Before you decide whether to have another injection, PLEASE watch the documentary linked directly below to be more informed:
Anecdotals: A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate
While the “vaccine” debate grows more divided, those with adverse reactions get stuck in the middle.
We were told that taking the risky injection was the ONLY solution.
A global pattern of vaccine injury, death, and deception haunts the world
Synopsis of the movie
“In March 2021, after receiving my Pfizer shot, I couldn’t feel the left side of my face for a month. Eighteen months later, electric shocks and muscle weakness continue. Unable to receive the 2nd dose, I am amongst a group of partially-vaccinated people who have been outcast from many aspects of society with no empathy. We’ve been censored and told it’s unethical to talk about our stories because we are just anecdotes.”
This movie provides a glimpse into the lives of the Anecdotals – those of us whose lives have been changed drastically by taking the vaccine. It also reflects on the division and politics that prevent us from getting much-needed care.
Anecdotals is a personal journey that focuses on questions, not answers, and people, not politics.
The FDA and CDC coerced individuals to receive the COVID shots as they were touted to be “safe and effective”…
Safe? Effective?? Really?
As you’re watching this documentary, ask yourself: has information been censored? And are people TRULY being heard?
One of the many problems was the fact that the FDA was incentivized. The FDA was funded by the taxpayers, but now, the FDA is also funded by Big Pharma whom they are supposed to regulate. This is a HUGE conflict of interest! (Would YOU hire a criminal to guard a jail house?) And remember that Bill Gates heavily funded it and is involved with the CDC and the FDA.
On February 7, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security changed THEIR definition of terrorism and released this advisory bulletin in which THEY define terrorism as: “The proliferation of false or misleading narratives which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.”
Why weren’t more people questioning THAT and the DHS?
DHS also includes COVID-19 and election fraud in their information! Here’s the pdf from their site.
This snippet below is directly from that government document.
For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19. Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021. Malign foreign powers have and continue to amplify these false or misleading narratives in efforts to damage the United States.
What is a “misleading narrative” and who’s deciding what is misleading? “Misleading narratives”… as in, the personal real-life stories that were shared in the documentary explaining the debilitating injuries and death that people suffered from so horribly after receiving the Covid injection?
Why are their experiences and stories being marginalized?
And what about basic freedom of speech?
It’s wrong and irresponsible that these people are being ignored!
How do people defend themselves against an unaccountable and uncaring giant? How can they be truly heard?
Could it be that the government is the one spreading the disinformation?
Also, who is questioning the government, the regulators, and the people who are profiting?
The people in the documentary are! And WE ARE! Along with many, many others…
Do NOT be afraid to speak up, especially if the truth is on your side. We are looking for truth, facts, and honesty!
Courage comes from doing the right thing, even when it may seem scary.
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Secure Arkansas