Archives For 1st Amendment

Conspiracy To Defraud!

It’s time to expose more corruption in the housing market… occurring all across the country. This article is meant to bring public awareness and publicize the fraud. Are some appraisals fraudulent, and are they being done lawfully? In many cases, appraisers can determine whatever value they want on property, and you could be made to pay […]

ACTION ALERT: Exposing the Swamp! HB1610 in Senate Committee 4/4/23

Reminder: HB1610 is in the Senate State Agencies committee this morning 4/4/23 at 10:00am. Please reach out to the Senators and urge them to vote against it. See details in the alert below from 4/1/2022. ————————————– Why are Arkansas Republicans Putting FOIAs in Jeopardy? HB1610 says we cannot have open and public government in Arkansas, which is a dismissive slap […]