Is there a problem with Regional Governance? What is governance? It’s totalitarian government that comes with complete control by rules, regulations, and restrictions… and oh, by the way, heavy taxation. How is Arkansas (or your own state) involved? Well, get ready! Here we go, if you can stand the truth!
Save this information and this entire article: It is a very lengthy piece and is literally loaded with gold nuggets of hard-to-find information. You’ll want to take your time and read it over several days and ponder its contents. Be sure to click on the links! Sometimes, topics of this magnitude can be very weighty, but it’s imperative that you, the reader, take the time to educate yourself! The scope of one world government will affect us all, and you must be aware of it and open to a call to action.
Historic clues: In an issue of TIME Magazine dated July 1992, there was a very threatening but revealing quote as to what was quickly transforming our country into something hideous and unrecognizable to the American public. Here is the quote from Strobe Talbot, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State (1994 – 2001):
“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”
This should have given the American public a slight clue that the global governing elite was trying to end national sovereignty and that this has also been the ghastly goal of the global elite “boards” around the world as they were promoting super-restrictive Sustainable Development practices and dreadful One World Government, complete with heavy-handed socio-communist rule.
Our Founding Fathers saw this danger, even in their time… Here’s what one of them had to say:
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
— James Madison
More recently, people are beginning to connect the dots and make connections between Sustainable Development, Regional Government, and loss of precious freedom… but some are still unaware.
“In most communities, neither victims, nor the proponents of sustainable development are aware that their plight is part of a global agenda. Indeed, most would scoff at the idea. Nevertheless, the transformation of America is well underway, without public debate or Congressional approval. From watershed, to ecosystem, to village, to city, to multi-county regions, to trans-boundary biospheres- the U.N. agenda is being systematically implemented- with the help of elected officials, paid for with the taxes of American citizens.”
— Henry Lamb, “Why the Government is Grabbing Our Land”
Attention all states! Are your local counties in trouble financially and economically? If you say “no”, you may be in denial of Sustainable Development practices that are at work near you and in your state! Are local counties getting stronger, or are they growing weaker? Is our country as a whole getting stronger and growing more vibrant, or is it in a rapid decline? Have you noticed what’s happening to the devastated middle class people in your community, and are they suffering financially and getting poorer? Are the greedy super-rich getting richer? YES, they are! (The love of money is the root of ALL evil.) Small business owners are barely staying afloat when they are competing against large corporations in the marketplace. Have you noticed that the mega-corporations have heavily benefited from international trade agreements such as NAFTA, CAFTA, TAFTA, GATT, TPP, and TTIP that have been pushed onto all countries though the years?
So, who really benefits? The super-rich corporations, the global elite!
Part of the global elite, or global governance, is the National Association of Counties (NACo) whose deceptive and misleading slogan is “Stronger counties. Stronger America.” REALLY? Is that a fact? Sounds like a “global term” to Secure Arkansas! The number one goal we hear chanted and very closely controlled by the detestable United Nations nowadays is to end poverty everywhere. How are they doing that, you ask? They are really not ending poverty, dear reader, they are simply redistributing wealth. Can’t we are see that our middle class wealth and our resources are being redistributed right out from under us? Take heed, because many will lose their footing in the coming days ahead as the One World Government totally manifests itself to the world!
Sadly, it appears that our elected officials are merely puppets and are having their strings pulled by the Council of State Governments (CSG) through ugly policies coming down directly from Washington, D.C. bureaucrats via CSG through NACo to AAC(the Association of Arkansas Counties) and then on to the local counties. All of this is being blindly supported via county and states, just like U.N. AGENDA 21 has called for repeatedly.
NACo supports and endorses U.N. Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, so most of what is being passed down from the AAC is U.N. Agenda 21 directives. The United Nations was designed from the start to promote the cause of world socialism. U.N. Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is destroying our freedoms and limiting our God-given rights.
Operating through regionalism that interfaces between federal and state governments:
The Council of State Governments (CSG) is located in Lexington, KY, and of course they also maintain an office in Washington, D.C. that tightly monitors federal government activities and their impact on state issues and awful programs. CSG was founded in 1933 and serves all three branches of state government. (CSG was lured away from its original location at 1313 East 60th Street in Chicago, Illinois by the state of Kentucky, which built them a building in Lexington in 1970 and leased it to them for $1 a year.) Their annual dues are paid by each state to support its foul operation. CSG’s mission says itself that it “champions excellence in state governments to advance the common good.’ The term “common good” is a socialist term meaning control the world’s wealth and its dumbed-down, lazy population.
Follow the money, and find out how billions of tax dollars are wasted and spent with NGOs!
The nasty Council of State Governments (CSG) reported in their 2014 IRS 990 filing (EIN 36-6000818) that the dues paid by 55 members are $7,085,200. That breaks down to $128,821.00 per member. This is for 50 states and 5 territories. All of this is an absolute waste of our tax dollars.
These well-thought-out CSG state dues are enforced through a document called an “Interstate Compact”. Click here to get a good feel on how this harmful Interstate Compact works. Some of the common criticisms on Interstate Compacts are :
The National Center for Interstate Compacts (NCIC) has established and designed a database that is searchable by state.
Click here for a list of all the unsightly Arkansas Compacts according to Arkansas Codes.
