Archives For 1st Amendment

Govt Report: Fluoride Linked to Kids’ Lower IQ (and CDC in Denial)…

At last, we see an admission  .from the Department of Health and Human Services .that fluoride (a toxic chemical)  .is poisoning our children! . Our children need fluoride removed for healthier tap water. . image credit A landmark National Toxicology Program (NTP) report on fluoride neurotoxicity has confirmed what experts have long suggested: that fluoride is comparable to lead […]

Legislators Call for Halt to State Promotion of Fluoridation

For Immediate Release / Feb. 7, 2011, NEWS RELEASE, Tenn. House Speaker, Other Legislators Call for Halt to State Promotion of Fluoridation, Bipartisan Group Sends Letter to Health Commissioner, Cites Risks for Citizens and Water Utilities.

Stop the Push for a Mandate for Water Fluoridation

Secure Arkansas has been made aware of a push for a mandate for water fluoridation. The mandate bill has not been filed, but it is coming soon. We must try and stop this action NOW.

We are asking everyone to first contact all members of the Senate and House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committees, then contact your own senator and representative AND TELL THEM TO VOTE NO TO A WATER FLUORIDATION MANDATE.