Archives For 1st Amendment

ADH Quarterly Meeting July 23, 2015

The fluoridation crisis still continues here in Arkansas, but as more and more people become aware of the dangers of fluoride and that it has carcinogenic potential, we believe something can be done to stop the harm to our public drinking water supplies and our environment! We think you’ll want to read this article entitled […]

Politicians For Sale?

Could your legislators have been bought off by Political Action Committees, American Legislative Exchange Council, and/or Corporate America?    We’ve had a lot of corruption in Arkansas politics over the years, so we need to get around to cleaning it up.  It’s our responsibility to hold our public officials accountable for their behavior. There have been […]

The REAL Purpose of the ESA

After a close reading of the final rule in the Federal Register (Vol. 76, No. 194/Thursday, October 6, 2011/Rules and Regulations) in regard to the Ozark Hellbender Salamander, definitive causes of the decline in population of this species is due to four major factors:

Little Rock Sales Tax Election Tuesday, September 13th

Little Rock residents need to go to their regular polling sites and vote on Tuesday, September 13th. Otherwise, we could all be paying more taxes. This is a “special election,” which some people may not be aware of.

RED ALERT: Back-door Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

As long rumored they would, in cooperation with pro-amnesty groups, the Obama administration has gone around Congress and arbitrarily issued a new deportation policy for illegal aliens.

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