LATEST UPDATE: We were alerted by a representative that the voting record for the Arkansas House of Representatives was updated by the Capitol to read this way now (shown below) because votes were paired. There were 2 pairs on the desk for the SJR3 vote: McKenzie and Della Rosa were NO while Pilkington and Payton were YES. Paired votes take a little longer to get updated in the vote record. (Secure Arkansas initially used the official records that were available yesterday, 2/14/2019.)
Sadly and with great sorrow, SJR3 passed off the House floor yesterday, February 13, 2019. This is the dangerous resolution that calls for a highly risky national convention and has now travelled through the entire Arkansas General Assembly to pass on to the governor for the last stop.
Secure Arkansas is submitting an account of what happened with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) lobbyists, the Arkansas legislators, and the tragic vote that could end up trashing our Constitution and our American way of life in this country.
Who’s behind this sinister vote to call a federal convention? Do you REALLY want a federal convention convened?!
Arkansas’ currently ALEC-led General Assembly and their desire to apply to Congress to call a federal convention is shocking. The RINO Republicans all voted for a Con Con/ Article V federal convention! (We’ve addressed ALEC in previous articles like this one.)
The Convention of States (COS) was also heavily involved. This is an out-of-state group that has joined forces with Move To Amend, Wolf-PAC, and, etc. Remember, they are funded by George Soros. Actually, BOTH sides are funded by Soros. Many legislators are denying that the Political Left is working with the Convention of States Project. However, Progressive groups and leaders ARE working hand-in-hand with “conservative” groups to promote a rewrite of our federal Constitution. You can’t let those misinformed legislators off the hook!
The Governor still has a chance to correct this situation mishandled by the Arkansas Legislators by vetoing SJR3, plus the legislators still MUST rescind ALL calls for a Federal Convention.
Many Arkansas lobbyists have affiliated Political Action Committees or others who will donate campaign money to insure votes in favor of the lobbyists.
It looks like all lobbyists are there for one purpose, and that is to buy off or influence the legislators in exchange for favorable votes to advance their agenda. Isn’t this bribery?
The evil behind this overthrow will come to light! Sorry to say, especially legislators in the whole eastern side of the state were heavily influenced by the scheming American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) or Convention of States (COS) highly paid lobbyists, Mark Meckler (1/2 a million dollars) and Tom Coburn (1/4 of a million dollars).
Rep. Jack Ladyman (R) seemed to be leading the Jonesboro and surrounding area representatives. Our investigation is pending. The NEA Tea Party is currently asking some very important questions to the legislators there.
And here’s a snippet from the official statement from Iris Stevens, NEA Tea Party Chair:
“I am shocked and dismayed that our legislators would vote for such a flawed and dangerous undertaking as an Article V convention.”
Mark Meckler from COS never would reveal to the Arkansas House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs committee who his list of top donors are… and for good reason.
Regrettably, here’s a list exposing the RINO Republicans that voted for a federal convention to be assembled (below)! This convention will allow delegates from all over to be gathered together to make the highest known authority in the land!
Plenipotentiary powers — Delegates to the convention will have absolute powers, called “plenipotentiary powers”, because remember, they (NOT the state legislators) have FULL authority to broker the deal!!! Delegates are NOT under the authority of the states. The states have been totally duped if they think they can control delegates chosen to conduct a FEDERAL convention or pull them back from the convention.
House Votes 2/13/2019 (Updated)
Yeas 56, Nays 40, Non-Voting 4, Present 0 (Total 100)
Senate Votes 1/29/2019Yeas 19, Nays 13, Non Voting 2, Present 0, Excused 1, (Total 35)
Nays: 13 |
Non Voting: 2 |
Examples of consequences of a federal convention!
Reasons why we must NOT promote an Article V Federal Convention:
There is no provision in Article V empowering state legislators to choose the delegates to a Constitutional Convention or to “limit” the scope of a Con-Con. There are NO rules, NO regulations or instructions, and once a Convention is underway, the delegates answer to NOBODY!
According to Corpus Juris Secundum 16 C.J.S 9 (a compilation of State Supreme Court findings):
The members of a Constitutional Convention are the direct representatives of the people, and as such
(1) They may exercise all sovereign powers that are vested in the people of the state.
(2) They derive their powers NOT from the legislature, but from the people.
(3) Their power may NOT in any respect be limited or restrained by the legislature.
(4) Under this view, it is a Legislative Body of the Highest Order and may not only frame, but may also enact and promulgate.
Legislators are being told, and they believe, that they will be able to control a Convention! IT’S A LIE!!!
For the past 232 years, the Constitution has been amended without a convention because the risk of a repeat of 1787 has been, and still is, a well-known FACT. A Constitutional Convention could throw off our government and create a new one!
Governor Mike Levitt (Utah) said it outright in his 1994 White Paper regarding the planned Conference of States to be held in “historic Philadelphia” in ’95:
“CONGRESS TRIED TO LIMIT THE CONVENTION’S AUTHORITY by stating it would meet ‘for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation‘.”
“As we all know, the delegates to the great Constitutional Convention in 1787 in Philadelphia did much more than that. They threw out the Articles of Confederation and drafted a new constitution.“
Secure Arkansas has rebutted the false statements in SJR3 pretending to control delegates to the federal convention.
Action: All Arkansas legislators still need to hear from you about this threatening federal convention they have gambled with on behalf of this state. They have exercised themselves in things too great for them.
Thank those legislators who voted against SJR 3, and be outraged at those who didn’t.
Contact info for Arkansas Representatives
Contact info for Arkansas Senators
Corruption at the Arkansas Capitol continues with our lawmakers and special interest private corporations! Arkansans are still being held captive at the hands of criminal activity!
More corrupt legislators, lobbyists, and PACS will be exposed in future articles…
In closing, remember, the Con-Con has been introduced in various nefarious forms (the terms are recycled and re-used over the years, perhaps in hopes that We the People would “forget” their anti-constitutional agenda), and they are as follows:
There is no such thing as a “Convention of States”; it’s a made-up term. The legal terminology is a federal Constitutional Convention (Con Con) which is what an Article V convention actually will apply for. As you know, after the Convention is called, then Congress would take over! And there are NO LIMITS on a Constitutional Convention’s purpose, procedure, agenda, election of delegates, OR the subject matter! (Article I, §8, clause 17)
Stay aware, stay involved, and stay vigilant.
Remember: eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas