As we mentioned in our previous email, Secure Arkansas spoke to the Association of Arkansas Counties for their Annual Conference held August 20 – 22, 2014 in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Secure Arkansas was on the agenda on August 20 to address the Critical Habitat issue facing Arkansas with the Neosho Mucket and the Rabbitsfoot mussels. This issue will affect nearly 770 Arkansas river miles covering 31 out of 75 counties. If implemented, this would affect nearly 42% of the state’s geographical area.
Jack Abrahamson, State Coordinator for Secure Arkansas, addressed the Critical Habitat issue. This information is CRITICAL to US, as well as fish and wildlife.
EPA and the Critical Habitat Fraud Imposed on America
The Endangered Species Act (ESA), implemented by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service under EPA, is not about species at all; it’s about Land Use control.
Digest of Federal Resource Laws of Interest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This link provides a history of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the legislation that modified the Act.
Everything in the Endangered Species Act (ESA) hinges on “Critical Habitat” land that a bureaucrat can declare useless to public and private users for species’ sake, and this could lead to another governmental land grab.
Congressman Rick Crawford hosted a field hearing in Batesville, Arkansas on Critical Habitat in May of this year (May 20, 2014). Out of the hearing came the following bills:
H.R. 4319 and the Senate companion bill S. 2729 – Economic Analysis
H.R. 4315 Publish on Internet basis of listing
H.R. 4316 Publish on Internet case name and number of each covered suit and hyperlink to the record or decision for each covered suit
H.R. 4317 includes all such data submitted by a state, tribal or county government.
H.R. 4318 Award of litigation coss to prevailing parties in accordance with existing law.
S. 2084 Community Protection Act of 2014, Provides Economic Analysis
This is a good start, but there are some missing components that haven’t been addressed. We have been in contact with both Senator Pryor’s and Representative Crawford’s offices because the bills DO NOT address the true issue.
EPA is NOT recognizing fluoride as a toxic poison or even addressing that issue. They’ve allowed fluoride (which is a toxic substance) to be dumped into our public water supply. This decision of EPA’s is one of many things that is allowing EPA to create a crisis so they can add species to the Endangered Species/ Critical Habitat list. It looks like EPA could be cooking the books and should be held accountable and charged with fraud if they’re falsifying information. Fluoride MUST be included in data tests prior to any proposed Critical Habitat designation. The raw data that was used to put the species on the Critical Habitat Designation list must be provided so the results can be duplicated by a third party.
EPA Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) is 4.0mg/L or 4.0 ppm. EPA has set this fraudulent level of “protection” based on the best available science to prevent potential health problems. EPA has set an enforceable regulation for fluoride, called a maximum contaminant level (MCL), at 4.0 mg/L or 4.0 ppm to enable them to increase their Endangered Species/ Critical Habitat list.
Fluoride and “Critical Habitat”
Fluoride from Municipal Water Supplies is Toxic to Fish
The link above brings you to VERY good information. The information below was taken directly from that article:
Ninety percent of artificially fluoridated water supplies in the U.S. do not purchase pharmaceutical grade fluoride but instead purchase fluosilicic acid, a waste product mainly of the phosphate fertilizer industry.
The fluosilicic acid is extracted from wet scrubbers, according to Michael Connett, Research Director of the Fluoride Action Network, an international coalition of scientists, medical professionals, environmentalists, and others working for fluoride awareness. Connett describes wet scrubbers as pollution management tools that were devised to capture the fluoride gases produced during phosphate fertilizer production. The designated hazardous waste, which is too toxic to be dumped in rivers or soil, is recovered from the scrubbers, packaged unrefined, and sent out to municipalities across the U.S. ready to be applied to local drinking water.
In a Canadian Broadcasting Company piece from 1967 called “Air of Death,” the severe toxicity of the waste from the fertilizer industry and the need for pollution control is clear.
Studies reviewed by Foulkes and Anderson support the findings that fluoride levels below 1.5 ppm have lethal and other adverse effects on aquatic species. One study shows delayed hatching of rainbow trout at 1.5 ppm; another shows brown mussels died at 1.4 ppm; –
The researchers argue that these studies provide evidence that the “safe” level of fluoride in the fresh water habitat of salmon species is not 1.5 ppm but 0.2 ppm. They also make the point that the decline in salmon stocks, especially Chinook and Coho, is a major economic problem for both commercial and sport fisheries and that fluoride pollution, even at relatively low levels, plays a role in this problem.
In discussions of “critical habitat” for endangered salmon species, all of the possible components must be evaluated. This study examines the possibility that artificial fluoridation of drinking water in communities along the course of salmon rivers is a factor to be included.
Click here to read about the impact of artificial fluoridation on salmon species in the Northwest USA and British Columbia, Canada. This is their summary:
“A review of 1iterature and documentation suggests that concentrations of fluoride above 0.2 mg/L have lethal (LC50) effects on and inhibit migration of “endangered” salmon species whose stocks are now in serious decline in the US Northwest and British Columbia. Fluoride added to drinking water,”to improve dental health”, enters the fresh water eco-system, in various ways, at levels above 0.2 mg/L. This factor, if considered in “critical habitat” decisions, should lead to the development of a strategy calling for a ban on fluoridation and rapid sunsetting of the practice of disposal of industrial fluoride waste into fresh water.”
Also, the “Safe Level” of fluoride is questioned in this article. Scroll down in the article to read more. At present, EPA is using junk and flawed data to enforce the Critical Habitat designations in Arkansas and across America.
Most, if not all, of these so-called science studies are funded by federal agencies – through grants, contracts or cooperative agreements, particularly those used to justify the most horrendous regulations.
These agency researchers never even see the underlying data; much less collect it in the field. The agency then holds up those second-hand opinions as if they had rigorously tested them against the data. If there is no way to test a statement, hypothesis or theory, it is not science. It’s opinion or politics. If you hide the raw data, no one can test it, and it’s easy for agenda-driven researchers and regulators to implement laws that are based on junk science or even fraud.
The Endangered Species Act is not about species at all; it’s about land-use control. Everything in the ESA hinges on “Critical Habitat” land that a bureaucrat can declare useless to public and private users for species sake, with destructive impact.
Failure to pass proper tests totally invalidates the original listing and everything associated with it. All critical habitat designations must be delisted and everything must be retested to get the species back on the Critical Habitat designation list.
Star witness independent scientist Ramey, a PhD with 33 years of worldwide experience with threatened and endangered wildlife, stated: “The American people pay for data collection and research on threatened and endangered species through grants contracts, cooperative agreements, and administration of research permits. They pay the salaries of agency staff who collect data, and author, edit, and publish papers based on those data, and these officials willingly go along with the crooked system.
Boozman Says EPA is Using Junk Science to Justify More Job-Killing Rules
“The EPA is using junk science and economic slight-of-hand to justify unnecessary, heavy-handed, job-killing rules. The agency continues cooking the books to produce the results it wants,” Boozman says.
Why have we been mandated by our Arkansas state legislators to fluoridate the water supply of communities of over 5,000 people? (This is Act 197.)
1) The presence of Fluoride testing must be included in ALL raw data analysis when determining any Critical Habitat designation. Fluoride is in Public Water Supplies, Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, toothpaste, juices, other sources, various food products, and Organic Foods
2) Require that the raw data and methods of collection be provide in sufficient detail to allow a third party to reproduce the same results for the Critical Habitat designation.
3) File a delisting petition on each of the Critical Habitat Designations in Arkansas. The original method used in designation of Critical Habitat was done fraudulently with NO scientific data provided. All Critical Habitat must be delisted and EPA’s flaws analyzed.
4) Prohibit any NGO, groups or individuals, that receive any government funds, from filing suit against the government.
5) Legislators need to create legislation to make it a felony for any person or organization that uses falsified documents or submits flawed or erroneous data to get a species added to the Critical Habitat list.
6) Request our Federal legislators to defund EPA immediately. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 8 that covers the EPA operation.
7) Another factor that is detrimental to all species is GMO or Genetically Modified Organisms. GMO modified plant products are killing the bees and bats (ie. White Nose Bat Syndrome).
ACTION: Secure Arkansas would like to take some action. We will provide the delisting procedure in a future article.
To be continued…
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas