Archives For 1st Amendment

RINO Republicans Taking Aim at our Constitutional Process; Update on HB1419

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at 3 things the Arkansas RINO Republicans are doing which will violate our constitutional process: HB1419 SB260 A Constitutional Convention/ Article V Federal Convention 1. Update on HB1419 sponsored by Rep. Kendon Underwood from Cave Springs and Senator Jim Dotson from Bentonville — Sadly, it passed! Restricting The Ballot […]

Treaties of the U.N. are International Law, Including The Disabilities Treaty

Do you believe that unelected, unaccountable UNITED NATIONS bureaucrats should make decisions for U.S. children with disabilities? Secure Arkansas doesn’t! The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is an “international human rights treaty of the United Nations intended to protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities.” [1]  While UNCRPD may appearto protect individuals with disabilities, it […]