Legislators, Rescind All Applications Calling for a Federal Convention because States are being forced into a position they don’t want
All previous calls or applications for a convention MUST quickly be sponsored so that they can be rescinded this 2019 legislative session! Click here for an example of a resolution to RESCIND all calls for an Article V Convention.
In this alert, we want to draw your attention to the truth about calling for a federal convention.
Since Congress “calls” the convention, they have traditionally claimed the power to determine the number and selection process for delegates. See the April 11, 2014 Report of the CRS (p.4). Congress may appoint themselves and/or lobbyists from special interest groups, and they may hold elections or handle it in any way they so choose. Congress also determines the number and selection of delegates, and those delegates have plenipotentiary powers (full powers) as well as sovereign immunity (no accountability) for WHATEVER THEY DECIDE TO DO! So, they’re a law unto themselves at a federal convention. States are NOT in control at all!
Since Congress controls the process, it logically follows that the political party in control at the time of the convention would set the rules. Are YOU comfortable with that, dear reader, considering the current political climate? Keep in mind that pro-convention lobbyists and globalists (the Koch brothers, COS, ALEC, WolfPAC, MoveToAmend, MoveOn.org, etc.) are desperate for a federal convention by 2020. There’s a Marxist mandate for it!
Remember that Congress is in complete control on how the delegates are chosen, and the states have ZERO control over this process. Convention of States (COS) and American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) are incorrect on how the delegates are chosen, and they have no Constitutional authority to cover their mis-statements. However, Secure Arkansas will reveal the correct authority and some examples we pulled from the Congressional record this year (2019).
See the Congressional Record link below concerning Constitutional Authority. Some examples are listed:
Congressional Record House January 3, 2019 By Mr. DEUTCH: H.J. Res. 2.
Congress has the POWER to enact this legislation pursuant (before) to the following:
Article V of the Constitution: The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, either case, shall be valid to all intents and pur- poses, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.
Convention of States (COS) and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) have the idea that they can create legislation to control the delegates. This is not true. Here is some proof that even if the states think they may have control over the delegates, they may not:
From the Congressional Record (House) March 2, 2019
This is an example of what COULD happen on how a Delegate to Federal Convention may be chosen:
Under clause 3 of rule XII,
4. The SPEAKER presented a petition of Mr. Gregory D. Watson, a citizen of Austin, TX, relative to urging Congress to enact legislation that would prohibit Members of Congress, and members of State legislatures, from participating as delegates or commissioners to a convention, applied for by the State legislatures, pursuant to the Constitution’s Article V, the purpose of which would be to propose one or more amendments to the United States Constitution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Sadly, see how this is going to go, folks?
The Legislators must rescind all their applications to Congress calling for an Article V convention. Federal Constitutional Convention applications legislation was introduced by numerous false statements and outright lies on the part of Convention of States (COS), the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and their corporate and legislator members.
Here’s proof that ALEC is behind calling for a constitutional convention, and here’s a quote from the ALEC document: A RESOLUTION, for the purpose of petitioning the Congress of the United States to adopt an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, for submission to the states, to require, with certain exceptions, that the federal budget be balanced; or, in the alternative, to call a convention for the sole and exclusive purpose of proposing a Federal balanced budget amendment for submission to the states for ratification… Amendments approved by the ALEC Board of Directors, January 5, 2011 and also 2016.
This document above is trying to limit amendments in a federal convention, but that’s nothing but hogwash, folks! Article V shows that the convention is a deliberative body and cannot be limited.
If we get saddled with a chaotic runaway federal convention, the Koch syndicate of funders and lobbyists will be to blame. Most of the con groups pushing the convention idea are being underwritten by institutions tied to billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch.
Here’s more proof of the propaganda supposedly used for the chosen delegates that ALEC will be using regarding commissioners/delegates for the convention, and here’s a snippet from the ALEC document:
[Suggested language] [“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that to the best of my abilities, I will, as a Commissioner or Alternate to an Article V convention, uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and the State of [INSERT STATE]. I will not vote to allow consideration of or to approve any Unauthorized Amendment or Article V convention rules that are in conflict with one-state one-vote vote and a majority-vote to propose an Amendment. I acknowledge that violation of this oath may result in my recall and [civil, criminal] penalties.”
This statement above is a joke! What a delusion of grandeur proposed by ALEC!
Shown below is the power of the delegates and the far-reaching authority they will have.
If anyone has supporting evidence to the contrary, SHOW IT! Secure Arkansas is especially addressing the well-compensated lobbyists Mark Meckler and Tom Coburn! These men are making false statements that are very misleading and unreliable which will inflict harm upon our great country, dear reader. These hustlers have assured our state lawmakers that states can control the Article V convention! What a con!
The Constitution 2020 movement is based on “The Constitution in 2020” a book published by Oxford University Press that is a blueprint for implementing a Marxist version of a new Constitution that was written by progressives. Some of the major supports of the Constitution 2020 movement are listed below.
George Soros is bankrolling and heavily supporting the mandated Constitution 2020 movement. He staunchly believes that the Constitution is a living, breathing, evolving document. He believes in a new and improved Bill of Rights. His Open Society Institute and the Center for American Progress sponsored the Constitution 2020 conference in April of 2005.
Cass Sunstein is directly connected to Soros’ funding for the Constitution 2020 movement, which openly seeks to create a “progressive” consensus as to what the U.S. Constitution should provide for by the year 2020. In April 2005, Sunstein was the opening act for a conference at Yale Law School entitled “The Constitution in 2020,” which sought to change the nature and interpretation of the Constitution by that year.
Eric Holder sat on the board of a Soros-funded group pushing the same “progressive” constitution in the Constitution 2020 movement.
Here’s an older list of the Article V applications that have already been passed, but unfortunately, there will be more to add to the list.
All Article V Federal Conventions are dangerous and will end the United States of America as a Republic.
But nothing in the Constitution limits such a convention to the issue or issues for which it was called. In other words, anything and everything will be on the table, including fundamental constitutional rights. Nor are there any guarantees about who would participate or under what rules. Indeed, for these reasons, no federal constitutional convention has been called since the first in 1787.
The Constitution Needs to be Enforced, Not Changed.
The Con Con agenda is calling for an Article V convention to add to, and transform the US Constitution, with the promise that this will put the government back in line. This agenda is not only dangerous, but wrong.
The Constitutional Convention has different names to confuse people. The people who want it say, (and we agree) that there is a problem, because people are starting to have less respect for the Constitution including the Federal Government’s overreach. And they say, (and here’s where we disagree) that the solution is to change the Constitution. But if the Constitution is not being enforced, upheld, and followed, then the Constitution is not what needs to be changed! It’s the hearts, minds, and views of the people that don’t have respect for the Constitution that need to be changed, not the Constitution.
Rewriting our Constitution because it is not being followed would be like rewriting the 10 Commandments, if they were not being followed. Of course, neither one of those makes sense. The real solution is to enforce the Constitution.
The U.S. Constitution is the foundational document of a republic, and that cannot be changed without changing the Constitution. Conversely, Socialism is, basically, about NOT recognizing our private property, such that either the means of production are owned publicly or collectively.
Some History – Rexford G. Tugwell was a socialist and part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Brain Trust” (a think tank) and FDR’s left wing New Deal policies. Roosevelt appointed Tugwell to serve as Governor of Puerto Rico during World War II (1941- 1946). While governor of Puerto Rico, Tugwell exercised many of his social engineering mandates. It was there, in Puerto Rico, where Tugwell established the Puerto Rico Planning, Urbanization, and Zoning Board and devised legal and regulatory measures that resulted in relocation of rural population to metropolitan to San Juan and a few satellite cities.
Tugwell also served as Chancellor of the University of Puerto Rico. He hoped by doing so to install an entrenched academic elite to indoctrinate a generation of leftists who could dominate the Puerto Rican intelligentsia and sustain the primacy of his ideological dogma. Tugwell saw Puerto Rico as a captive insular society where he could prove collectivist theories, including a model of political economy that could not be tested in the states due to the disciplines of American federalism and the U.S. Constitution.
In 1974, Tugwell proposed a brand-new Constitution in his book: The Emerging Constitution(download). The new constitution can be found on pages 595 – 621 of the PDF copy of book listed in the previous link. You can find it excerpted here: Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America.
Under Tugwell’s Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America, there is no right to bear arms. In Article I Rights and Responsibilities
B. Responsibilities:
SECTION 8 . There shall be a responsibility to avoid violence and to keep the peace; for this reason the bearing of arms or the possession of lethal weapons shall be confined to the police, members of the armed forces, and those licensed under law.
Consequences of a federal convention convened! There is U.N./U.S. program, documented in a State Department document Publication 7727 titled “Freedom from War” (Public Law 87-297 of 1961) that calls for general and complete disarmament of all civilians. This is the elimination of the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. For this to happen, there needs to be a Constitution Convention (Con-Con) to scrap our existing Constitution and Bill of Rights.
When 7727 is fully implemented, it will ban civilian firearm ownership and transfer control of the U.S. military to the United Nations. Question: Why do you think that a Constitutional Convention is needed? Answer: To scrap the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Remember, a federal convention, once convened, cannot be limited to one single issue.
There is nothing that the socialist wants more than to scrap our existing U.S. Constitution. The deceptive SJR3 was passed this 2019 legislative session applying for Congress to call a federal convention. The main sponsor of this deadly bill was Senator Gary Stubblefield from Branch, Arkansas.
In order for the lawmakers to save face, the only thing that the people of Arkansas will currently accept is a complete rescinding of all present and previous calls for a Federal Constitution Convention. Click here for an example of a resolution to RESCIND all calls for an Article V Convention.
The Arkansas State Legislators who will not support rescinding all present and previous calls for a Federal Convention will be listed as RINOs and will be targeted in their next primary election.
In closing, the convention lobbyists are working with various groups on both the Left AND the Right that are calling for an Article V amendment convention. The ill-advised legislators supporting an Article V Constitutional Convention are either ignorant or are part of the problem in their desire to destroy the U.S. Constitution.
Those legislators who supported SJR3 must not have done their proper homework and appear to be void of conviction. That should concern you, dear reader! They should not be trusted. Political powers and rulers in high places are at play here.
Before it’s too late, while our Arkansas General Assembly is still in session, we must see legislation on all previous calls for rescission filed by March 11, 2019.
ACTION ITEM: Call, once again, and email the legislators, and demand that the following legislation be introduced and passed to rescind all calls for an Article V convention. Do not grow weary in well-doing…
Again, click here for an example of a resolution that needs to be used to RESCIND all calls for an Article V Convention.
A good place to start contacting immediately would be the House State Agencies Committee —
CELL # |
Tosh (Chair) |
Dwight |
870-926-0423 |
Gonzales (Vice Chair) |
Justin |
870-245-6365 |
Eubanks |
Jon S. |
479-438-0533 |
Cozart |
Bruce |
501-627-3232 |
House |
Douglas |
501-590-1055 |
Dotson |
Jim |
479-222-1234 |
Miller |
Josh |
501-365-3599 |
Womack |
Richard |
870-403-6287 |
Davis |
Andy |
501-837-5109 |
Payton |
John |
501-362-5815 |
Ladyman |
Jack |
870-340-7280 |
870-340-7499 |
Smith |
Brandt |
870-351-7459 |
Gazaway |
Jimmy |
870-215-1243 |
Penzo |
Clint |
479-466-6681 |
Warren |
Les |
501-623-4405 |
501-520-8201 |
Scott |
Jamie |
501-398-2961 |
Clowney |
Nicole |
479-445-5337 |
McKenzie |
Gayla Hendren |
479-787-6411 |
Godfrey |
Megan |
479-200-4460 |
Collins |
Andrew |
501-650-2233 |
Stay aware, stay involved, and stay vigilant.
Remember: eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
As always, you can find our email articles posted on our website: SecureArkansas.com. The Search box is a handy tool. For more information about a topic (such as CONVENTION), just type it into the Search box on our website, and click Enter!
Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas