On March 8, 2017, the House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee unfortunately passed Senator Jason Rapert’s, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) resolutions SJR 7 and SJR 9. This means that both bad pieces of legislation will now be voted on by the FULL House of Representatives on Monday afternoon (1:30 pm), March 13, 2017. (This is the same Jason Rapert who testified before the House Public Health and Welfare Committee for his clients back in 2011 asking for the fluoridation mandate! That’s what he actually told Secure Arkansas several years ago.) Arkansas State Representatives, PLEASE VOTE NO on SJR 7 and SJR 9!
ALEC Rep. Bob Ballinger, Chair of the House State Agencies Committee, DID NOT ALLOW for a voice vote on March 8th, so we do not know which representatives “voted for” or “against” them. The chair of a committee (for the most part) can control what bills are allowed to come into the committee and can especially control the timing of a bill. If you have been keeping up with the end of this 2017 session, then you will know that the agendas are popping up last minute, so in many cases, it will be hard to keep the public alerted properly about the dreadful bills coming up at the Capitol. Things are getting pretty sneaky there.
Rep. Bob Ballinger, sponsor of HJR 1001, another Con Con resolution (1 of 6 pieces of the bad legislation), or someone with the Convention of States (COS), falsified two representatives’ names placed as “sponsors” on the bill this session. The names of the two legislators were: Rep. Trevor Drown and Rep. Jeff Williams. Secure Arkansas interviewed both of them about this bad deed earlier this session and found that, indeed, they did NOT sign up to sponsor Ballinger’s Con Con resolution! HJR 1001 has NOT gone through his (Ballinger’s) committee yet this session, but is still on the deferred list for Monday, March 13, 2017 . Secure Arkansas also called Rep. Bob Ballinger about this misdeed, and he admitted to us, “Yes, that was just an accident!”
Stay on your toes, everyone, and do not be weary in well-doing! Remain alert, and please continue to support our U.S. Constitution! It is still considered to be one of the most important documents in all the world! Don’t let it fall prey to the predators promoting global government and a convention of states here in America.
Note: Arkansans, our generation is responsible for what happens at the Capitol this session! This upcoming week will be critical to our health and well being!
Both Senator Jason Rapert’s Article V convention (Con Con) resolutions are running under the guise of “marriage” and “right to life”.
Attention Pastors: Unfortunately, many church pastors have been asked to support these boondoggle resolutions because they believe this is the right thing for them to do, BUT they are not realizing this is just a means to get the Convention of States’ (COS) pre-planned goal of having a federal convention and open up our U.S. Constitution! This was the only way they could find to justify and mislead many good people and get them to agree to have a convention before the year 2020. Secure Arkansas is sure the demented billionaire Soros 2020 movement and the Koch Brothers of ALEC appreciates all the efforts that have been put forth to bring this uncontrollable convention into place. The sinister con of a “convention” will not be limited! Shouldn’t people be aware that history proves how governments are overthrown and replaced with NEW ones? So today, if we have an Article V convention, delegates to that convention can throw off our current Constitution and set up a brand new one which would set up a totally new government! We’ve heard it said before, and it’s true: those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.
You would not be able to begin to imagine the amount of money and time that has been spent promoting a radical project like this, and there are a plethora of players/actors involved. Big bucks have poured into this state, and even Jerry Cox of Family Council will be held accountable for promoting a convention. A few weeks ago, he told Secure Arkansas and many other people that he would not be promoting a convention of states this session, but has continued to do so, as you can see for yourself below!
Yes, Jerry Cox of Family Council is promoting a Article V convention (Con Con)!
On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Jerry Cox <info@familycouncil.org> wrote
ALEC legislators have been recruited, trained and prepared by ALEC and the Convention of States (COS) to withstand the questioning of the general public, especially on controversial, morality-centered issues such as these.
Many radical, progressive globalists and evil minds have plotted, schemed, and met in secret for over a century to see this diabolical plan hatched in the 21st Century! They have been able to deceive the very elect! AND, If this plan comes to fruition and Congress calls for a convention for which the states have applied and asked Congress to call, then Americans will no longer have their sovereignty, and WE WILL BECOME CAPTIVE GLOBAL CITIZENS! All this evil will be played out shortly, in the very near future, if our discernment doesn’t kick in and bring us to our senses! WAKE UP, CHURCH! The day, the time, the hour is short! This final warning must be documented and sent forth in order to understand the judgement ahead and the consequences awaiting us because we failed to discern the time at hand!
Remember, it’s the global elite, Big Money, and ALEC corporations that are behind the push for the Article V convention (Con Con).
Speaking of big money, if you’ve been reading our articles for any length of time, you’ll recall that George Soros is bankrolling and promoting a movement called the Constitution_2020 Movement. He wants to see the U.S. Constitution rewritten by the year 2020! Soros’ Open Society Institute and the Center for American Progress sponsored the Constitution 2020 conference in April 2005. He believes in a “new and improved Bill of Rights.[2]” Also, there is a book currently being sold on Amazon entitled, The Constitution In 2020. Secure Arkansas has done some checking on some of the contributors of this book, and they are radicals who promote a very militant, progressive agenda! You must understand that both the Left and the Right are working together to destroy both our U.S. and state Constitutions. (Click here to read more about that in one of our previous articles.)
We also believe that it’s the intention of the United Nations to POSSESS this country and take away our American sovereignty. We also believe that the U.N. has a progressive agenda and wants to destroy our republic so there will be open borders for a one world government.
However, since the founding of our country, historians and scholars have warned us to HOLD ON to our republic and HOLD ON to our Constitution.
“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”
― Daniel Webster
The following is a more recent quote from The Spokesman-Review. William “Bill” Marshall, a University of North Carolina law professor speaking on a potential Article V Constitutional convention, on February 22, 2017 said that it couldn’t be limited in scope to any particular topic. “There are no such guarantees,” Marshall said. “This is uncharted territory.”
Marshall also said,
“We should not now abandon the very document that has held us together as a nation for over two and one quarter centuries. Rewriting the Constitution is a dangerous errand that would not only unravel the legal ties that have kept us together for so long but would also undermine our sense of national identity and the way that view ourselves as a people.”
LAST CALL TO ACTION! WHAT YOU, the reader, CAN DO ABOUT THESE DANGEROUS RESOLUTIONS: Contact all of the Arkansas State Representatives (listed below) TODAY (Saturday, March 11, 2017) — don’t wait until Monday — and tell them to VOTE NO on SJR 7 and SJR 9 because we don’t want a convention! PERIOD!
Remember, you may email all 100 Representatives at one time (one email) by copying and pasting their email addresses into the "TO" in your email. Be sure to include your name and County of residence at the end of your email.
Secure Arkansas suggests that if people who email legislators are asked where they live, they can respond:
"Although I do not reside in your district, neither do the big name organizers of this Convention effort, and yet, the legislators appear to listen to what they have to say. Also, your vote will affect me and all of our posterity, so please do not disregard my opinion. I am one of "We the People" who does not want to change our Constitution. Thank you."
Title |
Name |
Phone |
District |
Representative |
Fred Allen |
30 |
Representative |
Eddie L. Armstrong |
37 |
Representative |
Bob Ballinger |
97 |
Representative |
Scott Baltz |
61 |
Representative |
Sonia Eubanks Barker |
7 |
Representative |
Rick Beck |
65 |
Representative |
Mary Bentley |
73 |
Representative |
Charles Blake |
36 |
Representative |
Justin Boyd |
77 |
Representative |
Ken Bragg |
15 |
Representative |
David L. Branscum |
83 |
Representative |
Karilyn Brown |
41 |
Representative |
LeAnne Burch |
9 |
Representative |
Sarah Capp |
82 |
Representative |
Frances Cavenaugh |
60 |
Representative |
Bruce Coleman |
81 |
Representative |
Charlie Collins |
84 |
Representative |
Bruce Cozart |
24 |
Representative |
Carol Dalby |
1 |
Representative |
Andy Davis |
31 |
Representative |
Gary Deffenbaugh |
79 |
Representative |
Jana Della Rosa |
90 |
Representative |
Jim Dotson |
93 |
Representative |
Charlotte V. Douglas |
75 |
Representative |
Dan M. Douglas |
91 |
Representative |
Trevor Drown |
68 |
Representative |
Les Eaves |
46 |
Representative |
Jon S. Eubanks |
74 |
Representative |
Joe Farrer |
44 |
Representative |
Deborah Ferguson |
51 |
Representative |
Kenneth B. Ferguson |
16 |
Representative |
David Fielding |
5 |
Representative |
Charlene Fite |
80 |
Representative |
Lanny Fite |
23 |
Representative |
Vivian Flowers |
17 |
Representative |
Jack Fortner |
99 |
Representative |
Mickey Gates |
22 |
Representative |
Jimmy Gazaway |
57 |
Representative |
Jeremy Gillam |
45 |
Representative |
Justin Gonzales |
19 |
Representative |
Michael John Gray |
47 |
Representative |
Michelle Gray |
62 |
Representative |
Kim Hammer |
28 |
Representative |
Ken Henderson |
71 |
Representative |
Kim Hendren |
92 |
Representative |
David Hillman |
13 |
Representative |
Monte Hodges |
55 |
Representative |
Grant Hodges |
96 |
Representative |
Mike Holcomb |
10 |
Representative |
Steve Hollowell |
49 |
Representative |
Douglas House |
40 |
Representative |
Lane Jean |
2 |
Representative |
Joe Jett |
56 |
Representative |
Bob Johnson |
42 |
Representative |
Jack Ladyman |
59 |
Representative |
Greg Leding |
86 |
Representative |
Tim Lemons |
43 |
Representative |
Fredrick J. Love |
29 |
Representative |
Mark Lowery |
39 |
Representative |
Robin Lundstrum |
87 |
Representative |
Roger D. Lynch |
14 |
Representative |
John Maddox |
20 |
Representative |
Stephen Magie |
72 |
Representative |
Andy Mayberry |
27 |
Representative |
Austin McCollum |
95 |
Representative |
Mark D. McElroy |
11 |
Representative |
George B. McGill |
78 |
Representative |
Ron McNair |
98 |
Representative |
David Meeks |
70 |
Representative |
Stephen Meeks |
67 |
Representative |
Josh Miller |
66 |
Representative |
Reginald Murdock |
48 |
Representative |
Milton Nicks, Jr. |
50 |
Representative |
John Payton |
64 |
Representative |
Clint Penzo |
88 |
Representative |
Rebecca Petty |
94 |
Representative |
Aaron Pilkington |
69 |
Representative |
Mathew W. Pitsch |
76 |
Representative |
Chris Richey |
12 |
Representative |
Marcus E. Richmond |
21 |
Representative |
Laurie Rushing |
26 |
Representative |
Johnny Rye |
54 |
Representative |
Warwick Sabin |
33 |
Representative |
Matthew J. Shepherd |
6 |
Representative |
Brandt Smith |
58 |
Representative |
James J. Sorvillo |
32 |
Representative |
Nelda Speaks |
100 |
Representative |
James Sturch |
63 |
Representative |
Dan Sullivan |
53 |
Representative |
Dwight Tosh |
52 |
Representative |
Clarke Tucker |
35 |
Representative |
DeAnn Vaught |
4 |
Representative |
John W. Walker |
34 |
Representative |
Jeff Wardlaw |
8 |
Representative |
Les Warren |
25 |
Representative |
Danny Watson |
3 |
Representative |
David Whitaker |
85 |
Representative |
Jeff Williams |
89 |
Representative |
Carlton Wing |
38 |
Representative |
Richard Womack |
18 |
ONE LAST IMPORTANT NOTE: Secure Arkansas / Secure The Republic is in need of funds. If you can contribute, please do so. This will greatly help us to keep everyone informed on important issues, as we've done since 2008.
As you know, we've rarely asked for contributions over the years… and only when we are severely low. NO ONE in our organization is paid.
You may contribute via secure PayPal by clicking this link and clicking the orange "Donate" button. Thank you, in advance, for your support! We appreciate you very much.
Stay tuned!
Be sure to share our alerts with your family and friends!