Archives For 1st Amendment

HB2138: Arkansas Obamacare Bill in Committee TOMORROW

This bill is scheduled to be heard in the House Insurance and Commerce Committee, Room 149, State Capitol, tomorrow, Wednesday, at 10 am. Try to be there if you can. It is important that we have a crowd there to show our opposition. If it passes, shout out for a roll call vote.

HB1450 : Pulled Down in Committee

Success!!!! Secure Arkansas just got word that HB 1450 was pulled down in committee this morning. Thank you, thank you!!! All our persistence paid off.

HB 1450 – Please Call Tonight

HB 1450 is coming up in the House Insurance and Commerce Committee at 9 am tomorrow. This is one of the most dangerous bills of this session. We are asking that you make three telephone calls and also email these three people.

HB1450: Emergency Alert – Call Now

HB 1450, is a Cap and Trade/Sustainable Development bill. In the long run, the costs are going to be unbearable to move and store it. It is way too vague and our representatives have been sold a bill of goods.