Archives For 1st Amendment

The Safe Drinking Water Act Prohibits Fluoridation throughout the Country…

Continuing on the subject of drinking water fluoridation:                Readers, fluoride is listed as a contaminant!  .Fluoride is considered an environmental contaminant… yet Public Health officials want us to believe that when it is added to the municipal drinking water, it miraculously changes into a beneficial nutrient good for your teeth […]

Govt Report: Fluoride Linked to Kids’ Lower IQ (and CDC in Denial)…

At last, we see an admission  .from the Department of Health and Human Services .that fluoride (a toxic chemical)  .is poisoning our children! . Our children need fluoride removed for healthier tap water. . image credit A landmark National Toxicology Program (NTP) report on fluoride neurotoxicity has confirmed what experts have long suggested: that fluoride is comparable to lead […]

CBWD water operators speak out against non-compliance of a regulated chemical

Carroll-Boone Water District (CBWD) Water Operators Speak Out Against Non-compliance of a Regulated Chemical Who’s Regulating the Regulators? Written by Rene Fonseca, Carroll-Boone Water District In 2011, the Arkansas State Legislature very quickly passed a partially unfunded mandate that requires most water companies to add fluoride chemicals into public water supplies, not to purify the […]

Fluoridation Lawsuit

As you know in the last legislative session the state of Arkansas passed a law mandating water fluoridation. With this passage it is even more important that the citizens Arkansas, when this mandate is implemented ,receive the highest quality fluoridation chemical. Arkansas residents have a rare opportunity to hear information on the chemicals used for fluoridating the water and to meet some of our state representatives.

Fluoridation: Federal Lawsuit Filed

Federal lawsuit filed due to unapproved fluoridation chemical will affect Arkansas. Since the state government has passed a water fluoridation mandate, it will affect even more people.