WARNING to Residents of Fort Smith
We were just made aware of a city council meeting tonight (June 3, 2014) in which they will try to pass a Resolution stating that Fort Smith supports the “Sustainable Arkansas Program”. It’s very important that you call and email these city council members immediately (this afternoon!) and let them know that you DO NOT want them to pass this resolution. Tomorrow will be too late! You will notice some other documents following the one-page resolution that may be used in the meeting tonight.
Even if you don’t live in Fort Smith, you cannot ignore this email! The residents of Fort Smith need your help!
This is a dangerous U.N. Agenda 21 policy at one of its highest levels that you will see presented tonight. ICLEI is how U.N. Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development is implemented across the nation in local communities like Fort Smith. Read about their agenda for yourself! Sustainable Development will change the very infrastructure of Fort Smith. Forget private ownership; this is control of property and will result in central planning of the entire economy. THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. THE “QUALITY OF LIFE” (Sustainable buzz-word) you will get if this resolution is passed will shock you and will be the death of most small businesses.
U.N. Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development will change the way people of Fort Smith build their homes / cities / towns, as well as what foods you eat, what products you use, how much you consume, and the method you choose to travel, among other things. Their agenda seeks to prohibit suburban lifestyle.
Sustainable Development is NOT industry-friendly. Your JOB could be affected! You have lost enough jobs in your area, so it’s time to get active!
The contact information for the board members is shown below their pictures (scroll down). Remember, the Mayor presides over the meeting but the board members VOTE. The Mayor probably supports this resolution, and it’s in the estimation of Secure Arkansas that he knows how dangerous this resolution will be if implemented… If we’re wrong about the mayor, we’ll let you know.
Sandy Sanders | Term Expires: 12/31/14
Keith Lau | Term Expires: 12/31/16
Andre Good | Term Expires: 12/31/16
Mike Lorenz | Term Expires: 12/31/16
George Catsavis | Term Expires: 12/31/16
Pam Weber | Term Expires: 12/31/14
Kevin Settle, Vice Mayor | Term Expires: 12/31/14
Philip H. Merry Jr. | Term Expires: 12/31/14
Information above is from http://fortsmithar.gov/boardofdirectors/ .
Sandy Sanders 479-784-2204
Keith Lau 479-806-7700
André Good 479-285-4932
Mike Lorenz 479-651-7001
George Catsavis 479-806-1734
Pam Weber 479-651-2167
Kevin Settle 479-648-2872
Philip H. Merry, Jr. 479-926-0939
Here are all of their email addresses together:
If you’d like to attend tonight’s Fort Smith meeting to voice your opposition to the resolution:
The Board of Directors regular meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 p.m., at the Fort Smith Public Schools Service Center, 3205 Jenny Lind – Building B.
We appreciate your support on this. Please remember to forward this email to your email list.
Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas