Another depraved green agenda would strip us
of what we hold dear in The Natural State…
Arkansas is cherished for its picturesque beauty: our scenic lakes and rivers, unique hot springs, majestic mountains and lush, towering forests. The peace and tranquility found here is unmatched. Of course, it is also known for extreme weather and frequent storms, rice and poultry production, a rich folk music tradition, and the only active diamond mine in the United States.
These are many of the reasons Arkansas is known as “The Natural State,” and they inspire people from near and far to explore the area and even live here and raise their families.
Photos of Carroll County, Arkansas
Yet, we are seeing that one of our beloved counties is being led towards globalism to conform to the grim, so-called “green” UN Agenda…
The target: Carroll County, Arkansas.
The agenda: wind turbines.
There’s the topic of “reducing the carbon footprint”… but please consider this:
The Global Warming Scam: Carbon Is Not a Poison
Carbon Is Not a Poison
More to the point, the fact rarely heard among the climate fanatics is that carbon is the basis for all life on earth. And the source of carbon is carbon dioxide (CO2) taken from the atmosphere. Plants require carbon dioxide to survive. Carbon dioxide is plant food. Greenhouses raise CO2 levels as high as 1,000 PPM to encourage plant growth.
Plants take CO2 in from the atmosphere and, using the energy of the sun, combine it with water (H20) to make sugars in a process called photosynthesis. All sugars are multiples of the basic formula CH20. That is one carbon atom (C), two hydrogen atoms (H) and one oxygen atom (O). In its most basic formula, the chemical reaction can be expressed:
CO2 + H20 + sunlight ⇒ CH20 + O2
The “waste” product released into the air from this chemical reaction is the oxygen (O2) we breathe. The sugar actually produced is in this process is glucose (C6H12O6), which is used by plants to function and grow. Animals then eat the greens and fruit produced. Carbon dioxide is essential to life on earth, and it comprises a mere 0.04 percent of the atmosphere. In speaking of the critical role of CO2, Moore has said:
All life is carbon-based. And the carbon for all that life originates from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. All of the carbon in the fossil fuels we are burning for energy today, was once in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, before it was consumed by plankton in the sea and plants on land. Coal, oil and natural gas are the remains of those plankton and plants that have been transformed by heat and pressure deep in the earth’s crust. In other words, fossil fuels are 100 percent organic and were produced with solar energy.…
If there were no carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere, the earth would be a dead planet, period. Talk about catastrophic climate change. Take away CO2 and you’d have it. And yet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has deemed this essential ingredient for life a pollutant.
Dr. Moore stated, “Oil has produced our longevity, our prosperity and our personal freedom.… Is that evil?” He answers, “Apparently so.”
Dr. Moore explains that he left Greenpeace when it went from being humanitarian to being “anti-human, basically, and saying that humans are the enemy of the earth.” He called the climate agenda, “A huge convergence of interests among the elites, that is driving the political agenda today.”
And therein lies the rub. Why are the global elites of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the world’s “progressives” pursuing this blatantly insane agenda with such abandon? As the saying goes, follow the money. The true motive for the switch away from carbon-based fuels is the usual motive for corrupt governments: greed and power.
We’ve added extra snippets above, as they are very important.
And you’ve probably heard the argument in support of wind turbines that “When oil, gas and coal run out, people will need other sources of energy to fuel their cars and light their houses.’
But let’s use our critical thinking skills: wind turbines REQUIRE oil and petro chemicals to operate in the first place. Those humongous blades don’t spin freely on fresh air and sunshine. They need lubrication. And think about what’s needed to make the towering turbines themselves:
Yes, wind turbines are made from petrochemicals and use oil. Wind turbines are made from steel, fiberglass, plastic, copper, and aluminum, and the towers they are mounted on are usually made from steel and concrete. Petrochemicals, such as propylene and xylene, are used to produce the engine houses and rotor blades. Fiberglass is also produced from petrochemicals, so wind turbines cannot be made without the extraction of oil and natural gas.
So, to the ones touting and pushing the “green” nature of wind turbines, you may need to explain what “green” actually means. Or do you mean green, as in money???
Check out what’s going on in Canada: Wind Concerns Ontario, and see why 155 Ontario communities don’t want to host new wind turbines!
Stay tuned, because this article will show that wind turbines are neither safe nor effective!
Secure Arkansas strongly believes that these industrial wind farms exist — not to harvest wind energy — but rather tax money. Tax credits and other incentives have been given out. The wind turbines are a useless solution, dear readers. It’s more expensive to produce wind turbine energy than coal-fired power. The cost estimates always ignore the costs of backup for when the sun is down and there is no wind.
Wind power must be able to compete with other low-cost energy sources, but it simply cannot. Wind farms have more of a climate impact than gas or coal, and it’s an instant climate and temperature impact! So, let’s do the math. We have, and we see that many municipalities are no longer interested in wind farms.
The vitally important video linked below explains more about the numbers:
Lord Christopher Monckton | The Economics Behind Windmills
He was the policy advisor for former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and he explains how wind farms have more of a climate impact than gas or coal. And they’re not cheaper!
Arkansans, we implore you to pause to think about these things because our beautiful state and our reliable energy are in jeopardy.
Read more in this short 4-page PDF from Carroll Electric: Electricity Supply Risks Are Brewing
In December 2023, NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation) released its Long-Term Reliability Assessment. Here’s the corresponding infographic:
Among Arkansas’ chief “natural resources” we find are petroleum, natural gas, and coal.
Here in The Natural State, we are seeing Arkansas’ natural beauty destroyed, especially in the rural areas of Arkansas counties, and rural residents may be forced by the global elites to move off their land and out of their homes. Our Natural State is also being heavily targeted and bombarded at this time by foreign entities wanting our land… and our water!
This alert contains many questions that need to be answered regarding the sky-scraping wind turbine facilities in our own state of Arkansas.
First, let’s take a deeper look into who’s who regarding this Carroll County wind farm project:
Also, take a peek at Brookfield Corporation’s Shareholders and Company Profile. Royal Trust Corp. of Canada, Bruce Flatt, and Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co. are some of their shareholders.
Caution! Brookfield also signed a 25-year contract with China’s largest windfarm and chemical company, BASF.
BlackRock, Brookfield, and Bloomberg — the big Bs — are big buddies because they are fund managers! Everything is about green finance.
Here’s an article we wrote back in July 2023 about this pointless wind farm project.
Something else to consider: Is Scout Clean Energy’s Nimbus Wind Farm in Carroll County being constructed without adequate regulatory oversight? This is a huge undertaking and a whopping $300-million dollar project proposing 46 wind turbine towers more than 650 – 700 feet tall! Good grief – that’s taller than the Simmons Bank Building in downtown Little Rock! Since this is the first of its kind… what’s up? because Phase 1 has begun.
See this FAA scout map of Carroll County with towers and roads:
So, how did this little gem, the Carroll County area and landscape, qualify for this enormous wind turbine project, since it happens to be located in the heart of the Ozarks at the foothills of the Boston Mountains? This exceptionally beautiful county can boast of the alluring Beaver Lake and Table Rock Lake, as well as the Kings River. Why make it an eyesore?
Carroll County, Arkansas
image credit
Why is Carroll County, one of our most lush and picturesque places in the state, being targeted for wind turbines, and why was this county chosen to be first in the state? Honestly, it makes no sense to erect those grotesque wind turbines there… unless someone is intentionally threatening this lovely area with a nefarious agenda.
In the end, this looks to us like a land grab. There are only limited locations suitable for wind turbines, and Green Forest is NOT one of them.
Let’s look at one of Becky Gillettes’ latest pieces – Attorney probes Scout agreements. From the article:
Matt Bishop, an attorney representing opponents of the proposed $300-million Scout Clean Energy Nimbus Wind Farm proposed near Green Forest, wrote a letter to County Judge David Writer and Prosecuting Attorneys Tony Rogers and Steven Simmons on April 17 highlighting concerns about Scout’s contracts with landowners to lease property for the wind facility.
“Much of the commentary seems to be tied to the belief that property owners have signed ironclad agreements for the erection of wind turbines on their property,” Bishop said. “Nothing could be further from the truth.”
Bishop said his letter was intended to clear up some of the fear mongering that seems to have developed around possible claims Scout may make in the event Carroll County dares to impose the kind of requirements other wind projects around the country are subjected to. “While a massive company can certainly be intimidating, fear of foreign entities should not be a reason a government entity fails to act in the best interests of its citizens,” Bishop said.
Secure Arkansas can’t help but wonder: have the Carroll County government and residents thought this action through, especially since this will be the first county to take on this wind turbine project? It will play into the climate system! Temperatures warm…
Landowners, if you were thinking about leasing your land, you may want to reconsider!
Things can get complicated quickly. Even your mortgage could play into an agreement.
There are many questions…
And regarding your neighbors who didn’t want this wind farm near them, have you even stopped to consider how they feel and how it may affect them and their families? Property values will drop if they are located too close to the wind turbines. We wouldn’t want to farm or live near such a menacing site.
Becky Gillette with the Eureka Springs Independent was the first reporter to break this tragic story about the wind turbines project near her.
This $300 MILLION project is located off County Road (CR) 905 and 920 near Green Forest and is backed by the United Nations for the Green Forest Nimbus Wind Project.
Looks like qualified professionals must be brought in at this time BEFORE the soaring wind turbines get erected! Turbine pads cannot be shallow, which means that foundations will require an estimated depth of 200 – 400 feet by 70 feet square!
And if & when this wind farm is decommissioned, who’s going to dig these up and restore the land?
In addition, access roads will be required. From what Secure Arkansas understands, the road situation is going to be a huge problem, too. The developers may only be testing the dirt roads six inches deep. This is laughable whenever you consider this monstrous equipment needed to be brought in for the project. (More on this in another article.)
Moreover, there were no permits from the Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC), of which we know.
Read this report from Popular Mechanics. The bigger they are, the harder they fall!
Wind turbines are very susceptible to damage from lightning and other mechanical problems. And unfortunately, the wind turbine facilities are located in remote areas and therefore, it can take the fire brigades an extended amount of time to get to the turbines, should they catch fire! We should be reminded that wind turbines are high-voltage machines.
From OSHA– Green job hazards
Wind Energy workers are exposed to hazards that can result in fatalities and serious injuries. Many incidents involving falls, severe burns from electrical shocks and arc flashes/fires, and crushing injuries have been reported to OSHA.
Who enforces this fire prevention code… Carroll County? The regulation on this sector is ridiculous. Nimbus Wind Farm should be required to do a fire risk assessment on this wind project. If not, the risk will never be managed.
Questions for our State Emergency Management Fire Marshal, Dennis Free (501-683-6700):
AFPC 2021 went into effect January 2023. Volume 1 & 2 deal with fire and building codes. This goes back to 2012. There is a procedure, and the county must adopt it. If there is no Local Fire Marshal, they have to apply to the State Fire Marshal for a permit to proceed.
CODE COMPLIANCE AGENCY[A] 103.1 Creation of enforcement agency.
Local jurisdictions are authorized to establish a department to be called the Building Department and the person in charge shall be known as the Building Official. The function of the agency shall be the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code.[A] 103.2 Appointment.
The building official shall be appointed by the chief appointing authority of the jurisdiction.[A] 103.3 Deputies.
In accordance with the prescribed procedures of this jurisdiction and with the concurrence of the appointing authority, the building official shall have the authority to appoint a deputy building official, other related technical officers, inspectors and other employees. Such employees shall have powers as delegated by the building official.
The AFPC 2021 applies to all counties in the state, right? Also, the fire code requires permit applications, construction documents, testing, and inspections for any structure or tall building in the state.
Nimbus Wind Farm happens to be the first proposed industrial wind turbine facility in Carroll County, Arkansas, but Cross and Crittenden Counties are now targeted as other sites proposed for wind turbine farms as well. In these other two counties, there could be 150 or more wind turbines erected.
Moreover, don’t the liquids found in the turbines pollute the ground and water? We wonder if Scout Energy has applied for a water run-off permit… Will the facilities and equipment used in and around wind facility be green?
A noise impact assessment must be done, also. Communities around the world that have dealt with wind farms have many regrets, including their health. Farmers complain of harmful effects on their livestock. Sadly, many people just gave up and moved away.
But, is there any real danger from wind turbines? YES!
The wind industry’s dangerous turbines adversely affect wild animals, both directly via collisions, as well as indirectly due to noise pollution, habitat loss, and reduced survival or reproduction, as well as affecting our livestock.
So, what does it do to humans? Low frequency tones can be just as annoying and damaging as high frequency tones.
In order for Nimbus Wind Farm to be properly installed in Carroll, Cross, and Crittenden Counties, shouldn’t tests be required? The land use considerations of wind power facilities are extremely complex.
