Archives For 1st Amendment

HB 1053, The Healthcare Freedom Act – Update

HB 1053, The Healthcare Freedom Act, sponsored by David Meeks, failed in the House Public Health Committee on Tuesday, January 25, 2011. The full title of HB1053 is “An Act to Ensure Freedom of Choice in Health Care for All Arkansans; and to Prevent Involuntary Enrollments in Health Care Insurance Programs.” Don’t let this bill drop – call your state representative today!

HB 1053, The Healthcare Freedom Act

HB 1053, The Healthcare Freedom Act, will be heard by the Public Health Committee on Tuesday, January 25th. The Committee meets at 10:00 a.m. in Room 130. For those who can make it down to the Capital next Tuesday morning. Please do! Normally there is a time period given for people to speak either for the bill or against the bill and I would love to have a room full of people who are willing to speak for the bill.