Archives For FEMA

Beware, Progressives In Charge Trashing America!

Helene — Yet Another Man-Made Climate Crisis A storm is upon us with more manipulated Weather Warfare, dear readers! Is nature the enemy… or is it something else that is wreaking havoc on our planet? Is the government geoengineering our earth while claiming to mitigate global warming? Don’t forget this article we’ve mentioned before:Weather Service Employees Tethered […]

Weather Modification & Hurricane Beryl

More Weather Warfare on America! The “Climate Change” Agenda — The real truth is being revealed about weather phenomena occurring around the world. Another extreme weather event, Hurricane Beryl, has landed upon Texas and could still strengthen and cause a lot of damage in its path, but flooding is not the only problem. Many Texans […]

FEMA’s Emergency Alert 10/4/23 & China’s Plans for World Domination!

Things are heating up, and our elected officials, including RINO Republicans, are leading America straight to the breaking point. Many traitorous politicians are working to see our standard of living significantly lowered here in the United States. Within the deep state, you can find the communists and the global elites lurking around to bring about […]

The Land Grab of Lahaina & Mass Genocide of Maui Children!

The devastated Lahaina Community in Maui was targeted by geoengineering, direct- energy weapons/5G military weapons, whether laser, radio, or particle beams, additionally with help from the power lines and transformers exploding as far as we can tell… or was it just a climate change issue causing a “natural” disaster? Pictured are fires on Maui August 8, 2023 […]