Monthly Archives August 2012

Two Forces Behind the Scenes Pushing a Constitutional Convention

The letter below shows how the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and theNational Council of State Legislators (NCSL)are working together to force a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) that could, and most probably would, dismantle or throw out altogether our Constitution, just as the founders did in 1787 when they discarded the Articles of Confederation. This letter, from the National […]

What is Washington County Really Voting For on May 22?

Government, in the terms of our Founders, is a necessary evil. It is there to secure our rights and property while we are away earning a living. Our government is supposed to protect us from those who would do us harm, lie to us, steal or cheat us. But, when governments get an agenda, they […]

Fluoride costs escalate

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 by Becky Gillette   The Carroll Boone Water District (CBWD) board will meet at 10 a.m. April 19 to consider proceeding with fluoridation of public drinking water despite not having sufficient grants to cover start-up costs. The board will discuss whether to use district funds to implement fluoridation. State legislation in […]

Another Water Operator Speaks Out Against State Mandate

Please read the letter at this link and think about it. Why would water operators want to provide anything other than the purest water possible to their users? Why is our government intent on forcing fluoride on the people? As the writer of this letter implies, it does not matter if you are Democrat, Republican, Independent, or […]

The Effort to Dismantle Our Constitution

By Jackie Patru
(revised and updated January, 2001)

Under article V of the Constitution, our founding fathers established two methods for future generations to add amendments to the Constitution.

Under method 1: Two-thirds of both houses of Congresscan propose an amendment, and then three-fourths of the states ratify it… or not.

Under method 2: Two-thirds (34) of the states call for a federal constitutional convention, and then three-fourths of the states ratify whatever amendments are proposed by the convention.

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