Monthly Archives January 2021

Extreme High Alert for ALL States!

FOR ALL STATES Liars are Calling for a Constitutional Convention… again! Our U.S. Constitution is at risk Here we go again. You are being alerted because we are facing an extraordinary national crisis by politicians who want to call a Constitutional Convention. We are in BIG trouble if that happens! If a federal convention is […]

Communist Chinese Companies to be Affected by EO 13959

New Executive Order 13959 Restricts U.S. Persons from Trading in Publicly Traded Securities and Derivatives of Certain “Communist Chinese Military Companies” Effective January 11, 2021. President Trump issued this new EO 13959 prohibiting U.S. persons from engaging in transactions in publicly traded securities of certain CCMCs, or any securities that are derivative of, or are designed to […]

Government Control, Pedophiles, and The Great Reset

What happens to a country when freedom of speech is withheld? You’re seeing it, and we’re in great danger. Save the information found in this article, and please help dispense this information any way you can. (Some servers may go down and bounce articles.) This is a must watch video. Breaking!! You MUST See This […]