Archives For 1st Amendment

ACTION ALERT: Exposing the Swamp! HB1610 in Senate Committee 4/4/23

Reminder: HB1610 is in the Senate State Agencies committee this morning 4/4/23 at 10:00am. Please reach out to the Senators and urge them to vote against it. See details in the alert below from 4/1/2022. ————————————– Why are Arkansas Republicans Putting FOIAs in Jeopardy? HB1610 says we cannot have open and public government in Arkansas, which is a dismissive slap […]

Exposing the Swamp! HB1610 in Senate Committee

Why are Arkansas Republicans Putting FOIAs in Jeopardy? HB1610 says we cannot have open and public government in Arkansas, which is a dismissive slap in the face to taxpayers! Anything that weakens transparency should be considered dangerous. Can you imagine closing taxpayer-funded meetings, especially with the trying times we are living through these days? If […]

URGENT ACTION ALERT: Another Anti-FOIA Bill from ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council)

RINO Republicans (known as American Legislative Exchange Council/ ALEC players) are taking aim at FOIAs… again! BAM BAM and our 1967 Sunshine Law is devastated! Please take action tonight because tomorrow (Weds, March 29, 2023) is the last day of Arkansas’ legislative session! This time, it’s HB1726. It means casting a dark veil over our transparency law so government meetings can be […]

UPDATE — ACTION ALERT: Daring Totalitarian Legislation by Republicans!

This is a quick update on SB250 and HB1419 (which is now Act 236). Regarding SB250: You may recall that unfortunately, it passed the Arkansas Senate and has been referred to the House Committee on State Agencies & Govt’l Affairs. It’s on the committee agenda as a Special Order of Business to be discussed upon adjournment on Monday, March 13, […]

ACTION ALERT: Daring Totalitarian Legislation by Republicans!

image credit The RINO Republican Legislators have gone after our election process this session, including our ballot initiative process. Where does our new Republican governor stand on this? We cannot overlook how the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) controls far too many legislators and Arkansas’ laws being written behind closed doors by those who take their […]

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