. Agenda 2030 and Agenda 21, associated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, all which will attempt to limit and control your freedom and monitor your daily activities, let alone wipe out jurisdictions that already exist.
Some of the Smart examples are:
Do not EVER give governmental power to an unelected board because it circumvents constitutional authority, and we cannot vote them out.
The scope of one world government will affect us all, and you must be aware of it and be open to a call to action.
Historic clues: TIME Magazine in July 1992 contains a very threatening but revealing quote as to what was quickly transforming our country into something hideous and unrecognizable to the American public. Here is the quote from Strobe Talbot, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State (1994–2001):
“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”
This should have given the American public a slight clue that the global governing elite was trying to end national sovereignty and that this has also been the ghastly goal of the global elite “boards” around the world as they were promoting highly restrictive Sustainable Development practices and a dreadful One World Government, complete with heavy-handed socio-communist rule.
Our Founding Fathers saw this danger, even in their time… Here’s what one of them had to say:
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
— James Madison
Let’s take a look at another layer of a deep state organization that is usurping state government and our ELECTED lawmakers with their compacts…
The Council of State Governments (CSG) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 1933 and which has worked for decades to dismantle America. CSG has a group called National Center for Interstate Compacts (NCIC) which is a policy program developed by CSG. The website says this:
NCIC serves as an information clearinghouse, a provider of training and technical assistance and a primary facilitator in assisting states in the review, revision and creation of new interstate compacts to solve multi-state problems.
Sadly, it appears that our elected officials are merely puppets and are having their strings pulled by the Council of State Governments (CSG) through ugly policies coming down directly from Washington, D.C. bureaucrats via CSG through NACo to AAC (the Association of Arkansas Counties) and then on to the local counties. All of this is being blindly supported via county and states, just like U.N. Agenda 21 has called for repeatedly.
Operating through regionalism that interfaces between federal and state governments: The Council of State Governments (CSG) is located in Lexington, KY, and of course they also maintain an office in Washington, D.C. that tightly monitors federal government activities and their impact on state issues and awful programs. CSG serves all three branches of state government. (CSG was lured away from its original location at 1313 East 60th Street in Chicago, Illinois by the state of Kentucky, which built them a building in Lexington in 1970 and leased it to them for $1 a year.) Their annual dues are paid by each state to support its foul operation. CSG’s mission says itself that it “champions excellence in state governments to advance the common good.” The term “common good” is a socialist term meaning control the world’s wealth and its dumbed-down, lazy population.
The Council of State Governments (CSG) controls the following groups:
A good reference book is entitled “Terrible 1313 Revisited” by Jo Hindman published in 1963, and here is an image of The Metropolitan Government Network in part, also known as the Hindman Wheel (more easily viewed here):
The organization chart of these 22 wolfish NGOs shows “the network”, controlled by CSG and developed by the selfish and powerful Rockefellers, to indoctrinate our public officials and redirect the course of American government so it could be managed by global government. These twenty-two (22) NGOs were originally housed in a building located at 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois. This building was constructed with a $3 million dollar grant from the Rockefeller Foundation as reported in the Spelman Fund Annual Report of 1947-1948. This is where Metropolitan/Regional Government first got its start.
The goal of this ruthless group — CSG — is to work secretly behind the scenes to undermine elected officials and independent thinking, eradicate personal property, destroy constitutional government and our political system, and subvert the sovereignty of the United States. This group is considered the political Mail Order law factory for providing model bills to state, county, and city government. This means that it dictates policy and drafts legislation to make laws the same throughout the United States. This is all part of the global collectivist agenda that the United Nations has been planning since its founding in the 1940s.
Also, remember that the United Nations headquarters in New York City sits on 16 acres of land purchased with an $8 million donation made in 1946 by John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
We have grown weary of the Council of State Governments (CSG) operating in the legislatures across the country. Also, we must remember they use lingo in Sustainable Development phrases will usually sound okay, but when you look into this devilment, you will start seeing trouble.
Do you ever wonder which legislators are working and being controlled by the deep state? We plan to do another article shortly about this, so stay tuned.
Now let’s take a look at what is happening in Phoenix, Arizona regarding their SmartRegion project.
New ‘Smart Region’ Scheme Is Regionalism To Dictate Smart City Makeovers
The Phoenix area Smart Region Initiative [SRI] is a pilot program to see how much sovereignty can be stripped from member cities without a mass uprising by disenfranchised citizens. With no elected officials, SRI seeks domination over 22 cities and 4.2 million people to dictate uniform implementation of Smart City policies and technology.
Here’s a must-watch YouTube video: RegionSmart New Unelected Quasi-Gov Dark Organization (14 minutes long)
RegionSmart Compacts create appointed commissioners or unelected bureaucrats who carry heavy-handed consequences, such as:
These unelected bureaucrats can:
This commission will NOT be accountable to us. Also, the appointed commission would take political power away from cities, counties, and states and operate undercover. They would have the power to borrow money, and we could get stuck having to pay the debt.
This new, worrisome tri-state RegionSmart Development is currently being promoted to improve coordination of transit in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas… but there is more to be than meets the eye: an evil agenda that needs to be exposed behind the scenes. It has ties to the Urban Land Institute, another global non-profit whose mission is to reshape and transform communities worldwide, and also the predatory BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager which advocates for environmental sustainability and diversity issues.
Here is a list of the Mid-South Mayors, Municipalities, and Counties Involved in this tri-state travesty called RegionSmart Development (grouped by state):
Mayors, this bill is dead, so please don’t bring this up again. Don’t try to change the name or rebrand it either.
Corporate supporters of RegionSmart:
The Jonesboro Sun wrote about Mayor Copenhaver, a former Arkansas Legislator of the Democratic Party, helping form the tri-state coalition.
From their article:
In addition to Copenhaver, Jonesboro Grants Director Regina Burkett and Alan Pillow, director of the Northeast Arkansas Regional Transportation Planning Commission, as well as ArDOT director Lorie Tudor, state Highway Commissioner Alec Farmer of Jonesboro and state Sen. Dan Sullivan participated. [Secure Arkansas did visit with Senator Sullivan (from Jonesboro) briefly, and he stated that he would not be supporting any legislation.]
State Sen. Keith Ingram of West Memphis said a third bridge across the Mississippi River is an example of a priority project for this organization.
The yellow highlight above is a comment by Secure Arkansas.
As a reminder from Part 1 of our article on this topic, RegionSmart legislation would create a 3-state governmental agency with eminent domain powers and not subject to any state’s public records laws:
Arkansas SCR1 RegionSmart Tri-State Compact is between the state of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee. The lead corrupt politician of Arkansas SCR1 is
The co-sponsors of SCR1 are:
Note: this Ingram family of politicians that has worked to better themselves while selling the rest of us down the drain: Before Senator Keith Ingram took office, his father, W.K. “Bill” Ingram, was in the Arkansas Senate from 1963 to 1981 and also Keith’s brother, Kent Ingram from 1983 to 1990. Senator Keith Ingram is active in the Chamber of Commerce, a menacing entity that promotes globalist policies. Also, Ingram was one of the founders of the Arkansas Delta Council, another layer of the deep state that is embedded in the state. See more on the Chamber below. Looks like all his schemes have landed Razorback Concrete in 16 cites in Arkansas.
The Tri-State Compact legislation in Tennessee is HB1989 and SB1915.
Senator Page Walley posted this on his facebook Page Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce (Tennessee):
Yesterday, the adult and youth classes of Leadership Lawrence participated in their Annual Day on the Hill. This day is designed to introduce participants to the Tennessee legislative process and give them access to speak to their representatives in a one-on-one setting.
Participants were able to observe sessions in the House and Senate, and witness Mrs. Beth Keaton being honored on the House floor. We heard from Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett, Legislative Librarian Eddie Weeks, and Major Terrell Jackson from Tennessee Highway Patrol. Following these presentations, participants got to speak with Senator Joey Hensley, State Representative Clay Doggett, and State Senator Page Walley who will represent Lawrence County once lines from redistricting are in effect. We took a brief walk to the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry where we met with Mike Krause and Ryan King who work daily with our legislators to maintain a pro business economy and drive Economic Development in our state.
We appreciate everyone that helped plan this day, and those who took time out of their busy schedules to speak to the Leadership Class of 2022!
A special thank you to JDR Studios for tagging along with us and photographing the day!
Our only comment/ question to this Facebook post is this… Senator Walley, why are you exposing young leaders to the corrupt Tennessee Chamber of Commerce, as if that’s a good thing? See more below on the Chamber.
In Mississippi, Senator David Parker was the lawmaker behind SB2716, RegionSmart Development there that set off alarms within that state.
Mississippi Mayor Darren Musselwhite is still backing this compact and needs to be removed from office as quickly as possible.
All mayors and legislative sponsors and co-sponsors of RegionSmart legislation should be held accountable. The RegionSmart Compact would strip the states of their sovereignty.
Tennessee residents, this includes you, too! Be sure you’re contacting your legislators and asking them to pull this legislation!
Arkansas Senate Concurrent Resolution SCR1 was in committee but has died on the calendar, but we should keep an eye out for more legislation that could come up. We’ve heard that Keith Ingram is not planning on running for office again. It’s no wonder, after this type of dangerous legislation is exposed, he might find his campaign in jeopardy.
And it’s important that we see that this is more than about just roads! Look past the propaganda and see this tri-state compact for what it is: globalism.
More recently, people are beginning to connect the dots and make connections between globalism, Sustainable Development, Regional Government, and loss of precious freedom… but some are still unaware.
“In most communities, neither victims, nor the proponents of sustainable development are aware that their plight is part of a global agenda. Indeed, most would scoff at the idea. Nevertheless, the transformation of America is well underway, without public debate or Congressional approval. From watershed, to ecosystem, to village, to city, to multi-county regions, to trans-boundary biospheres- the U.N. agenda is being systematically implemented- with the help of elected officials, paid for with the taxes of American citizens.”
— Henry Lamb, “Why the Government is Grabbing Our Land”
There is also a common thread running through the involvement with RegionSmart Development and that is the corrupt special interest group —the Chamber of Commerce. Do NOT vote for any politician associated with the Chamber of Commerce! So, if the Chamber endorses a certain politician or candidate, stay away from them. The Chamber owns and runs that globalist politician.
If your business is a member of the Chamber of Commerce… get out of it! Stop funding this anti-American organization, dear reader. Their members are participating in this dangerous compact agreement that activates globalism and a land grab. After this man-made Covid-19 pandemic, our small business owners are barely staying afloat, and they are left to compete against large corporations in the marketplace.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a powerful business lobbying group in the U.S. and spends more money on lobbying than any other organization in the U.S. Here are their hired guns/ firms, and here are their hired lobbyists. Finally, here are their globalist clients. Be sure to click on those links to get a better view of this international organization!
We must remember that the Chamber of Commerce does NOT truly represent small businesses. The Chamber supports Big Business and a Global Agenda which includes U.N. Agenda 2030. If you are tired of having the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 crammed down your throat, then stamp out the Chamber of Commerce!
You pay-to-play in this global agenda! Can you not discern the signs of the times?
Here are the cornerstone members of the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce.
Here’s the Mississippi Chamber of Commerce.
Here’s the Arkansas Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber undermines true Americans, believe it or not. And we sit and wonder why this country is in so much trouble…
The National Association of Counties (NACo) is involved with RegionSmart as well.
Part of the global elite, or global governance, is the National Association of Counties (NACo) whose deceptive and misleading slogan is “Stronger counties. Stronger America.” REALLY? Is that a fact? Sounds like a “global term” to Secure Arkansas! The number one goal we hear chanted and very closely controlled by the detestable United Nations nowadays is to “end poverty everywhere”. How are they doing that, you ask? They are really not ending poverty, dear reader. They are simply redistributing wealth. Can’t we see that our middle class wealth and our resources are being redistributed right out from under us? Take heed, because many will lose their footing in the coming days ahead as the One World Government totally manifests itself to the world!
We should also look at Port Authorities such as the New York–New Jersey Port Authority compact and possibly learn some lessons from their history. The New York–New Jersey Port Authority Compact of 1921 is an interstate compact between New Jersey and New York. People are doing a lot of complaining in that area about this Port Authority Compact, but good luck getting rid of this entity.
Who controls the US Ports?
The New York Times wrote that foreign-based companies own and/or manage 30% of US port terminals, and Time Magazine says 80% of the terminals in the Port of Los Angeles are run by foreign-owned companies, including the government of Singapore. The Obama administration proudly signed the agreement in 2012 giving China control of America’s second-largest container port behind the nearby Port of Los Angeles. China is buying up shipping assets and port terminals around the world. At least two-thirds of the world’s top 50 container ports are owned by the Chinese or supported by Chinese investments, up from roughly 20% a decade ago. Those investments include terminals at major U.S. container ports in Los Angeles and Seattle.
There are approximately 360 commercial ports that serve the United States, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. Many of these accommodate ocean-going cargo, as well as barges, ferries, and recreational watercraft.
In closing, we might also want to keep an eye on what’s happening in Northwest Arkansas with their 10-Year Transit Development Plan (TDP) called Connect NWA.
Here’s the executive summary. Unfortunately, globalists want to rid the planet of gasoline driven cars and eventually, all cars.
Regrettably, we are not currently living under laws by the people. We are living under oppressive corporatism via NGOs controlled by the global elite…
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas