Voter Fraud & Stolen Elections – Part 1
Since the 2016 presidential election, voters have heatedly debated election and voter fraud. As you are likely aware, the election of 2020 was no different and caused substantial disturbance in our country, as many people considered it a “stolen election,” when Joe Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election. In Arkansas, we had at least two lawfully contested elections in the 2022 Primary Election.
There have been multiple attempts across the nation to show that voter fraud occurred in the 2020 general election; and, though none of the attempts have reversed the 2020 election, many of those attempts have proven that our elections are not fail-safe. Many Arkansans still believe that our elections are not safe because they don’t trust the machines that we use for elections.
In Arkansas, it is illegal for voting machines to be connected to the internet.
(n) During anytime a voter is eligible to cast a ballot, the electronic voting machine or the electronic vote tabulating device shall not:
(1) Be connected to the internet or an external network;
(2) Be capable of establishing a wireless connection; or
(3) Establish a connection to an external network through:
(A) A cable;
(B) A wireless modem; or
(C) Any other mechanism or process.
Voting Machine companies ES&S and Dominion have been adamant that their voting machines do not connect to the internet, yet during the DEF CON Hacking Conference in Las Vegas in 2019, amateur students were able to hack the voting machines with simple tools because they were connected to the internet. Others have shown the same ability to hack the voting machines multiple times since then. Absolute Proof, a movie with the sole purpose of proving the machines were tainted by domestic and foreign electronic communications throughout the 2020 election night, showed Little Rock as one location where transmissions occurred.
Even if our machines are not connected to the internet, many Arkansans do not trust the machines because there have been multiple accounts of tampering and questionable actions surrounding machines. Indeed, John Bolton, the United States National Security Advisor from 2018 to 2019, stated on CNN on July 12, 2022, “As somebody who has helped plan coup d’état, not here, but, you know, in other places, it takes a lot of work.” He out rightly admitted that he stole elections from other nations. Several whistle-blowers have come forth stating that they have “stolen” elections in other nations using machines.
Some of the contractors who helped steal elections in other nations, including Terpsichore Maras, declared in a notarized affidavit, that elections are stolen in the United States in the same manner as in other countries and have been for many years. According to Terpsichore, the method of stealing votes is multi-faceted, but the key is the machines. (Terpsichore’s affidavit was included with Sydney Powell’s case at the Supreme Court regarding the 2020 presidential election.)
Arkansas law requires all votes to have a verified paper audit trail, which helps the voter verify that the correct person(s) are on the ballot before it is placed into the tabulator machine.
(b) (1) All direct recording electronic voting machines shall include a voter-verified paper audit trail.
This gives some people confidence, but others see it as a method to pacify voters, since the machine reads a barcode that cannot be deciphered by the voter. This has caused concern for voters because once the ballot goes into the tabulator, the voter must trust that the machine hasn’t been tainted to miscount the votes. In fact, one of the arguments against machines is that they can be programmed to give different portions of a single vote to multiple candidates (ex. One vote may tabulate as .6 votes for one candidate and .4 votes for the other candidate).
(The .6 and .4 votes noted above is how Ranked-choice voting (RCV) is accomplished. The example given in the Ranked-choice voting link splits the number of votes of the lowest candidate received to the other remaining candidates based on the percentage of the initial votes each remaining candidate received. RCV is not good, and the states that have RCV must repeal it in their state because this is another way of eliminating runoff elections in their state.)
In order to secure our elections and create a sense of trust in our elections, Arkansans must return to a paper ballot voting system.
In Arkansas, the Quorum Court decides whether we use paper ballots or machines for elections.
The Elections Board of Commissioners website states in the FAQs:
Q: What is the difference between a “voting machine county” and a “paper ballot county”?
A: These references pertain to the county’s voting system which must consist of voting equipment selected for use by the Secretary of State and examined and approved by the State Board of Election Commissioners.
A reference to a county as a “voting machine county” means that the county has chosen by resolution of its quorum court to conduct elections using all direct recording electronic voting machines or other voting machines that meet the requirements of A.C.A. § 7-5-504, with at least one (1) voting machine per poll accessible to voters with disabilities and with enough paper ballots for absentee voting, provisional voting, and machine malfunction only.
A reference to a county as a “paper ballot county” means that the county has chosen by resolution of its quorum court to conduct elections using paper ballots whether counted by hand or by an electronic vote tabulating device at each poll or at a central counting location in combination with at least one (1) voting machine per poll accessible to voter with disabilities. [A.C.A. §§ 7-5-301, 7-5-503, 7-5-606]
[Bold emphasis Secure Arkansas.]
The Quorum Court must make a resolution to use either election machines or vote by paper ballots, or a combination. As stated on the Election Board Commissioner’s FAQs, if the Quorum Court chooses to use paper ballots only, the county must provide a machine at each location for disabled voters to use if they choose, but all other voters shall use paper.
(a) The casting and counting of votes in all elections shall be by:
(1) Voting machines selected by the Secretary of State;
(2) Electronic vote tabulating devices in combination with voting machines accessible to voters with disabilities to be selected by the Secretary of State; or
(3) Paper ballots counted by hand in combination with voting machines accessible to voters with disabilities selected by the Secretary of State.
(c) (1) The quorum court of each county shall choose by resolution a voting system containing voting machines or electronic vote tabulating devices, or both,or voting machines in combination with paper ballots counted by hand for use in all elections in the county.
(2) Any voting machine or electronic vote tabulating devices chosen by the quorum court shall be those selected by the Secretary of State.
(3) Any voting system used in elections for federal office shall comply with the requirements of the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002.
Once the precinct has closed after election day, the ballots are counted. Whether the county chooses to use paper or machines, the counting of ballots is open to the public. The process appears transparent, but there is a difference in how the votes are counted between machines and paper ballots counted by poll workers.
When paper ballots are to be counted at the polling site, the following procedures shall be followed:
(5) (A) The counting of ballots shall be open to the public.
In precincts where an electronic vote tabulating device is used, as soon as the polls are closed:
(1) The poll workers shall compare the total number of voters indicated by the electronic vote tabulating device with the list of voters to ensure that the number recorded by the tabulator is the same as the number of voters shown on the list of voters who received a ballot at the polling site. If the totals are different, this fact shall be reported in writing to the county board of election commissioners with the reasons, if known; and
(2) The poll workers shall count the write-in votes and prepare a return of the votes on forms provided for that purpose.
(a) The counting of votes by electronic vote tabulating devices at the courthouse or other central counting location shall be open to the public, and any candidate or political party may be present in person or by representative designated in writing pursuant to § 7-5-312 to view the counting.
The difference between the counting of votes from electronic voting tabulations and the counting of votes by poll workers from paper ballots is that the poll workers don’t actually count the votes from machines. They count the number of ballots that the machines state they received, and they count the actual number of paper ballots used for verification, but the poll workers do NOT count the votes from the ballots. This means that potential discrepancies between machines and the actual ballots go unnoticed.
A lack of trust in the election system is detrimental to our Republic, and Arkansans deserve to know that their Constitutional right to vote is being honored. The Quorum Court has the right and responsibility to make a resolution to use either paper ballots or machines, or a combination of both for the November 2022 election.
The following are the reasons the Quorum Court must choose paper ballots, counted by hand, for the November 2022 election.
a. machines (including ES&S, which Arkansas uses) have been hacked multiple times from amateurs using simple tools;
b. whistleblowers including John Bolton, former United States National Security Advisor, have come forward attesting to the stealing of elections in other countries and/or our own country;
c. many Arkansans do not trust machines; and
d. there is no true check for all ballots coming out of the machines on election night by poll workers.
We must secure our elections to preserve our nation, as it has been spoken by many notable figures throughout our nation’s history.
Hurry! Action needed! Take this sample resolution to your Justice of the Peace (JP) immediately and ask them to sponsor the resolution. It can be found here as a PDF so you may print it and/or save it to your computer, and it’s also shown in the body of our email below.
Email, text, fax, or deliver it in person. Do it now in order to be able to get it on the upcoming agenda for your local Quorum Court.
This sample resolution can be used in all 75 counties in Arkansas.
RESOLUTION NO. 2022- ________
WHEREAS, recent elections have cast doubt on the accuracy of the use of electronic vote tabulation; and,
WHEREAS, many voters no longer trust the election results tabulated electronically; and,
WHEREAS, manually counted paper ballots have been used for decades without voters distrusting the results; and,
WHEREAS, observers can easily observe the counting of paper ballots ensuring the accuracy of the tabulations; and
WHEREAS, early or delayed counts of absentee ballots can be fraudulently tabulated or manipulated;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that _____________ County of Arkansas, demands that future elections in Arkansas be done exclusively with hand tabulated paper ballots, tabulated by not less than three election workers, and that all ballots be secured and guarded by certified law enforcement with a chain of custody log for a legislatively required preservation period and that all votes, in-person and absentee, should be tabulated on Election Day.
PASSED AND APPROVED this _______ DAY of ________________ (Year)
DATE SIGNED: _____________________
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas