Archives For 1st Amendment

Arkansas’ Special Session 2023 – Let’s Repeal the New Crypto Mining Law!

The Arkansas Special Session begins this next week, starting Monday, September 11, 2023, with many scary issues of concern still hanging out there that BEGS to be addressed! See Secure Arkansas’ last article. One of those issues is the Arkansas Data Centers Act, known as Act 851 (HB1799) that was hurriedly, fraudulently pushed through and signed into law during […]

Wind Farms/Turbines — Carroll County, Ark. Quorum Court Mtg 7/18/23

The Carroll County Quorum Court will hold their meeting on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 5:00 pm at the Carroll County Courthouse at 201 W Church Ave, Berryville, AR 72616. Wind turbines are on the agenda that night, and crypto mining might be brought up at any time. Stay aware at each meeting. Our Natural […]

Harrison City Council Mtg re. Crypto Mine 5/25/23 — Don’t Become a Victim of Crypto Scams!

Update: The crypto mining decision by the Harrison Planning Commission has been deferred to the Harrison City Council for a vote. Urgent Action Alert: The Harrison City Council meeting will be Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 6:00 pm. NOTE: Instead of meeting at City Hall, they will meet at the Signature Bank Tower Community Room (formerly the Durand Center), […]

Emergency Alert! Breaking News: America is Falling to China!

America In Crisis! Breaking News! Read this alarming article in its entirety! The communist-dealing imposter, Old Joe Biden, who is currently in the White House is there to bring chaos and unleash on America great damage to this country, even murders, theft, and violence such as we have never seen before occurring on our American soil. […]