In the Newly Proposed Progressive Constitution, it states under the Second Amendment that
The right of the people to keep and bear arms is subject to reasonable regulation by the United States and by the States.
If anyone supports the Second Amendment, they cannot also support an Article V Convention. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution states:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Do we REALLY want to convene a federal convention?? This is a time of great concern! The push for an Article V Constitutional Convention is one of the most vicious bait-and-switch plans ever perpetrated on the American People. It is all about getting a “new” Constitution under the pretext of getting amendments added to the existing constitution.
If an Article V Constitutional Convention is ever called, you can kiss the America as you know it goodbye. No rights — just privileges. Welcome to communist Amerika. Amerika was about life in the United States after a bloodless takeover engineered by the Soviet Union. Amerika was broadcast in 1987 on ABC and was later made into a VHS tape series.
The Convention of the States (COS) is an Article V Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) supported and funded by the sordid elitists. This COS origination has always been from the very beginning a Trojan horse with the controlled opposition in charge. Mark Meckler’s “COS” Board Member Robert P. George has drafted new Constitution which imposes gun control . Also see this article: Convention of States Board Member Co-authored Anti-2A “Conservative Constitution”.
Be sure to read the drivel these perpetrators are proposing on the American public. You will NOT like it, dear reader — it is a direct threat to our constitutional rights and our civil liberties:
In The Progressive Constitution listed above, it states under the Second Amendment that
The right of the people to keep and bear arms is subject to reasonable regulation by the United States and by the States.
The fact that they have the 3 proposed Constitutions — the Conservative, the Libertarian, and the Progressive Constitutions — they’ll be merging points from all three of them. You can rest assured, it will not be the honorable U.S. Constitution that we have held close since the founding of this great nation.
Therefore, ALL State legislators must rescind ALL Article V calls for a Constitutional Convention.
If there is ever an Article V Constitutional Convention convened, the delegates would have the power to impose a “new” Constitution which, among other things, could strip us of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms without infringement. The delegates could even have the power to create a new form of government! For the Convention, the delegates will have the highest lawmaking ability of the land, including Congress!
Concerning delegates — There is no higher power of enforcement to control them, command them, or stop them from doing anything they want to do. They have been given power to change the Constitution and are therefore above the current CONSTITUTION, above STATE LAW, above the STATE lawmakers, and are a force unto themselves. Once the convention has convened, the delegates have what is known as “plenipotentiary power”.
Plenipotentiary powers — Delegates to the convention will have “absolute” powers, called “plenipotentiary powers”, because remember: they (NOT the state legislators) have FULL authority to broker the deal!!! Delegates are NOT under the authority of the states. The states have been totally duped if they think they can control delegates chosen to conduct a FEDERAL convention or pull them back from the convention.
Don’t say that a runaway convention won’t happen. It will, with the help of both the Left and the Right traitors of this country that are part of the Convention of States (COS) lie.
The Hill recently wrote this article, and you can now see why we are concerned. Many conservatives have bought into the lie.
Most of the people supporting the Convention of States have been hood winked and lied to by many of the false statements coming out of Mark Meckler’s COS organization. Meckler can NOT be trusted!
To safeguard the existing United States Constitution, all state legislators MUST do the following quickly:
All states that have applied for an Article V Constitutional Convention MUST rescind, repeal, cancel, void, and supersede any extant applications by the legislature of each state to the Congress of the United States of America to call a convention pursuant to the terms of Article V of the United States Constitution for proposing one or more amendments to that constitution.
Below are several disgusting articles that support the SCAM that is being heavily promoted by the “Convention of States (COS).” COS is behind the move to replace the existing U.S. Constitution and betray us all. This has been COS’s position all along.
Secure Arkansas has written several articles over the years about the absurd idea of a Convention of States (a.k.a. Constitutional Convention) and the dangers that would occur. Here is an article from 3 years ago that sheds some light on this reckless problem of having an asinine Convention of States and solid proof that the Convention of States is working with the left. Legislators, wake up. The lies need to be exposed!
*The radical leftist book they don’t want you to see: The Constitution in 2020
Note: Cass Sunstein (Soros’ puppet) helped edit the book. This is a must-read book for all legislators and anyone interested in what the enemy is doing.
There are a bunch of wolves in sheep’s clothing, and we will name a few that you should be concerned about. They ARE the controlled opposition that tries to appear conservative for the most part, but are really on the prowl. So, be aware of these highly recognizable groups:
Are you surprised by these predators? Meckler’s henchmen will take this country down… if we let them. Would you like to know who sponsors ALEC? To name a few: Americans for Prosperity, PhRMA, Dow Chemical, CVS/Caremark Corp., Koch Industries, Johnson & Johnson, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and of course, Big Pharma including Astra Zeneca, Bayer, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Sanofi Aventis, and others…
More wolves in sheep’s clothing! or deceived followers of the left. The following individuals/ groups are endorsing a Convention of States:
Note: If any of the individuals or groups listed in the bullet points below, feel that they have been deceived and lied to by Mark Meckler of the Convention of States, then please pull your endorsement immediately.
The pressure for a Convention of States/ Constitutional Convention is being pushed using propaganda by the people and groups listed above. The Convention of States Project (COS) continues to use newspeak to manipulate people into believing that the convention provided for by Article V of our Constitution is really a “convention of the states” that is controlled from start to finish by State Legislatures. This is not TRUE! What a big fat lie, dear reader!
Special note of the history of this mess: Larry Lessig is a Harvard Law Professor who had a theory to get Hillary Clinton into the White House by the end of 2017. He is a founder of the Convention of States Project with Mark Meckler, co-founder of a fake 2009 GOP-run ‘Tea Party’ known as Tea Party Patriots.
Matthew 7: 15-20 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”
Be sure you watch the following YouTube video linked below to understand how the Article V Convention takes place. Mark Meckler of the Convention of States (COS) has not been truthful with his COS project.
Exposing the real agenda behind the push for an Article V Convention
(37-minute YouTube video) This presentation was given on April 17, 2017 at the beautiful old Supreme Court Chamber at the Tennessee Capitol Building in Nashville. It was true then and it is true today…
ALL State legislators must rescind ALL Article V calls for a Constitutional Convention. Remember: part of the agenda of COS is to introduce major gun control. The proof of this gun control is included in the COS documents above.
See the Rescission Resolution below from the State of Maryland:
Constitutional Convention Rescission Resolution (from the Maryland Senate)
You may use this as an example resolution for your state.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas