Arkansas Citizens: Beware of Wolves in Sheeps’ Clothing!
“Come one, Come all, Get Your Free Grants Here”, is moving onto other locations in our state of which citizens should be aware. Moving from Fulton County to the next location is the Rural Development & Grant Seminar which is scheduled to be held in North Little Rock on Tuesday, October 25.
What are these “informative meetings” all about? As stated they are “to inform the public on the procedures for applying for grants and loans from four different agencies and organizations”. Sounds benign enough. But is it really?
And who are these agencies (as in government) and organizations (as in groups of people)? These are groups of bureaucrats that are so entangled it’s like trying to find your way through a box full of snakes. The presenters at the Fulton County meeting even smiled when they admitted that they knew each other well and traveled together often. It’s for sure they will become very well acquainted after this series of five state-wide meetings to try to sell their wares.
After reading the handouts from the Fulton County meeting and listening to the presenters, it is quite evident they want to entice citizens to apply for everything. There is even a grant for “General Assistance and Innovative Projects” that can cover “just about anything you can think of”. Money, Money, Money. The grants overlap with minor differences, covering many of the same areas and potential requests. The grant application forms look similar with even some of the mission statements reading almost identical. Money is never free! At the Fulton County meeting, Representative Benedict explained that the money for these grants comes from tax-payer dollars, which are approved each year by the state legislature. Very interesting!
Some of our legislators have denied that these grants are tied to Sustainable Development… yet these agencies work together, and the end result is Sustainable Development (Rural Development). Check out this link about the Arkansas Dept of Rural Services:
If you click on the “Resources” link on the left-hand side, it shows you what legislators are using as their guide to grants (aka “resources”).
As the Arkansas public has become more informed and wiser, those who are interested in accomplishing their United Nations-proposed Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 goals are changing their language in order to try to disguise their intent. The Fulton County attendees noticed several instances where SD and A21 “red flags” showed up in the presentations, but the presenters expressed total ignorance of their meanings. Ignorant of the intent of some of their words? Yet they want YOU to swallow it, hook, line and sinker?????
It is incumbent on every citizen who values their property rights and those of other citizens to attend these meeting armed with questions that get at the heart of the real, unstated goals of these “agencies and organizations”. But don’t be surprised if you aren’t given a straight answer to your questions, or even given a chance to ask your questions.
These meetings show us that not only are our government “agencies” enforcing “soft unconstitutional laws” against us, but they are concealing their true, all-inclusive motives. If these meetings don’t show us anything else, they show us that most of the “agencies and organizations” represented by the presenters at these meetings are a part of BIG GOVERNMENT that needs to be “whittled down” to size by the Arkansas tax-payer.
These “free money” peddlers move next to Springdale on October 26, then to Jonesboro on October 27. In November, the group takes their workshop to Helena/West Helena on November 8 and Camden on November 9.
To the reasoning average citizen, something smells fishy. And it is! Buyer Beware!
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Talk to your county judges and county commissioners immediately. Send them an email stating that you disapprove of Sustainable Development/ Rural Development.