Monthly Archives February 2011

Is Our Drinking Water Safe?

On Sunday, February 6th, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette featured an entertaining, if not factual, editorial about Secure Arkansas’ latest legislative efforts. You, sir, have certainly expressed your opinion. Now, it’s time for a rebuttal or two, don’t you think? I know I do!

HB1008 in front of the House Education Committee tomorrow

HB 1008, the In-State Tuition Bill, will be back in the House Education Committee tomorrow, February 8, 2011, at 10 a.m. The Department of Higher Education is supposed to provide detailed information about students whose enrollment had been flagged as possibly being fraudulent.

Arkansas Federation of Animal Owners (ARKFED)

Arkansas Federation of Animal Owners (ARKFED) is a coalition of individuals and organizations, whose members own, raise, enjoy, produce, and sell animals and animal products. We believe in and support the proper care and humane treatment of all animals, but we also believe that the Animal Rights movement is a misguided attempt to deprive American citizens of their basic Constitutional rights to property ownership.

Net Neutrality: The FCC “Assumes” Control

On December 21st, 2010, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) acted without congressional approval to regulate the Internet under its own Net Neutrality Rules. According to the FCC, they are acting to preserve the Internet as an open network enabling consumer choice, freedom of expression, user control, competition, and the freedom to innovate.

Regulation of the Internet 12-16-10

The internet has been a revolution of undoubted importance in the business world, for government, and for our culture. It has thus far flourished, largely without government intervention or oversight. But is increased federal regulation of the internet inevitable?

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