Archives For 1st Amendment

Bond Issue Round Up

Many people have asked for resources to help them sort through the fog of conflicting information (more fog here) that state officials and spokesmen for “Move Arkansas Forward” have put out about the proposal to take on more debt. The vote for this debt proposal is November the 8th! Early voting starts Nov 1st. Secure Arkansas announced its opposition to the measure in early September.

Secure Arkansas Special Report: Debt Election

On November the 8th, Arkansans will be asked to go to the polls and give the Arkansas Highway Commission permission to add $575 million of additional debt unto our backs. While they have dropped many hints about what they “could” spend the money on, the bottom line is that the Highway Commission wants us to approve more debt without much if anything in the way of specific commitment as to what the money will be used for. Secure Arkansas stands in opposition to this debt plan.