Archives For 1st Amendment

Stop the Arkansas Power Grab On Initiatives Bills!

Please Oppose SB207-SB212  sponsored by Senator Kim Hammer of Benton, Arkansas. . Why is Senator Hammer working to end citizens petitions in Arkansas and make the initiative and referendum process HARDER? — These freedom-robbing bills all deal with the Arkansas initiative/referendum process, another slap-in-the-face to the voters. Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Tuesday, February 11, […]

Numbers Needed for FOIA Petition Signature Gatherers…

For those of you gathering signatures on the FOIA petitions, this email contains important information to help every Arkansan — including the number of petition signatures needed in each county. Here in Arkansas, we, the people, still have the power to initiate constitutional amendments and state statutes, or acts. We need to take action and […]