The Globalist Georgia Guidestones… reveal the global elite’s population control death agenda for mankind…
Known as America’s Stonehenge, the mysterious Georgia Guidestones were a large granite monument that consisted of four 19-foot granite slabs, with a center stone and a smaller block capping the top that is aligned with the north star. So, they are aligned with the stars and the earth. The monument was erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States, and the land upon where the stones were placed is owned by the county. A set of 10 guidelines was inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.
What was so troubling whenever people read the esoteric inscriptions? The New Age writings called for the world’s population to be capped at only 500 million! The cryptic messages were displayed for all men to read, and they are also creepy cryptic prophecies that have begun to play out in our lifetime.
Is this a bizarre activation of tragic events to occur? Sadly, we are seeing today the poisonous experimental “vaccine” injections being used against us. This man-made virus was over 99% survivable, yet the medical elite are now injecting innocent babies and toddlers that have virtually a zero risk for COVID. The death by injections will eventually come to fruition soon enough, helping reduce the population of mankind. Lifespans have been shortened. We have been like lambs to the slaughter.
In the late 1960s, population control became official US government policy. Our US President Lyndon Johnson (1963-69) openly tied aid to India with it agreeing to push ahead with a population control program. Johnson said: “I’m not going to piss away foreign aid in nations where they refuse to deal with their own population problems.” Nixon also followed with the same US policy. The people in India were manipulated to submit to sterilization.
Repressive measures are commonplace when the global elite start pushing their “vaccination” agenda, especially when incentives were offered for the jabs and then disincentives if you didn’t get the experimental stick. Look at what has occurred surrounding the so-called pandemic.
The injections are the perfect tool to depopulate in large numbers now. Follow the history and follow the money. We must look back in time to see what has actually occurred in order to understand what is going on today.
How Covid Vaxxes Will Change Our World – from State of the Nation, June 23, 2021
The FDA knew in December of 2020 that the proposed mRNA vaccines would cause over 20 different diseases and kill many of those who were vaxxed. The CDC terrorized the public by exaggerating the death count by including accidental deaths, murders, suicides and drug overdoses. They also included people who were terminally ill in the covid count.
The CDC also denied the benefits of vitamin D-3 even though it reduced the death rate by 82% in some studies. And have not approved Ivermectin even though it reduced hospitalization and death rates by up to 92% in New Delhi. If they had not denied access to these self-treatments, we would not have seen the need to accept experimental injections which to date have killed more
Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum in Davos has said he wants to reduce the world population to a billion people. And the first people to go will be the whites of Europe and North America. I previously said some believe that both the covid virus and the vaccines are bioweapons. And that a third bioweapon would be released that is a binary to the mRNA vaxxes which will kill the vaxxed ones. This is all part of the plan to kill 7 billion people.
Remember Klaus Schwab’s quote in his book “Covid-19: The Great Reset” about useless eaters to be eliminated:
Do you want to be responsible for any injury, sterilization or death caused to you or your child by these useless malignant injections? Note: Foundations, non-governmental organizations, and even countries around the world have supported the population control movement and experimented with ways to limit population growth. Eugenics is still being carried out more than ever before in America and other countries, too.
Terrifying: Latest VAERS data reveals 50,000 children injured by COVID-19 jab, 125 dead
The latest figures published by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control reveal 50,000 children have been injured due to Covid-19 vaccination across the USA, and sadly 1,112 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability, while tragically a further 125 children sadly lost their lives.
Inscriptions (Keys) on the Georgia Guidestones to control the world… harshly, for a Brave New World.
A distressing politicized message from this social engineering project consists of a set of ten guidelines — keys or principles — that are engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. Our questions are in parentheses following each statement:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. (Would billions of people need to die? We would have to kill over 90% of the population existing on the planet. No wonder the Population Council and the International Planned Parenthood Federation have been so well funded, privately and governmentally! Pridefully, John D. Rockefeller III served as the Population Council’s first president. The Ford Foundation was also involved.) A Special Note: Medical doctors that buy into this population control agenda are hazardous to your health because they could consider you expendable as a patient! This decades old quote by Jacques Costeau said, “In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.”
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. (Who would decide how to guide reproduction and would the elite global eugenists be involved? So, they would favour some races and not others?)
Unite humanity with a living new language. (What language would that be?)
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. (If we have faith in God above the state, then reason takes a back seat to God, as it should be. So, if we defy the state, will that be harshly dealt with, one way or another?)
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. (Who will make the laws to be followed, and who will appoint the judges?)
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. (What would happen to our Supreme Court? Are we to yield to a World Court?)
Avoid petty laws and useless officials. (Would our state and federal constitutions be thrown out? Would we no longer have a representative form of government?)
Balance personal rights with social duties. (Would collectivism govern rule making? If so, what about individual rights and personal property rights? Is it true that “we will own nothing and be happy”, like haughty Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, stated?)
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. (Who’s truth? The global cabal does NOT have biblical truth, only lies!)
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. (So, does that mean we must support all of the sustainable issues being released out of the United Nations, like climate change, the green new deal, carbon tax credits, etc?)
The German Klaus Schwab made the statement in the image above in 2020, and the ten-year timetable for this scheme was to end in 2030. We are seeing people being readied to accept drastically lower standards of living under the disastrous global ‘Green New Deal’ programs.
Remember, this is the same person who said this:
It’s been planned. In a nutshell, the insipid inscriptions were loaded up with New Age population control jargon and global conspiracy ideals that will produce both a One-World government and religion to contain humanity. Most of the self-seeking men involved in building the monument were Masons. It’s wise to say that men and women involved in these secret societies should beware.
Looks like this present serpent generation of the privileged New Age global elite engineers were trying to build an “As Above, So Below” kingdom. We cannot, we must not, try to copy what is in the heavens (As Above) by building a counterfeit on this earth (So Below) and then worshipping it more than the Creator! Yes, Satan wants an Age of Reason, just like he reasoned with Eve in the garden of Eden before the Fall of Mankind.
The Second Commandment from our beloved BIBLE:
Exodus 20:4, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”
Let this be a warning to the evil doers on this earth that tamper with God’s creation. Oh, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Surely, we realize that this dark generation of New Age architects are trying to biogenetically obtain immortality from earthly flesh through designer cellular fission/cloning. The unbelievers are desperately trying to have everlasting cellular rejuvenation of their DNA that only our Creator can create and produce immortality. Satan’s god-like plan will produce nothing but hideous monsters in mankind!
Also, the depopulation of many innocent people should alarm you because it’s happening now. Also, we are seeing environmentalism being taken to an outrageous extreme, as a religion. A study published back a few years ago in the journal BioScience endorsed the crazy idea of global population control as a solution to the “climate emergency” that the world is currently facing. In fact, you can read the 2019 MIT Technology Review here because it’s about a petition calling for the reduction in the number of people in the world signed by 11,258 scientists from 153 different countries. Here’s a quote:
Specifically, the UN projects that nine countries will account for more than half of projected growth between now and 2050, including (in descending order) India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, the United Republic of Tanzania, Indonesia, Egypt, and the US (where migration is expected to be the main driver of growth).
Unfortunately, every country on the planet is in great danger because the wealthy climate change zealots will not stop and are forcefully pushing this depopulation agenda. Yes, populations are already declining in wealthy and industrialized nations, but the horrifying policy includes every nation and is NOT just aimed at the developing world. Their main concern is that too many people on the planet currently exist. They feel that as the population grows, more drastic action will have to be taken because of climate-change excuse. We are talking RADICALLY reducing the population! What better way than all those poisonous injections?
Note: R. C. Christian was the pseudo name of the man/men that commissioned the stones to be built, but many locals around the stones believe the bipolar billionaire philanthropist from CNN, Ted Turner, ordered the building of the New Age stone structure or worked with the men that was the main architects. This Prince of Darkness (Turner) is a United Nations (UN) dedicated player and has had helped in works such as this before. He has pressured Congress to pay our dues to the United Nations (UN). The egomaniac Turner also urged world leaders to adopt China’s “One Child Policy” on a global scale and has also stated, “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”!
Here’s a quote from The Hollywood Reporter on Ted Turner:
The tycoon-turned-philanthropist has removed the wallet from his blazer to show me a printed card with his “11 Voluntary Initiatives,” an oddly naive reinvention of the Ten Commandments that he concocted some 15 years ago, including such vows as “I promise to care for Planet Earth and all living things thereon, especially my fellow beings.”
With a mind that still bubbles with invention and an IQ of 128 (“in the 97th percentile,” he says), he has turned his unequaled gaze on the nonprofits that have become his abiding love: The U.N. Foundation, established with former Democratic Sen. Timothy Wirth of Colorado as its president to promote the aims of the U.N.; the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which he co-chairs with former Democratic Sen. Sam Nunn of Georgia, championing projects such as the conversion of reactors around the globe; and the Turner Foundation, which among other pursuits bestows ecosystem-?safeguarding grants.
“I’d been thinking about doing something to help the U.N. for a long time,” he explains about the first of these, founded with his $1 billion gift (a third of his then-fortune). “I was really upset and disappointed that the U.S. at that time had trouble paying its bills. And going back, I was concerned about the bombs that fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and worried that if there was another world war, it could be the end of civilization. The U.N. had such lofty goals to eliminate poverty and stop war and cure diseases and help refugees — things that no one country could do.”
We believe R.C. Christian refers to Christian Rosenkrentz (1378-1484) who founded the Rosicrucians. This name supposedly leads us to who is responsible for erecting the Guidestones. So the initials, R.C., are commonly used by the Rosicrucians. This connection leads back to Freemasonry. There existed a small secret group of lofty and condescending Internationalists in America behind the Guidestones.
So, who was Mr. R.C. Christian? Let’s look at three names that could have been a possibility because they appear to be narcissistic, meaning they have too much interest in and admiration for their own physical appearance and/or abilities.
Dr. Herbert Kersten (Kersten is an archaic form meaning Christian) from Fort Dodge, Iowa. He was a physician, conservationist and an architect that lived from 1920 to 2005 and could have been Mr. R.C. Christian or could Ted Turner who also focused on extreme environmental conservation and curbing human population growth be Mr. R.C. Christian?
The names of the radical conservationists that keep popping up with the Guidestones are:
Robert Merryman of Fort Dodge, Iowa,
Dr. Herbert Kersten of Fort Dodge, Iowa and
Ted Turner.
Dr. Kersten believed that the No. 1 world health problem is the population explosion, and he stated, “Controlling the population is the most important problem confronting humanity”. These men have not been properly held accountable for their actions and are now ancient or dead.
Video: Ted Turner, Reduce population by five billion people
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, June 7, 2012, ( – Media mogul and population control advocate Ted Turner recently told citizen journalists he would like to reduce the world’s population by five billion people, asking parents to be a “one child family…for 100 years.”
Ted Turner photo from CNN interview
image credit
Ted Turner Determines World Population Needs 95% Reduction
Watch the video in the linked article, and let Turner tell you in his own words. A snippet from the article:
Apparently he [Turner] thinks our troops are deserving of particular attention by this menace to humanity.
Mr. Turner, who the hell do you think you are that you should specify a reduction in the world’s population by any amount, let alone 95%? Do you have any idea of the amount of human suffering you are proposing to get to your 95% population reduction?
In the video[…] Turner reveals that he thinks it’s a ‘good thing’ that U.S. troops kill themselves. This man and his ideas need to be on permanent display at a museum of dangers to humanity.
Here is a disturbing 2009 article, The Dark History of Population Control, reviewing the book, Fatal Misconception, and here’s an Amazon snippet for the book:
Fatal Misconception is the disturbing story of our quest to remake humanity by policing national borders and breeding better people. As the population of the world doubled once, and then again, well-meaning people concluded that only population control could preserve the “quality of life.” This movement eventually spanned the globe and carried out a series of astonishing experiments, from banning Asian immigration to paying poor people to be sterilized.
So, the globalist guidestones agenda has disappeared… at least put out of sight for the time being, but don’t think that evil sleeps. Maybe someday you will want to know more information, but know this: our Christian values and faithfulness and the grace of God are standing in the way of the total evil agenda becoming complete. The secular Rosicrucians want us to see things in this world the way they see them in their supposed utopian society. Open your eyes — you were looking at their end-time plan in Elberton, Georgia.
These words were inscribed on a plaque at the Guide Stones site:
Did you know that Thomas Paine’s book, The Age of Reason, mimics the 10 inscriptions?
“Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is no more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory to itself than this thing called Christianity. Too absurd for belief, too impossible to convince, and too inconsistent for practice, it renders the heart torpid or produces only atheists or fanatics. As an engine of power, it serves the purpose of despotism, and as a means of wealth, the avarice of priests, but so far as respects the good of man in general it leads to nothing here or hereafter.”
Here is the recorded news history of the Satanic Georgia Guidestones from Elberton, Georgia, in the beginning. Elberton carries some of the world’s finest granite and was also considered the granite capitol of the world. The Elberton Star has been involved in this plot from the beginning to the end of the Georgia Guidestones and has been instructed to step in once again and deliver keys/codes that are found in the time capsule to the Atlanta Rosicrucian Society.
The stones were unveiled to the public March 22, 1980. This news article also covers the astronomical aspects of the stones. The dark inscriptions served as a compass, astronomical calendar (timetable) and clock, and were known as the “ten guides” for the conservation of mankind. Yes, it does eagerly espouse population control, so the culling of humanity is continuously being done whether we believe it or not, dear reader.
Remember, this timetable ties in with UN Agenda 2030 timetable.
The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ten Commandments of Satan, were built on the highest point of Elbert County, which happened to be a 5-acre pasture owned by contractor Wayne Mullinex who laid the foundations for the Guidestones. The Elberton Granite Finishing Corporation staff prepared the promotional material for the occult Guidestones. The New Age builders believe that the beings that have guarded the evolution of the human species are returning, and they also believe that the monument was activated and carries technological understanding along with a portal.
This is a fantastic find: Be sure to watch, rent or buy this informative documentary: Dark Clouds Over Elberton — on Amazon or Tubi.
With the destruction of the evil Georgia Guidestones, we should be asking, “What does this destructive event signal?” This was all designed to happen by the global elite in proper sequencing and order. The time capsule is to be found somewhere around the site or under the gravestone.
The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed in a mysterious blast on July 6, 2022, and the calendar disappeared. What is being covered-up here? If the inscriptions on the Guidestones were prophetic keys, then we had better watch and prepare for death and destruction brought on by the global elite.
BREAKING NEWS! Georgia Guidestones Attack Suspect Identified as Larry Silverstein. Remember, this is the same man who bought the Twin Towers before they were destroyed on September 11, 2011 and thus making billions of dollars profit from the insurance payout. From the article:
Silverstein reportedly bought the condemned-for-asbestos Georgia Guidestones two months ago on a non-low-bid contract, paying around $15 million with another $100 million from backers. After raising the terror insurance on the monument to 3.5 billion dollars per stone, Silverstein appears to have hit the jackpot when parties unknown proceeded to bomb and then demolish the monument.
Silverstein is currently suing his insurers, who wanted to limit the cash payout to a total of $14 billion ($3.5 billion for each of the four stones). But Silverstein is demanding $28 billion. The overinsured stonelord of two months is arguing—in a lawsuit filed in the court of Judge Alvin Hellerstein—that he should be paid double indemnity due to the two separate and unrelated terror attacks on the monument—the first with explosives, the second with bulldozers.
Silverstein was also involved in profiting on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. Larry Silverstein purchased the World Trade Center in 2001, shortly after the New York Port Authority lost an asbestos lawsuit and was ordered to remove all asbestos from the Twin Towers. Cost estimates for that asbestos removal ranged from the low billions to the tens of billions – far more than the outdated half-empty buildings were worth. (The City of New York had been desperately seeking a way to demolish the Towers since around 1990 but was prevented from doing so by asbestos issues.)
Silverstein would have gone bankrupt within a few years at most, had the towers not been demolished on September 11th, 2001. Thanks to that illegal demolition, Silverstein – who had doubled the WTC’s terrorism insurance and changed it to cash payout when he finalized his purchase in July, 2001 – walked off with a 5 billion dollar cash return on his 100 million dollar investment. When last sighted, Silverstein was back in court asking for another 11 billion dollars from airline insurers.
We want to remind our readers that many poor, blameless victims were inhaling that deadly asbestos demolition and ended up with cancer that shortened their life span.
Something villainous and sinister has been unleashed and is happening NOW! It has begun… and the billionaire boys club continues to pour billions of dollars into population control programs.
However, there is MUCH more to this than just an insurance payoff to Larry Silverstein… It’s part of the global elite’s death agenda.
In closing, we will end this article abruptly because we are running out of time, but whatever is going on, the US and Israeli intelligence along with the organized criminal network (National Crime Syndicate) is putting our country in great jeopardy.
More suspicious activity! Currently, New York could be set to prepare for a nuclear evacuation, and FEMA is involved in that evacuation plan. Is this some type of dirty bomb? Also, there is a commercial running there about what you should do if a nuclear bomb goes off…
Try to be prepared the best you can with supplies and food. Home gardening is a good idea.
We cannot depend on the government for help, regardless of what they say.
Look for Part 2 of this article to come…
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