Secure Arkansas is sending out one last article before HB 1684 — the bad bill that confers in-state tuition to undocumented students — hits the House floor on the last day of session, Friday morning, 4/05/2019. We thought it was important to keep our reading audience updated. We believe there is a shred of hope that the House could stop this bad bill in its tracks! Do NOT be weary in well doing — hang in there, sending last-minute emails to the House lawmakers, and urging them to VOTE NO on HB 1684. (Their email addresses are listed at the bottom of this alert.)
The battle at the border is a real and present danger, folks! Who’s crossing??? It’s a serious problem that has been going on for many, many years now. Most of them WANT to be caught. Why? Benefits that the taxpayers are stuck with, that’s why! Unbelievable, isn’t it? (Remember, former Governor Beebe denied that illegal aliens were getting benefits, but he finally admitted they were receiving them.)
Regarding Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students that are being negligently qualified… legal or illegal students, that is the question. Documented or undocumented? Qualified or unqualified??? Well, let’s see. Most of the DACA narrative that was fed to our lawmakers is false.
Under Obama’s DACA program, any deportation action is deferred, but we see that DACA status can be revoked!
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) says that “deferred action under DACA does NOT confer legal status upon an individual and may be terminated at any time, with or without a Notice of Intent to Terminate, at DHS’s discretion.”
Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was created on June 15, 2012 by former President Barack Obama… and the program was only supposed to be temporary! DACA is supposed to expire in March 2020. That’s why this desperate attempt to pass this bad bill. Please don’t let this happen, representatives!
In 2014, Obama expanded the DACA program, but his actions were successfully challenged in court by 26 states. AND, there was a split Supreme Court ruling in June 2016 that affirmed an appeals court ruling that halted the 2014 executive action!!!
Remember, DACA was set up through Obama’s executive action AFTER our Congress rejected legislation on this burdensome issue.
As you can see from this September 4, 2017 USCIS Chart, most are Latino. There is a total of 689,800. And we found that 82.5% were under 30 years of age. That’s a bit older than most people think, folks! Most of the DACA initial recipients were from California and Texas, but our Arkansas legislators want to follow suit with those states that have been overrun with illegal aliens. Economies suffer…
Evidently, our U.S. Attorney General thought this action circumvented federal law on immigration because he stated that “potentially imminent litigation” against DACA would be successful!
Unfortunately, on January 9, a federal judge in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco, California, temporarily and partially blocked this administration’s action and ruled that it had to continue processing DACA renewals as long as a legal challenge is going forth, but the adminstration does NOT have to accept any new applications.
USCIS says it would abide by the ruling, and this current administration has appealed the District Court’s decision… and there will be a request for a direct Supreme Court review!
Don’t you see that they are trying to create a path to legal status through DACA recipients?
Shouldn’t we be protecting our native-born students from illegal aliens who compete with them for entry-level jobs and for seats in our universities and colleges?
If our state legislature is going to go along with this reckless and lawless abuse of federal immigration laws that Obama commanded, then we really are in trouble, dear reader! Arkansas taxpayers, beware!
Remember to contact the Arkansas Representatives at their emails (listed below), and urge them to VOTE NO on HB 1684.
Stay aware, stay involved, and stay vigilant.
Remember: eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas