Archives For 1st Amendment

Time to Start Turning in our FOIA/ Transparency in Govt Petitions!

It’s time to start turning in our FOIA petitions! The petitions must be turned in this week to the Secretary of State on or before July 5th. However, readers — we are still gathering last-minute signatures. There are still a few days left to sign and to gather more needed signatures, so please make a […]

Numbers Needed for FOIA Petition Signature Gatherers…

For those of you gathering signatures on the FOIA petitions, this email contains important information to help every Arkansan — including the number of petition signatures needed in each county. Here in Arkansas, we, the people, still have the power to initiate constitutional amendments and state statutes, or acts. We need to take action and […]

Instructions for Arkansas FOIA Petition Canvassers

Canvassers for the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) petitions are needed all over the state to gather signatures for two petitions to get a Constitutional Amendment  and an Initiated Act on the November 2024 ballot. . These two issues are needed to protect every Arkansan’s right to transparency. . The Arkansas Government Disclosure Amendment of 2024 and […]

FOIA School Board Lawsuit Settled

Attorneys McCutchen and Napurano are victorious in a recent FOIA law suit! The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a stellar law that provides the public the right to request access to information from: agencies county government municipal government state government public schools . See this victorious lawsuit by McCutchen and Napurano because it stands […]

Ballot Initiatives Meeting re FOIA & Govt Transparency on Thurs. Feb. 22, 2024 in Harrison!

Public meeting to discuss the Arkansas FOIA Ballot Initiatives regarding Transparency in Government Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024 Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm Place: Signature Bank Bldg. – 303 N. Main St. in Harrison, Arkansas Please, all surrounding counties, try to drive into Harrison and attend this informative forum that’s especially for the public! We are looking […]