Archives For 1st Amendment

Follow The Money: Who Profits From Fluoridation? And Who Pays?

More on follow the money Environmental Injustice – The Economics of Water Fluoridation: A Snapshot –  by J. William Hirzy       Outline In 2011, the phosphate industry in the U.S. reported sales of hydrofluorosilicic acid (HFSA) for water fluoridation of 65,900 tons of 100% assay acid. Let us assume this volume of HFSA is sold […]

Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Action Alert

An organization was established in 1954 to provide care for dogs and cats. This organization is known as The Humane Society of the United States. As with everything, it seems, change has been going on unbeknownst to us. They started out as an animal welfare group and have switched to an animal rights group.