A sneaky cover! It appears that the CSG organization structure and CSG annual dues are buried in a 1957 Interstate Compact titled “Interstate Compact for Juveniles”. See Article IV “Powers and Duties of the Interstate Commission” and “Article V Organization and Operation of the Interstate Commission of the Interstate Compact”.
Money! It’s all about the money, so follow the money!
CSG 2014 IRS 990 Filing (EIN 36-6000818)
55 Board and Board of Directors listed (part VII
$33,435,543 Total Assets (part I line 20)
$36,142,433 Total Revenue part I line 12)
$20,325,611 Total salaries and other employee benefits (part I line 8)
$ 7,085,300 Total Dues paid by the 50 states and 5 territories (part VIII statement of revenue)
NOTE: In 2003, this pretend preacher, Arkansas’ Gov. Mike Huckabee (R), was a president/chair of the vile Council of State Governments (CSG). He would have had a clear understanding of “the Agenda” that would await Arkansans, as well other states. Huckabee appears to be socially conservative but has promoted U.N. Agenda 21 programs all along, behind the scenes. Please bear in mind: not everyone is who they claim to be.
The ABC odious groups (or commonly called Acronym or Alphabet Groups in politico language):
Council of State Governments (CSG), National Associations of Counties (NACo), and Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) are not the only NGOs with which we need to be concerned, either. We are dealing with many different Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that have international ties, all attempting to establish horrendous Metropolitan and Regional Government within the United States.
To understand Regional Government, it is necessary to know what Metropolitan Government (Metro) involves because Metro and Regional Government are really the same. Metro/Regional Government is the governing of an area or region by a central body of appointed (NOT elected) officials who have unlimited and sickening unconstitutional power! Promoters of Regional Government claim that it is a new form of government, but it is the oldest form in history: a dictatorship. Please try to understand just how big this leviathan has grown during the 20th Century! This monster is coiled, twisted, and deadly! Our country has been poisoned with frightful unconstitutional government. It has been writhing throughout governments across the planet! Nations have been threatened and forced to give up their sovereignty. Our once-great nation has had our constitutional protections dismantled incrementally while we slumbered and slept! What is their evil endgame? Well, for starters, it is abolishing local governments. It tells local governments to bow to “the agenda” and move forward. How is “the global agenda” implemented locally?
NACo admits: This link claims that 48 of 50 states have operational county governments. “Connecticut and Rhode Island are divided into geographic regions called counties, but they do not have functioning [county] governments.” County governments need to WAKE UP and regain local control before they go the way of Connecticut and Rhode Island!
Locally: We hear a lot about the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC), the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL), the Arkansas Municipal League, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The stranglehold that these Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have on our state (including our legislators and governor) and on our counties and cities is much worst than you think! All of these NGO groups are funded with your tax dollars, grants, and lobby money, and unfortunately many state legislators pridefully tout their involvement with CSG, and they appear unwilling or unable to shake loose of it.Their connections to CSG (and other NGOs like American Legislative Exchange Council/ALEC and National Conference of State Legislatures/NCSL) may be found in their biographies on the Arkansas State Legislature website (or on any state website). Also, CSG has subsidized stealth lobbyists to work in our state capitols with LOTS of taxpayer money to advance their corporate agenda. We’re talking about a MULTI MILLION DOLLAR budget, funded mostly by taxpayers. That means YOUR MONEY!
Are you willing to sit back and continually allow the NGOs (unelected officials) to run your city, county, school districts (producing children that are being socially engineered and heavily medicated!) and state government?
Remember, it was just last month, June 2017, that we all found out that none of our Arkansas county local elected officials, or state legislatures were notified by the National Association of Counties (NACo) or Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) about submitting their official comments to the EPA and weighing in on the definition of “navigable waters”. Did NACo/Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) fail in NOT officially and directly informing Arkansas’ 75 counties of their duty to submit a comment about this strategically and desperately important waters of the United States (WOTUS) issue??? YES! Also, it appears it happened in all other states, too. Looks like they failed to act on purpose… deliberately neglectful! It has been reported to Secure Arkansas that Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) decided to “sit this one out”! This was regarding our WATER, folks!
It is time for the government to terminate their membership in all of the covetous NGOs (and some are International NGOs) in which they have memberships. We are reminding the reader once again that it’s your tax dollars that are funding these NGOs and keeping them alive. Are we funding our own destruction?
Click here for the Arkansas Legislative Audit of the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) for 2014. This is the latest audit available. Membership dues for Arkansas 75 counties are $196,454. This for-profit entity is busy wheeling and dealing with their immense wealth and power.
Total Assets $12,384,296
Total Budgeted Revenues $3,202,338 (Includes $196,454 membership dues from 75 countries)
More about the Council of State Governments (CSG): The organization chart of these 22 wolfish NGOs found by clicking here (and included in the body of the article directly below) shows “the network”, controlled by CSG and developed by the selfish and powerful Rockefellers, to indoctrinate our public officials and redirect the course of American government so it could be managed by global government. These twenty-two (22) NGOs (bullet-pointed below) were originally housed in a building located at 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois. This building was constructed with a $3 million dollar grant from the Rockefeller Foundation as reported in the Spelman Fund Annual Report of 1947-1948. This is where Metropolitan/Regional Government first got its start. The goal of this ruthless group — CSG — is to work secretly behind the scenes to undermine elected officials and independent thinking, eradicate personal property, destroy constitutional government and our political system, and subvert the sovereignty of the United States. This group is considered the political Mail Order law factory for providing model bills to state, county, and city government. This means that it dictates policy and drafts legislation to make laws the same throughout the United States. This is all part of the global collectivist agenda that the United Nations has been planning since its founding in the 1940s.
Political Law Factory – drafting legislation to rob millions of Americans of their freedom.
1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois
United Nations’ disturbing involvement: Notice that the chart (pictured above and more easily viewed here) mentions UNITED NATIONS and UNESCO — Public Law 565. Joint Resolution 305 became Public Law 565 of 1946.
It states that it’s a “JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for membership and participation by the United States in the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, and authorizing an appropriation therefor.”
It goes on to say:
“Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is hereby authorized to accept membership for the United States in the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”), the constitution of which was approved in London on November 16, 1945, by the United Nations Conference for the establishment of an Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, and deposited in the Archives of the Government of the United Kingdom.”
See how this convoluted, wicked web has been spun over the ENTIRE PLANET… entrapping all governments of the world, including the United States?!
Getting a clue in your own state and the interdependence between government and NGOs: The groups below are pretty much controlled and run by Council of State Governments (CSG) and financed by the American taxpayers at the federal level, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) formally known as the Bureau of the Budget (founded in 1921). OMB acts in liaison capacity with CSG and gathers together proposals on which federal agencies push state approval. CSG created its Committee on Suggested State Legislation and established a cooperative arrangement with National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) which provides CSG with a handy network through State Commissioners on Uniform Laws.
The Council of State Governments (CSG) is working with all forms of government, and it’s complicated! Here’s their agenda: —CSG is the permanent administrative office or secretariat for the National Governors Association; the Conference of Chief Justices; the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL); the National Associations of Attorneys General, State Budget Officers, and State Purchasing Officials; the Parole and Probation Compact Administrators’ Association; the Juvenile Compact Administrators’ Association; and the National Conference of Court Administrative Officers. The Council has a cooperative arrangement with the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. Objectives of “the Council” (CSG) are to assist or control all the state governments to look alike in their legislative, administrative, and judicial practices and services, to force interstate cooperation, and also – to facilitate and force federal to state relations and to force state to local relations. This means that CSG’s job is to make sure that policies being generated at the federal level are carried out statewide and locally.
Getting a clue locally for your state: We are caught in such a tightly weaved, wicked web, it’s hard to move, let alone have any freedoms. The government and the NGOs are debauched and gluttonous. They are involved in a money-grabbing, symbiotic relationship, meaning very tightly woven together to create a dictatorship. How? By the NGOs writing the state legislation AND even supplying local policies to be implemented by the government. Global to local! This is NOT good.
The following additional NGOs are all connected together in one way or another with the same goal as the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) listed above. This list is not complete. It is just the tip of the iceberg involving a wicked web with many connections:
More clues on how powerful NACo really is: NACo affiliate organizations are aligned with departments within the county government structure. Members of the affiliates are county elected or appointed officials that perform a specific job within a county. Each of the organizations below has been officially recognized as an affiliate of NACo and is allowed one representative on the NACo Board of Directors.
County officials belong to six organizations that NACo assists in a limited way with meeting space at conferences, promotion of activities and staffing. The groups are organized based on ethnicity, gender and political party.
As the reader, hopefully you have now become more aware, so… how do you plan on trying to keep a dollar in your pocket? How heavily taxed are you in your state and county? How restricted has your state or county become? We have much less money to spend, don’t we? Thanks to NACo…
Now, if this wasn’t bad enough, President Nixon signed Executive Order 11647 on February 10, 1972 establishing the ten Federal Regional Councils. This EO furthered the poisonous goals of Metropolitan/Regionalism Government.
Nixon’s EO 11647 was and “is” unconstitutional and has helped steer our country right down the path of United Nations Agenda 21 and its globalist trappings! This goes against Natural Law and individual freedom.
Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution declares:
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government…”
A republican form of government is defined in Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary as one in which “the sovereign power resides in a certain body of the people – the electorate – and is exercised by representatives elected by, and responsible to, them.”
However, under the Federal Regional Councils proclaimed by President Nixon, government in the ten federal regions would be administered by federal appointed bureaucrats accountable only to Washington, D.C.
Nixon’s actions were a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution, according to Article IV, Section 4.
Also, Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution stipulates:
“New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State, nor any State be formed by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.”
Nixon’s unilateral establishment of the ten sinister federal regions (FEMA districts) violates this clause in the U.S. Constitution inasmuch as, prior to the issuance of this edict, the President did not obtain the consent of all the state legislatures concerned, nor of Congress.
Shown directly below is a map of the 10 FEMA Regions/ Districts. Note that this was taken directly from the FEMA website.
Another important fact to ponder is that state borders are being eliminated in order for the ten FEMA Districts to be fully implemented.
What could this mean for your state? The 18 states listed below are the ONLY states that have a legally defined boundary in their state Constitutions. Dissolving a legally defined boundary was attempted in Arkansas in 1995 by Governor Jim Guy Tucker, and a special election was held on December 12, 1995… but thank goodness, the call for a Constitutional Convention failed, with eighty percent opposed. It appears to us after our decades of watchful research that Con-Cons (known these days as Article V Amendment Conventions) are typically called for malevolent purposes. PLEASE NOTE: when state border specifications are gone, the sovereign states will cease to exist. (Note for our Missouri readers: your state lost a legally defined boundary years ago.) Evil never sleeps, and you need to know that these 18 states will be targeted to have their legally defined state boundaries dissolved! More than likely, they will try to call for a Con-Con (Constitutional Convention a.k.a. Article V Amendments Convention) to do this. This is another reason we must stay alert, informed, and prepared for action, considering these are the only 18 states left with legally defined boundaries. They need to courageously and resolutely retain – and hold on to – their precious sovereign state status!
Since 1972, the following two states had their state boundary definition repealed. The voters of the state approved both of these messages. Montana removed the definition of their state boundary via a State Constitutional Convention a.k.a. Con-Con or Constitutional Convention.
There is a plan to replace our existing Constitution. No Rights — No Freedoms — Just Privileges!When the government colludes with the major corporations, it results in extreme radical authoritarian corporatism. That’s an NGO in a nutshell. Beware of a Constitutional Convention / Con-Con of any type!
The Metropolitan/Regional NGO planners want to dump the U.S. Constitution. Could the Convention of States (COS) be part of this agenda and not know it? [It was reported to Secure Arkansas that the Paul Harrell program on July 20, 2017 was promoting an Article V Amendment Convention along with Mark Levin, also during this last 2017 legislative session Secure Arkansas spent many days at the State Capitol opposing legislation which would call for a constitutional convention (Con-Con). Senator Jason Rapert has been working hard behind the scenes trying to get one here in the state of Arkansas for several years now. TEA Parties — please don’t believe the lie that a Con-Con of any sort (ie. Article V Amendments Convention) is ever needed. If or when this happens, we will be doomed as far as the freedom we once knew and loved! The NGOs will have a complete monopoly… so hand over your property and water rights, and get ready for more predatory taxation! Their mission of UNconstitutional government is just about completed! The limited government for which you stand will not be possible with these NGOs — corporate overlords — operating on the state and local level.]
Speaking of property and water rights, here is some information taken from NACo’s website. It says they are: …working for a more effective definition of “Waters of the U.S.”;… (Oh, dear. Get prepared!)
What’s going on right now in Congress regarding Waters of the United States (WOTUS)? Here’s a recent quote from NACo County News:
“Related to the administration’s efforts, House appropriators on the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee released a draft spending bill for FY18 containing a policy rider that would limit public involvement in the EPA and the Corps efforts to withdraw the 2015 WOTUS rule. The policy rider would allow the EPA and Corps to “withdraw from the Waters of the United States rule without regard to any provision of statute or regulation that establishes a requirement for such withdrawal.” This bill advanced out of the subcommittee on June 28.”
[bold emphasis Secure Arkansas’]
Alarming Agendas on water: It appears NACo and CSG – along with U.N. Agenda 21 and now also Agenda 2030 – through corporations, as well as both local and state government, are attempting to control all sources of water including all rivers, creeks, streams, ponds, and even wells on private property… So, in other words, they want to control every drop of rain that falls from the sky and every bit of water that springs forth from the earth (fountains from the deep)!
Interesting that the NACo website mentions “working for a more effective definition of ‘Waters of the U.S.’” (highlighted a few paragraphs above) because Secure Arkansas never found even one notice that was sent out to a judge or county clerk during the recent EPA comment period time for the elected officials concerning the definition of “navigable waters”. (Read this previous Secure Arkansas article for more info.) But we did find that many counties did want to put in their 2 cents’ worth before the EPA comment for elected officials period closed. Concerned residents were able to do this by bringing a resolution to their quorum courts for a vote and passage. Resolutions which were passed by counties were forwarded to the EPA at as an official comment regarding the definition of “navigable waters” for those counties. This topic has concerned local government all over Arkansas, and they see the need to support President Trump’s Executive Order 13778 regarding the definition of “navigable waters” under WOTUS and the Clean Water Act. President Trump’s EO supports rolling back the overreach of the 2015 Clean Water Rule — the rule that included wetlands and ditches in the definition of “navigable waters”… (“Navigable”… Can YOU drive a boat in YOUR ditch?)
Just a reminder: the EPA (NOT Secure Arkansas) was requesting official comments from state and local officials.
Eleven counties in Arkansas took notice of and passed the resolution regarding the definition “navigable waters” under WOTUS, and this was done in a very short time span. Again, we want to commend these counties:
Craighead County
Boone County
Fulton County
Greene County
Lawrence County
Newton County
Pope County
Randolph County
Searcy County
Sebastian County
Stone County
Remember, this issue was about defining our water rights, everyone. WATER! Justices of the Peace (JPs) or County Commissioners in some states, had an obligation to represent their districts.
Pause and let that sink in for a moment! Surely you would have wanted the quorum court in your county weighing in on the definition of “navigable waters”. Right? Several counties would NOT even lift a finger or even dare to make a move. Why? Why were they so paralyzed? What were they so afraid of, anyway? The resolution did NOT change any laws.
Examples of poor leadership in counties that seem to be dominated and controlled by Association of Arkansas Counties that did not want to participate in the comment period to the EPA regarding waters of the United States (WOTUS):
Members of Secure Arkansas contacted the Saline County Quorum Court members many times in early June 2017 by phone, and Secure Arkansas emailed them information about the EPA deadline for state and local official comment regarding the definition of “navigable waters” under the Waters of the U.S. rule — specifically about how the definition of “navigable waters” would affect Saline County and what could be done about it. One Secure Arkansas supporter contacted quorum court member John Kimbrough who initially agreed to sponsor the resolution… but he then rescinded his decision after he talked with the county judge. Secure Arkansas immediately contacted Barbara Howell, Everett Hatcher, James Zahn, and many other JPs, including the County Judge, Jeff Arey. We explained the importance of the resolution and the urgency of the vote on the resolution because of time constraints due to the EPA-issued deadline. (The deadline for official comments to the EPA was June 19, 2017.) The county judge then agreed that the resolution could be brought up at the quorum court meeting on June 19th. The Secure Arkansas member then called quorum court member John Kimbrough back to tell him this, and he replied, “You’re wearing me out with this!” and also stated that he runs businesses and is a very busy man. Those seemed like odd things to say, since the two had only spoken a few times and since he (hopefully) ran for office to be a public servant which involves matters that concern Saline County and its residents… and especially because the resolution is very important since it involves control of the waters of Saline County! Mr. Kimbrough agreed again (hesitantly) to have the resolution heard at the meeting. At the quorum court meeting after new business was covered, it was asked if there was any public comment. The Secure Arkansas member stood up, handed out packets to the quorum court members (including the blank resolution and Official Comment Form for JPs), and spoke for several minutes about the importance of the whole matter. Mr. Kimbrough then made some comments about that he wasn’t comfortable bringing the resolution up for a vote since the quorum court members were “just being made aware of it”. (Again, they had been notified about the EPA deadline by email and phone since early June, and the quorum court meeting was on June 19th — plenty of time to look into the matter and contact Secure Arkansas or some other informed entity with questions or concerns.) Mr. Kimbrough deferred to quorum court member Steve Gladden who had worked with the EPA before, and Mr. Gladden admitted to having received an email about it. It must have been from Secure Arkansas because no one else was sending out anything about the EPA comment period for state and local officials! He made some comments about how the issue was in litigation, but the Secure Arkansas member stood up again, clarified some statements, and told the quorum court members that — if they still remained unwilling to vote on the necessary resolution collectively — they could still support Saline County individually and submit the Official Comment Form for JPs to the EPA via email at
ONCE AGAIN, just so you understand: the EPA (NOT Secure Arkansas) was requesting official comments from state and local officials, and Saline County Quorum Court failed to officially notify the EPA of their stance regarding the definition of “navigable waters” under WOTUS.
Below is the FOIA request Secure Arkansas sent to Judge Barr in Carroll County when the quorum court failed to even consider the resolution and would NOT weigh in on the definition of “navigable waters” to the EPA for their county. (Click here to read their Journal of Proceedings/Minutes of the Quorum Court meetingon June 19, 2017.) The vote evidently had to be unanimous for it to even be considered or brought up. Could the Judge have a “Yes” man in one of the JPs? Looks like Mr. Johnson could be it…
FOIA Request
June 22, 2017
Dear Judge Barr (Carroll Co.),
Please provide legal citation, meaning a copy of the procedural ordinance for the Monday night June 19, 2017 claim by Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Devon Still that a unanimous vote was required to add an item to the agenda during a meeting as the Carroll County News reported this week.
Below is the reply:
… I BELIEVE this is what you are looking for. I did not attend the meeting, and Judge Barr is not available for me to ask. Our Justices of the Peace PRESENT at any meeting, may consider any OTHER MATTER, only by UNANIMOUS consent. Mr Johnson voted NAY.
Ronda Griffin
Administrative Assistant
210 W. Church
Berryville, Arkansas 72616
P: 870-423-2967
F: 870-423-6776
Most of the JPs in this county were on board with the resolution and wanted to weigh in on the definition of “navigable waters”, but Carroll County Judge Barr had other plans. The vote to consider our resolution was unanimous except for one JP (Mr. Johnson) who was the only one on the quorum court to vote “nay”. That is how Judge Barr got around having the resolution brought up regarding “navigable waters”. Again, it looks like the vote must be unanimous for the quorum court even to consider the resolution.
Sam L. Barr
Carroll County Judge
If you click on the Carroll County Judge’s website —
So, guess who commands this official?! Judge Barr himself did not write the statements and information on the county website. Looks like he’s in office to follow the instructions and directives of NACo!
Most of the Marion County JPs and Judge Ott seem to be controlled by the Association of Arkansas Counties and Samuel J. Pasthing, a lawyer from Flippin who serves as legal counsel for the Marion County Quorum Court. Judge Ott manages to dodge phone calls of inquiry if he thinks it would be controversial to the wishes of the AAC. That’s just what he tried to pull through his gatekeeper that answers the phone, giving multiple excuses as to why he could not come to the phone and discuss the waters of the United States (WOTUS). Many people we have interviewed in that county are so disgusted with the quorum court because they feel totally disenfranchised from their local government. Also, most of the JPs there do not seem to be able to think for themselves. Instead, they want to know what the attorney thinks. Residents of this county have elected a local government that doesn’t seem to capable of thinking on their own. We did remind one of the JPs that the residents of that county elected them — the JPs, NOT the attorney that probably works hand-in-hand with the Association of Arkansas Counties’ (AAC) vile agenda. Here are the minutes from their quorum court meeting on June 13, 2017. Go to page 3 to see their statement about the resolution. Mike Scrima was the JP who should be applauded for bringing up the water resolution!
Note: County roads have been a big issue this year. Residents need to attend the quorum court meetings in order to hold JPs accountable. The road issue will be an even greater issue in the future because, according to U.N. and NACo beliefs, many roads (especially paved and tarred roads) are “not sustainable”.
Now we come to Arkansas’ federal delegation: Click here to see the letter that Secure Arkansas sent out to the entire Arkansas federal delegation.
Here’s an excerpt from the letter Secure Arkansas sent to U.S. Senators Boozman and Cotton and Congressmen Crawford, Hill, Womack, and Westerman :
“EPA should have officially notified the elected local government officials directly, but according to our research, this was not done. EPA must consult directly with Indian tribes and elected state and local government officials, not some national organization that does not represent the will of the people. Because of this EPA breakdown, the elected local government officials were NOT officially notified. Also, it appears that EPA did not consult with the Indian tribes, either.”
It would be up to Congress to do something about the failure to notify our elected officials. Failure to notify all elected officials is serious! Please click here to read the Secure Arkansas alert regarding failure to notify.
This proves that our local and state governments were totally left out of the process concerning our WATER! Our country has been co-opted, our local counties are being adversely affected, and the NGOs can be a cruel enemy to the people because they are self-serving. In other words… involved in the government for a profit.
image credit
WHEW! You’ve been reading for quite a while,
and you’re over halfway through the article.
You might grab a cup of coffee, and come back to read the rest in a bit…
Just so you know, this article was laboriously prepared because we truly want you to be informed, enlightened with facts and truth, and prepared for action now and in the coming days. This is a battle against controlling forces of the one world government which do NOT have our best interests in mind… Millennials, we’re thinking of you, too, you know… It’s critical that this generation understands that our American liberties could be lost and our monetary system could collapse.
What are YOU willing and able to do about it?
Who really runs our local government? It is actually elected officials? Or could it be private entities other than those whom we have elected? Should you be concerned about what goes on in your county at the local level and all the counties across the country? Are you concerned about the taxes you owe, your property rights, your sheriff, or even the county judge at the quorum court? Absolutely, you should be!
Who pays for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), like the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) to basically manage and train our local ELECTED officials? YOU DO!
The National Association of Counties (NACo) works with all 3,069 counties across the country through the Association of Counties. For Arkansas, that would be the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC). In order to accomplish its purpose, “The Association” trains, holds conferences, writes various publications, helps write legislative pieces, and cons our local elected officials into believing that they are just assisting them in their duties and responsibilities. NACo was founded in 1935 and works with NACo members, state associations of counties, and NACo affiliates. (Don’t forget: NACo left the counties out of the official comment process to EPA on the Waters of the United States (WOTUS). NACo had a meeting with EPA, and no one from EPA, NACo, or AAC notified the counties or tribes to provide a comment on the WOTUS. Why were the counties left out of the process?)
Local operatives: One of them is Chris Villines (from Saline County), the Executive Director of the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC). He has been the executive director since July 2010. He’s in the driver’s seat to impose NACo’s authoritarian, corporatist directives upon Arkansas!
From their website:
Chris Villines
Executive Director
Association of Arkansas Counties
Remember, the Association of Arkansas Counties gets its directives from the National Association of Counties (NACo) which, in turn, gets its directives from Council of State Governments (CSG) and other NGOs… who get their directives all the way up the line from the United Nations and its international policies! (Once you familiarize yourself with all of the acronyms, it’s easier for you to keep up as you’re reading.)
NACo training, meetings, and conventions: Who gets to vote when the National Association of Counties has their annual business meetings? Their 82nd annual convention is going on in Columbus, Ohio right now, July 21-24, 2017. NACo allows the counties attending their convention only so many votes based on dues paid to NACo. (Highlighted below) Remember, they are a money-making business!
NOTE: this money making agenda includes the global green initiative incorporating the technocracy buzzwords “Smart Growth”, smart meters, “greening”, sustainable policies, alternative energy, conservation easements, comprehensive planning, Public/Private Partnerships, “social justice”, and “quality of life” initiatives, among many others.
These policies are slowly… methodically… and incrementally abolishing private property as green initiatives and wildlands projects are implemented. Once private property is abolished, there go our individual freedoms and liberty! We need to help expose these U.N. Agenda 21 policies, and ROOT THEM OUT of our towns, cities, and counties!
Special note: Greening has been a big money-making business and put many towns and cities in debt!: “Green initiatives” are the pervasive policies of U.N. Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. They are a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. They are not good environmental policies (example: allowing toxic fluoridation in our drinking water that harms our bodies!). In all reality, they impose a global, centrally-planned pseudo-government administered by the United Nations. Under Agenda 21, government is centralized, and local authorities are required to strictly conform to a common prescribed standard. NACo and AAC are a part of this agenda.
Are policy guidelines set for counties at NACo’s annual business meetings? And on WHAT exactly do they vote? How many votes will your county have there? Check out the NACo election. Secure Arkansas found this and posted it directly from NACo’s website:
“During NACo’s 2017 Annual Conference in Franklin County, Ohio, delegates from member counties will cast their votes for a new executive leadership team, changes to the bylaws and new policy positions for the American County Platform.
What is the American County Platform? We found it on NACO’s website, and it is a manual which is very deceptively worded to make their goals and objectives sound good… but they’re not. From the NACo website:
The American County Platform is NACo’s permanent policy document. When necessary, it is amended at the annual meeting. Divided into substantive policy areas covered by ten policy steering committees, the platform reflects the philosophy and broad objectives of NACo’s membership.
Following are the vote totals for each member county. The number of votes assigned to each county is based on a formula that awards one vote for every $500 (or fraction thereof) paid in NACo dues.
County delegates must be present at the Annual Business Meeting, Monday, July 24, 2017 to cast their votes. Click here to see the results of NACo 2017 election.”
[Yellow highlight and bolding, Secure Arkansas’]
The American County Platform is NACo’s 152-page manual which lays out their standardizing beliefs, platform, resolutions, and requirements for counties across the country. DO NOT MISS reading this document!
Here’s an excerpt from their manual (scroll to the fifth page of their Platform to read it yourself):
The National Association of Counties (NACo) is the only national organization representing county government in the United States. Its membership includes urban, suburban, and rural counties.
NACo is governed by its member counties through a weighted voting system based on dues, which are based on population. Member counties elect officers and a board of directors at the annual conference.
NACo, with the creative involvement of its membership, will develop the leadership, programs, and services necessary to enable counties to:
- meet the challenges of the 21st century;
- manage rapid change; and
- assist their citizens in achieving a better quality of life.
A collaborative partnership, involving government, health, education, business, and the community is essential to achieve this vision.
THIS is how local governments are usurped by U.N. policies.
Now, back to the annual NACo meeting, taken directly from their website:
“What does this all mean? Right now, each county gets a certain number of votes for the Annual Business Meeting to use for policy resolutions, national officers, bylaws and changes to the American County Platform. The number of votes each county receives is determined by its NACo dues – dues are calculated based on population. This change will affect only the number of votes a county receives and will not change NACo dues.”
What are the other associations in your county that could be carrying out Sustainable Development practices and goals? They are listed below. Keep reading.
Are U.N. Agenda 21 AND U.N. Agenda 2030 involved in our local government? Agenda 21 is the agenda for the 21st Century. Here’s a very recent quote from the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Peter Thompson (Fiji):
“We all know the basic steps ahead,” he said, adding that the necessary resources must be mobilized to meet the world’s sustainable development objectives. Official development assistance (ODA) commitments should be met and the allocation of resources in national budgets to implement the 2030 Agenda should be accelerated.”
This was given during the July 17th Session. (He said ACCELERATED!)
Also, another inaccurate statement by the new U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres:
“There was a loss of confidence and trust between people and Governments, multilateral institutions and international organizations such as the United Nations.”
There “is”, not “was”, a loss of confidence and trust between people and Governments… as long as we have the United Nations involved with manipulating U.S. policies, even down at the local level, we are doomed to fail!
Please think long and think hard about what Secure Arkansas is laying out before you once again in this article, dear reader. NOTHING about our government will ever change until we the people understand how – and by whom – we have been sold out! Remember — these NGOs are profiting from all of this!
Check out these links:
More on NACo’s profitable NGO business: NACo 2015 IRS 990 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (EIN 53-0190321)
NACo Research Foundation 2015 IRS 990 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (EIN 53-0241255) Grant of $2,950,407 received from NACo to fund operations
The following organization’s mission is to “File Amicus Briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court for State and Local Governments”.
State and Local Legal Center 2015 IRS 990 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (EIN 31-0868827) A Grant of $85,000 received from NACo to fund operations
The State and Local Legal Center lists the following organizations in their governing documents that they support:
EIN 36-2167796 (associate member)
NACo heavy-handed governance: National Association of Counties (NACo)
[Secure Arkansas’ note: in order for a county to participate in NACo’s annual election of officers and policy adoption, they must have paid its membership dues and have one paid registrant for the conference, according to NACo bylaws listed below. This all comes from taxpayer money!]
NACo has established a consolidated family of affiliated subsidiaries to pursue and fulfill our vision of healthy, safe and vibrant counties across the United States. Our strategic focus is to strengthen the leadership, ingenuity and investments of county governments and our elected and appointed officials as well as our residents. NACo is owned by America’s county governments with oversight and governance by an executive committee and board of directors.
[Yellow highlight Secure Arkansas’]
NACo’s BYLAWS (adopted July 2016) govern how the association is run, detailing its object and purpose and the structure and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and the membership. NACo’s Annual Conference is going on right now, July 21-24, 2017, and here is their 133-page Proposed Policy Resolutions and Platform Changes document for 2017… so we will have to wait and see what changes will actually be made.
In case you’re curious, you may click here and use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down and see who is sponsoring NACo’s Annual Conference: Aetna, Amazon, and PayPal, just to name a few. Secure Arkansas will be writing an alert very soon about Amazon and their illegal collection of state sales tax…
Now we’d like to focus your attention back on some things happening locally in your area.
Listed below are the Associate Members of the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) which are tied to Metropolitan Regional Global Government at work in Arkansas: (Secure Arkansas wants to know: are all of the associations listed below paying a fee and being trained by the Association Arkansas of Counties?)
Attention! Important link for you to click: This link shows us the manuals that our elected officials are trained and forced follow:
You might want to pay attention to the 2017 County Government Tax Levies Manual. Also, notice the County Sheriff’s Procedural Manual. This is what your so-called elected sheriff has to go by, dear reader! Can you now see a little better why our government is really run by the insatiable Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) — which we never elected in the first place — AND why our propped up, pretend government is so corrupt ? Last, but not least, notice the 2016 Circuit Clerks Procedural Manual. This reveals who was on the Board of Directors for the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) in 2016, but shown directly below are pictures and contact information for their current Board of Directors as shown on their website.
Current Board of Directors for the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC)
(info found here
[Secure Arkansas note: SO, Debbie Wise is the Vice President for the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) AND is also the current 2017 Tally Clerk for NACo!]
Shown directly below is the Arkansas Association of Counties (AAC) Organization Chart from their website.
In closing: This is a “heads up” alert to which we had better pay attention because it appears we have been and are continually being manipulated by the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) and the National Association of Counties (NACo), both which are Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) — really, corporate overlords. They do not seem to be concerned at all, constitutionally speaking, do they? (Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) should NOT be operating at this or any level in a real constitutional government!)
NACo supports and endorses U.N. Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, so most of the directives that are being passed down from the Association of Arkansas Counties (AAC) are U.N. Agenda 21 directives. The United Nations was designed from the start to promote world socialism. U.N. Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development is limiting our God-given rights and destroying our freedoms.
Dear reader, we can no longer sit back and relax. Action must be taken quickly!
It’s time to contact our elected officials and send them this article: County Judges, Justices of the Peace (JPs) or County Commissioners, Mayors, City Council Members, and School Board Members need to terminate their membership in all NGOs in which a fee is involved. All of these NGOs have a hidden agenda that is being driven by the federal government down through CSG and then on to NACo and then AAC. Directives are also coming down from CSG and then on to the Municipal League. This affects our cities AND counties. The only way that the state, city, and county governments will be able to get back their sovereignty back is by removing the NGOs from their sphere of influence. Our elected officials should be performing the will of the people, not the will of some NGO that is pushing the agenda of Washington, D.C. or some international group.
These destructive United Nations Sustainable Development policies filter down through NACo and are UNconstitutional. It’s a fatal connection! These policies are NOT going away — they will actually only accelerate — unless we stop supporting this illegitimate government through taxpayer funds!
ALSO, U.S. Senators and Congressmen need to be working with government agencies to have those agencies deal directly with the the state and local government instead of dealing with the NGOs. In the case of the waters of the United States (WOTUS), EPA met directly with NACo… but left the local government out of the loop for the counties to comment directly to EPA.
Readers, please take action, and send your U.S. Senators and Congressmen this article. You may forward it to them, and we also post our articles on our website: .
Click here to learn how to contact U.S. Senators.
Click here to find your U.S. Representatives.
Shadow government: One should be able to clearly see that, with CSG, NACo, and other NGOs in charge (across the U.S.), we are finding our local counties and our whole country suffering more than ever before! The will of the people is not being served. After reading this article, do you think that our local officials are still in control of our counties? They need to become more aware of the power and authority that they really have and take action against the authoritarian NACo directives! You need to know that evil has no convictions.
Thank goodness for our Arkansas State Constitution! According to the Arkansas Constitution, Article 7, Section 28 & 30, county officials have the responsibility to exercise distinct and individual authority of “exclusive original jurisdiction” in all matters pertaining to local concerns.
From the Arkansas Constitution, Article 7, Section 28:
“The county courts shall have exclusive original jurisdiction in all matters relating to… county purposes, and in every other case that may be necessary to the… local concerns of the respective counties.”
Section 38: “The qualified electors of each township shall elect the justices of the peace for the term of two years; who shall be commissioned by the governor, and their official oath shall be endorsed on the commission.”
ACA 14-14-1301(b)
“Quorum Court District and Township officers. (1) There shall be elected in each of the quorum court districts of the counties of this state one (1) justice of the peace who shall preside over the justice of the peace courts and perform such judicial duties as may be prescribed by law and who shall serve as a member of the quorum court of the county in which elected and shall perform such legislative duties as may be prescribed by law. Each justice shall be a qualified elector and a resident of the district for which he or she is elected.
(2) There shall be elected in each township, as preserved and continued in SS 14-14-401, one (1) constable who shall have the qualifications and perform such duties as may be provided by law.”
Please remember to share this educational article because it took a lot of time to research, and it will help you make connections between these sinister Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and their authoritarian corporatist agendas — locally, federally, and globally!
We should have seen how a system of councils or NGOs are reporting to an apex council to direct a predetermined outcome of policy and that members are chosen by their willingness to comply with the objectives. Wow! That sounds like communism to Secure Arkansas… or something very similar.
States, counties, and cities need to terminate their membership in ALL of the NGOs, get the NGOs out of our lives, and get our sovereignty back!
Are they courageous enough to do it?
As always, you can find our email articles posted on our website: The Search box is a handy tool. For more information about a topic, just type it into the Search box on our website, and click Enter!
And remember:
Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas