Breaking News Update! Today, Tuesday, January 24th, 2017, Secure Arkansas has been calling and looking behind the scenes at some of the sponsors and co-sponsors of the disastrous resolution HJR 1001, and we found something fishy going on! It turns out that at least two so-called co-sponsors NEVER, EVER SIGNED ON TO TO HJR 1001 AS CO-SPONSORS! (An example and more detailed info is listed below.)
We then called the sponsor of the resolution, Rep. Bob Ballinger (office: 479-443-3700) and spoke with his Legal Assistant, Tom May, and asked him, “Did Bob Ballenger sign up other representatives without them being aware of what was going on?” (In other words, falsify names of sponsors.) We also requested that Rep. Bob Ballinger return our call and explain how this happened. Rep. Ballinger promptly returned our call, and this was his reply: “Yes, there was some confusion with the Convention Of States people who had been working with them.”
Does it seem like he just admitted guilt?
So, next we called Rep. Trevor Drown to ask him how his name got put on the resolution as a co-sponsor since we heard that he does NOT support a Constitutional Convention/Article V Convention. His reply was this: “I do NOT want have anything to do with those people, I don’t text them, email them, or return their calls, AND I am AGAINST this resolution and plan to definitely vote against it if it comes to the committee.”
Thank you so much, Rep. Drown!
Secure Arkansas has also messaged Randy Alexander of the Convention of States and asked him if he falsified names of sponsors for the bill. His email reply was, “Can you call me tomorrow at 11:00 am?”
CAUTION to our readers: You should check the Committee Agenda yourself before you drive to the Capitol from different parts of the state because they have actually DEFERRED this resolution.
HJR 1001 was originally scheduled to be heard in committee on Weds, Jan. 25, 2017, BUT Secure Arkansas JUST learned at 9:30 pm today that as of January 24, 2017 at 3:03 pm, the agenda was updated and HJR 1001 was put on the DEFERRED BILLS list. Does this mean it was simply scheduled for another time and NOT January 25th? This is highly likely to happen because of all the controversy surrounding the bill.
Rep. Bob Ballinger (R)
Sponsor of HJR 1001
Rep. Bob Ballinger (R) from Hindsville (District 97) will be presenting HJR 1001 and carrying this resolution to his own committee, since he is the Chair!
Here’s the title of the resolution HJR 1001:
Click here to see the updated agenda for the House – State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee meeting
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
10:00 AM, Room 151, State Capitol
Little Rock, Arkansas
**HJR 1001 is listed on page 2 of the agenda as DEFERRED which means it most likely WILL NOT be heard on Weds, Jan 25, 2017 but could be heard another day. We are not sure.
It appears that the filed documents for both HJR 1001 AND SJR 2 were falsified concerning the co-sponsors! Some of co-sponsors claim they did not co-sponsor the legislation. This possible falsifying of Arkansas official documents should be reported the Arkansas Ethics Commission requesting a full investigation with charges being brought against the individuals and/or organizations involved.
So, what can YOU do? Simple!
ACTION: Copy and paste the greeting and these bulleted points (shown directly below) into the body of your email to send to the House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs. (Their email addresses are hyperlinked and all together in a group below.) Just be sure to type your name and the county in which you live at the end of your email to them. You can send ONE email to all of them.
Dear Distinguished Member of the House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs:
I want you to pull your support from HJR 1001 and SJR2 and any other Article V Amendment Convention legislation. AND when these resolutions come to your committee, VOTE NO.
There is nothing in the information that you have received from either the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) or the Convention of States (COS) organization pointing to the source authority for the statements those organizations are making about an Article V Amendments Convention.
Both the Left and the Right are calling for an Article V Amendments Convention.
The ONLY THING that State Legislators can do under an Article V Amendments Convention is CALL for a convention. After that, the U.S. Congress calls all the shots. (See Article I, §8, clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution.) If you don’t believe this is true, please provide the supporting documents to defend your position.
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Send that to the Committee Members listed below. Copy and paste these email addresses (directly below) into your “TO” in your email to the Committee members.
