Is the Chaffee Crossing community development an
Agenda 21 related project?
Does it look & act like that Duck?
Among the United Nations-created Agenda 21’s bevy of bastard babies are Sustainable Development, Smart Growth (a term used to describe Chaffee Crossing on its website), MPO’s (Metropolitan Planning Organizations…Ft. Smith belongs to the BI-State MPO), Providence Communities (one is being planned for the Ft. Chaffee area), Metro 1313, ICLEI (International Council for Environmental Initiatives—N. Little Rock Mayor Hayes is CEO for the U.S. division), Quality of Place (used to describe Chaffee Crossing), Green Space (on Chaffee Crossing website), Public/Private Partnerships (Fascism), New Market Tax Credits , COG’s (Councils of Governments), ad infinitum.
The list of organizations and efforts to control and change our Constitutional & free enterprise system is seemingly endless. The buzzwords always sound benign, even inviting…”mixed use environment”, “natural resources”, “walking/biking trails”, “no cars needed when everything is within walking distance”, “long term region wide planning”, “public visioning”, “common ground solutions”, “localized planning effort”, “green space”, “friendly neighborhoods”….you get the picture.
Why? The immediate goals include those whose generous salaries are paid by taxpayers, those who make big bucks in land sales, developing, constructing, financing off the taxpayers too, and finally those whose ideology is quite the opposite of our Founders, i.e. committed Collectivists/Communists/Socialists/Fascists. The ultimate goals include restriction of land use, regulation of most human behavior, population reduction, destruction of individual liberties and the U.S. Constitution & rule of law, i.e. tyranny.
The taxpaying public is largely unaware of these various efforts or the goals because government institutions such as schools help to promote them, as does the complicit media. This vast system of corruption is insulated by a gigantic Protection Racket…no one dares snitch on the others and risk his own neck.
Whether the opportunists who benefit in some fashion, usually monetarily, know what they are doing or not makes no difference in the outcome. Ironically, in their shortsighted greed or misguided beliefs, their own progeny will suffer the consequences…no one will escape this world wide effort, even the rulers who think only they are invincible…ask Caesar, Hitler, Mussolini, Hussein, Mubarak, and Kaddafi.
Our best chance is to expose Agenda 21 & like projects on the local level and reject them summarily. The Makers (producing taxpayers) must educate themselves to the tricks and rhetoric of the Takers. Just because many Makers have been indoctrinated instead of educated doesn’t mean they cannot learn to question anything done with forcibly redistributed property/money. It is far healthier to be skeptical rather than gullible in these perilous times…we no longer have that luxury.
Whether the local issues are to prop up failures such as the Convention Center and a Ferris Wheel, or to be lured into new endeavors & harebrained schemes such as a museum, a statue, a school to teach entrepreneurship, a school for incorrigibles, or to be conned into other Agenda 21 & like projects will decide our future and that of our progeny. Is it any wonder the local “leadership” is fighting to increase taxes?
Chaffee Crossing walks, talks, acts, & quacks like the global Duck #21.
Sequels to follow.