Archives For 1st Amendment

HB1292 Illegal Alien Bill – Let’s Burn Down the Lines

It’s working! Keep pouring on the pressure! The legislators say they can’t believe how many emails and phone calls they are getting about HB1292. They vote tomorrow so this is our last chance to make a difference. The switchboard is jammed and we want to keep it that way.

HB1292 Illegal Alien Bill Committee Action Postponed Until February 23

Committee action on HB1292, “To Prohibit Illegal Aliens From Receiving Any State Benefit Except In Instances Of Emergency Or When Life-Saving Measures Are Required” has been postponed until February 23, 10 a.m., in the House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee, Room 151.

Fact or Fringe: You Decide

Recently, Secure Arkansas has been under siege from local Arkansas newspapers. I use the term “newspaper” loosely, as apparently real journalism no longer exists in the State. Perhaps instead of “newspaper,” they should be referred to as the “Arkansas leader in yellow-journalism,” since they seem to enjoy stating opinion as fact so much. This past week, the Arkansas Times proved they earned the above title when they published an article written by Gerard Mathews titled, “The political fringe finds a voice in Arkansas.” [1] If this is the best writer the Arkansas Times has on staff, then they have more important issues to deal with than the “political fringe.”

Why Every GOP Should Co-Sponsor Illegals Bill – HB 1292

Representative Jon Hubbard filed HB1292, The Illegal Alien Bill. As of now, it has four Co-sponsors: Deffenbaugh, Eubanks, Harris, Stubblefield. Here are several reasons why every Republican should sign on as a co-sponsor to this bill.

Is Our Drinking Water Safe?

On Sunday, February 6th, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette featured an entertaining, if not factual, editorial about Secure Arkansas’ latest legislative efforts. You, sir, have certainly expressed your opinion. Now, it’s time for a rebuttal or two, don’t you think? I know I do!

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