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More detailed information about the committee, just for your info:
House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs
Rep. Bob Ballinger, Chair and Lead Sponsor HJR 1001 and has also attended ALEC meetings
870-350-5175 or 479-443-3700 District 97
Rep. Jack Ladyman, Vice-Chair 870-340-7499 District 59
Rep. Jeff Wardlaw 870-226-9501 District 8
Rep. Kim Hammer 501-840-3841 District 28
Rep. Jon S. Eubanks ALEC member 479-438-0533 District 74
Rep. Douglas House 501-590-1055 District 40
Rep. Charlotte V. Douglas 479-430-0170 District 75
Rep. Jim Dotson ALEC member 479-222-1234 District 93
Rep. Josh Miller 501-365-3599 District 66
Rep. Richard Womack Co-sponsor HJR 1001 870-403-6287 District 18
Rep. Andy Davis 501-837-5109 District 31
Rep. Warwick Sabin 501-372-4550 District 33
Rep. Kim Hendren 479-790-5600 District 92
Rep. R. Trevor Drown 479-857-2498 District 68 (**He is listed as a co-sponsor, but he has told us that HE IS NOT SPONSORING THIS RESOLUTION HJR 1001, so you DO NOT need to call him.)
Rep. Michelle Gray Co-sponsor HJR 1001 870-291-2515 District 62
Rep. Dwight Tosh 870-926-0423 District 52
Rep. Justin Gonzales Co-sponsor HJR 1001 870-245-6365 District 19
Rep. Kenneth B. Ferguson 870-413-8942 District 16
Rep. James Sturch 870-612-7589 District 63
Rep. Brandt Smith 870-351-7459 District 58
Secure Arkansas has been concerned with the call for an Article V Amendments Convention (and who may be involved in calling for one) for YEARS!! So, we wanted to get more information. Listed below is an Freedom of Information Request we made on Arkansas Bureau of Legislative Research on January 24, 2017.
========= Start of FOIA Request ===========
Date: January 24, 2017
RE: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request
Bureau of Legislative Research
Director Marty Garrity,
One Capitol Mall, 5th Floor
Little Rock, AR 72201
Dear Director Mary Garrity
Per the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act 93 of 1967, I am requesting the following information:
1) A copy of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) or any other source document used for the drafting of Senate Joint Resolution SJR 2.
2) A copy of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) or any other source document requesting the drafting of House Joint Resolution HJR 1001
3) A copy of all the Arkansas Legislators that are members of American Legislative Exchange Council or legislative attendees to meetings of the American Legislative Exchange Council.
4) A copy of "The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) State Chair Job Description and Agreement" that was signed by Senator Eddie Joe Williams.
5) A copy of "The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) State Chair Job Description and Agreement" that was signed by Representative Jim Dotson.
6) A copy of the list of all American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) members that are on the Arkansas House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee.
7) A copy of the list of all American Legislative Exchange Council ( ALEC) members that are on the Arkansas Senate State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee.
8) A copy of the attendance list of all ALEC meetings that were attended by any Arkansas legislators for year 2017
9) A copy of the attendance list of all ALEC meetings that were attended by any Arkansas legislators for year 2016
10) A copy of the attendance list of all ALEC meetings that were attended by any Arkansas legislators for year 2015
11) A copy of the attendance list of all ALEC meetings that were attended by any Arkansas legislators for year 2014
12) A copy of financial expense for all ALEC events that were paid by the State of Arkansas for all years 2014 through 2017.
Please return all replies to
Please note Arkansas Code 25-19-104 Penalty – any person who negligently violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.
Jack Abrahamson
State Coordinator Secure Arkansas
========= End of FOIA Request ===============
And here’s the reply we received from the Bureau of Legislative Research 2 hours after HJR 1001 got deferred.
======== Response from FOIA Request of 1/24/2017 ==========
Garrity, Marty |
5:13 PM (2 hours ago) |
Mr. Abrahamson, I am in receipt of your Freedom of Information request. We are in the process of responding to your request.
Marty Garrity
Marty Garrity
Bureau of Legislative Research
State Capitol, Rm. 315
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: (501) 683-1649
Fax: (501) 682-1936
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas