— Early Voting starts October 19, 2020 —
Vote NO on Ballot Issue 1
Vote NO on Ballot Issue 2
Vote NO on Ballot Issue 3
Are you informed on these ballot measures?
From the Arkansas Secretary of State: Proposed and Referred Ballot Measures for the 2020 General Election
You may want to read the FULL text of each ballot issue for yourself. Please know that when you go to vote, you ONLY see the Ballot Title, NOT what’s in the legislation. This can be (and often is) very confusing and deceptive.
Below, we have included links to each of the 3 ballot issues for 2020.
Secure Arkansas has been contacted by many people regarding how to vote on Nov. 2020 Ballot Issues, so here we go!
Click here to read the full text about Issue No. 1 An Amendment to the Arkansas Constitution Continuing a One-Half Percent (0.5%) Sales and Use Tax for State Highways and Bridges; County Roads, Bridges and Other Surface Transportation After the Retirement of the Bonds Authorized in Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 91
Secure Arkansas has already written about this 2020 proposal in September. Click here to read our article about this Transportation Sales Tax Continuation Amendment. VOTE NO on Issue 1.
Click here to read the full text about Issue No. 2 – A Constitutional Amendment to Amend the Term Limits Applicable to Members of the General Assembly, to be Known as the “Arkansas Term Limits Amendment”
Caution! A yes vote would eliminate term limits. Sadly, the average voter may be blind-sided when voting in this election by the deceptive terminology in this proposal. When you see the phrase “term limits” in this measure, be aware that a yes vote increases the time a legislator can serve in the office at the Arkansas Capitol. This poorly written measure increases their time and would allow a former legislator the opportunity to return to office after a four-year break. Vote “No” because the way it is written, it really abolishes term limits: the legislators could float in and out of the state legislature as long as they don’t serve 12 consecutive years. Once they are out … they should be out! Period! Vote “NO” on Issue 2.
Click here to read the full text about Issue No. 3 – A Constitutional Amendment To Amend The Process For The Submission, Challenge, And Approval Of Proposed Initiated Acts, Constitutional Amendments, And Referenda
Unfortunately, this burdensome proposal creates more problems and blockades in signature gathering for petitions! It increases the minimum number of counties from 15 to 45. Also, it would decrease the length of time for us to collect signatures for our petitions by about 6 months! The people of the State of Arkansas would have a hard time handling those strict requirements. Only the mega rich, politicians and special interest groups could ever handle those heavy-handed restrictions and pay to hire signature gatherers, dear reader. Arkansas was one of the only states left for the people to have a less-restrictive signature gathering process. If this nasty ballot measure passes, we the people will be sunk! It would be almost impossible for us to petition our government for state amendments and initiated acts. Arkansans, oppose this to help protect our constitutional rights. VOTE NO on Issue 3.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas