Archives For 1st Amendment

URGENT ACTION ALERT: NEWLY UPDATED 1/23/2024!! — Amicus Brief to be Submitted to Ark. Supreme Court

Action Alert! Your response is needed quickly. It’s crunch time, dear readers! (Please note the corrected email address at the end of this article.) . Our freedom is at stake once again. This week, we need names from ALL 75 counties in Arkansas submitted to the court in support of this case that deals with paper […]

Save Your County From Election Fraud!

Voters, it is imperative that you read this article! Election fraud has been an issue in American politics for quite some time, and we have the ability and an opportunity to do something about that here in Arkansas and in other states. (In case you haven’t yet read our previous email on voter fraud from […]

Northwest Arkansas Meeting

Tired of yelling at the television? Waiting for someone to take care of political issues for you? That person is YOU! We are looking for people to become active in the political process during this election year. There is a lot of work to be done!

Little Rock Sales Tax Election Tuesday, September 13th

Little Rock residents need to go to their regular polling sites and vote on Tuesday, September 13th. Otherwise, we could all be paying more taxes. This is a “special election,” which some people may not be aware of.

Election for Vacant NLR City Council Seat

Early voting begins Tuesday for the North Little Rock City Council’s vacant seat (election set for March 8). This is a rare opportunity for a chance to influence NLR city government from the 2010 election cycle.