Archives For Ballot Initiative

Stop the Arkansas Power Grab On Initiatives Bills!

Please Oppose SB207-SB212  sponsored by Senator Kim Hammer of Benton, Arkansas. . Why is Senator Hammer working to end citizens petitions in Arkansas and make the initiative and referendum process HARDER? — These freedom-robbing bills all deal with the Arkansas initiative/referendum process, another slap-in-the-face to the voters. Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Tuesday, February 11, […]

The Safe Drinking Water Act Prohibits Fluoridation throughout the Country…

Continuing on the subject of drinking water fluoridation:                Readers, fluoride is listed as a contaminant!  .Fluoride is considered an environmental contaminant… yet Public Health officials want us to believe that when it is added to the municipal drinking water, it miraculously changes into a beneficial nutrient good for your teeth […]

Federal Lawsuit Victory over U.S Water Fluoridation!

In a major blow to the EPA, a federal judge has ruled that fluoride may pose a risk to children’s IQ.. A U.S. federal court has now deemed fluoridation an “unreasonable risk” to the health of children, and the EPA will be forced to regulate it as such. . For quite some time, professionals, researchers, and […]

Time to Start Turning in our FOIA/ Transparency in Govt Petitions!

It’s time to start turning in our FOIA petitions! The petitions must be turned in this week to the Secretary of State on or before July 5th. However, readers — we are still gathering last-minute signatures. There are still a few days left to sign and to gather more needed signatures, so please make a […]

Final Stretch for FOIA Petition Signing…

The Freedom to Petition Our Government! Readers, we are in striking distance of the required numbers needed for our FOIA/transparency petitions. There are only a couple of weeks left to gather signatures, so please keep going! The petitions must be turned in by July 5, 2024. Every signature counts as we are approaching the close of this opportunity to keep […]

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