In an attempt to make an already badly flawed law, even worse, we strongly recommend that you contact your Arkansas State Representative to tell them to watch SB 247 and delete Sections 12 & 13 from that bill.
In an attempt to make an already badly flawed law, even worse, we strongly recommend that you contact your Arkansas State Representative to tell them to watch SB 247 and delete Sections 12 & 13 from that bill.
HB 1053, The Healthcare Freedom Act, will be heard by the Public Health Committee on Tuesday, January 25th. The Committee meets at 10:00 a.m. in Room 130. For those who can make it down to the Capital next Tuesday morning. Please do! Normally there is a time period given for people to speak either for the bill or against the bill and I would love to have a room full of people who are willing to speak for the bill.