We wonder if the future use of the land for the wind farm project will ever recover from globalism, now that they have a foothold in Carroll County.
And an Economic Impact Statement is needed, too! Residents in Carroll, Cross, and Crittenden counties must do everything in their power to stop the destruction of the Natural State! Why? Because we know that the intrusive wind turbine facilities alter the area for all living beings.
Will there be a large buffer zone between wind turbine facilities and residential areas? Have residents considered the harmful noise levels and infra-sound which does cause health problems like cardiovascular problems? Those low-frequency sounds and vibrations are the root cause of many health symptoms! The flashing lights will keep people up at night, too!
Secure Arkansas can see that the problematic, high maintenance, wind turbine facilities will require more land than expected, and we now know that they generate only a small fraction of electricity needed for primary energy. If they require more land, then eminent domain will be employed at some point. In those targeted small counties, there will be a displacement of natural systems, human communities, agriculture, wildlife, and farms.
See this article from the Eureka Springs Independent written by Becky Gillette in December 2023. Some snippets:
“The agreements state that land not owned or leased by Scout or Entergy can be taken by eminent domain,” easement analyst Julie Morton said. “Nimbus has a similar agreement with Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation. There is almost nothing that makes people madder than eminent domain. I am concerned this agreement could allow Scout to use Entergy and AECC in order to use eminent domain to take private property for the Nimbus Wind Project.”
“We do know that if it becomes necessary, Scout has two entities that will exercise their rights of eminent domain,” Morton said. “This will not serve the general public in any way whatsoever. It is being done solely for Scout’s benefit. People are at risk of having their property taken by eminent domain for a project that will have no benefit for people in Arkansas at all.”
From the National Institutes of Health (NIH), we find this good piece of information linked directly below that should be presented to our State Fire Marshall, Dennis Free:
Fire risk assessments and fire protection measures for wind turbines: A review
Wind turbine fires pose a significant global problem, leading to substantial financial losses. However, due to limited open discussions and lax regulations in the wind power industry, progress in addressing this issue has been hindered. This study aims to shed light on the fire risks associated with wind turbine nacelles and blades, while also exploring preventive measures and the latest fire detection and extinguishing technologies. The research conducted in this study involves a comprehensive investigation of various case studies, utilizing causal examination to identify common failure forms and their roles in fire incidents. Additionally, typical hazards, with a focus on fire incidents, in wind turbines are diagnosed. The primary causes of these fires were determined to be lightning strikes and hydraulic faults, often exacerbated by the presence of combustible materials. To conclude, the study includes a survey that encompasses education, knowledge analysis, and real-life accident experiences to assess fire risks and prevention measures in wind turbines. The participation of experts from wind farms, including those from the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and other countries, adds valuable insights. The findings from this study serve as a crucial resource for enhancing safety standards and mitigating fire incidents within the wind power industry.
Another Excerpt:
Wind turbine fires are a reality in wind farms worldwide and represent severe damages for the wind industry. Fire is the second most common accident caused in terms of incidents found. Fire can grow from a large number of sources, as well as some turbine types. These look more minded to fire than others. According to the insurance company Scotland Against Spin report of March 2023 [3], 459 wind turbines caught fire with total losses. Fig. 2 shows the fire numbers recorded by the Caithness Windfarm Information Forum (CWIF) [4].
Therefore, we can see that this industry begs for oversight to protect Arkansans and property. Wind turbine fires are 10 times worse than what’s being reported!
Wind turbines are NOT safe!
THE WIND TURBINE FIRE PROBLEM, BY THE NUMBERS — from NAFEG (Nero Aerosol Fire Extinguisher Generator):
Imagine witnessing a wind turbine fire in person. Most people would be shocked to see a 450 foot turbine in flames. Reports of wind turbine fires appear in the news a few times each year. But how often do wind turbines really catch on fire? And what is the impact? Here’s a look at some of the statistics.
Wind turbine fires account for 10-30% of all catastrophic wind turbine accidents
91% of wind turbine fires go unreported
According to analysis by the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS), The Telegraph and Renewable UK both estimate a total of 1,500 wind turbine accidents from 2006-2010. That includes both reported incidents and unreported incidents.
And here’s some world history: You may recall this tragic story of two young engineers who perished from a wind turbine fire in Holland in 2013. There are videos of the structure burning and attempted rescue efforts in the link as well.
This Photo Of Two Engineers Hugging Atop A Burning Turbine
Before They Died Is Heart-Breaking!
This photograph tugs at your heartstrings. Two engineers hug and cling to each other as fire and smoke creep toward them. They both died after. According to news reports, one of them jumped off the turbine while the other succumbed to the fire. What makes this more heartbreaking is that the two engineers are just aged 19 and 21.
This accident happened in October of last year at a wind farm in Ooltgensplaat, Holland. A crew of four were conducting routine maintenance at the 67-meter high wind turbine when fire suddenly broke out. Two of the four people were able to escape while the other two got trapped.
Consequences of a Turbine Fire Spreading into the Environment
This is not just a hypothetical concern. In July 2020, a wildfire – started by a blaze within a turbine at an onshore wind farm – spread across 300 acres and burned for more than four days. With the 2021 fire season that is generally set to be more problematic, wind assets must be properly protected to ensure they are not the source of such incidents.
What Happens After a Wind Turbine Catches Fire?
It can take first responders 30-45 minutes to arrive at a wind turbine fire location because of its remote nature. Fires can become fully developed after just a few minutes from the ignition, so crews often focus on fighting surrounding brushfires as the nacelle fire burns.
Often, wind turbine fires are not limited to the turbine itself. Flaming components can travel miles in the air and start brushfires. If the vegetation on a wind farm or surrounding areas isn’t properly managed, this can lead to a wildfire. There have been a few wildfire incidents in the US, including over 1,500 acres in Texas and 350 acres in Southern Washington.
The National Fire Protection Association, (NFPA) says, “A large part of fire cases can be avoided if early fire detection devices are present in the wind turbines.”
So, this leads us to think that before these towering monstrosities are built helter-skelter around the state, oversight is in order to protect the residents living in that area! Will the FAA give the red light, non-approval, thus stopping the project?
Additionally, the flight patterns into nearby airports may have to be changed for:
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) needs to be brought in on this project as well, and they have been. The FAA is obligated to look into structures over 499 feet tall because they are considered “an airspace obstruction.”
One excerpt:
When anyone proposes new construction or proposes to alter existing structures near airports or navigational aids, the FAA determines how the proposal would affect the airspace.
According to this Notice of Preliminary Findings, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning the proposed wind turbine project “Wind Turbine 37” in Green Forest, Arkansas. It’s almost 700 FEET TALL!!
From the FAA notice:
Initial findings of this study indicate that the structure as described exceeds obstruction standards and/or would have an adverse physical or electromagnetic interference effect upon navigable airspace or air navigation facilities. Pending resolution of the issues described below, the structure is presumed to be a hazard to air navigation.
[Bold emphasis, Secure Arkansas]
Be sure to click on the Notice of Preliminary Findings linked above to find out more, including the study!
Another article by Becky from the Eureka Springs Independent: Pilots weigh in on Nimbus Wind Facility
Quoting one of the pilots from the article:
“Anything that sticks up 700 feet above the ground anywhere close to an airport is not good,” Trulove, who owns and flies small airplanes in the area, said. “There is a lot of small aircraft traffic in the area.”
Trulove has often flown over wind facilities, but they are not located around small airports. In addition to the airports in Berryville and Harrison, there are grass landing strips in the area.
The Berryville airport is 1,200 feet above sea level and the mountains where the wind turbines are planned are several hundred feet higher. Trulove said this means these turbine towers could be sticking up in the clouds a lot.
“They might be hard to see,” Trulove said. “The Berryville area is a non-radar environment at low altitudes. Air traffic control can’t see you. No one is looking out for you. In a bigger area, air traffic control will warn you about these things. On sunny days, the blades set off a flash. If it hits a pilot at the wrong time, it is something that could be distracting. To me, these wind turbines would be an aviation hazard.”
The FAA wants to hear from pilots, especially “general aviation”; single and twin engine small aircraft on how the turbines will affect their approach, descent, take-off, circling and so forth as outlined in the attached notice.
Public comment procedure: Go to
and follow the steps in the infographic below.
FAA Help Desk: 202-580-7500
Comments must be received on or before 06/05/2024, so let them hear from you quickly!
Airport managers need to be aware of this and should post this notice.
One final piece should be submitted to the readers and especially our Arkansas farmers, whom we need so much! We MUST protect our agriculture and ranching here at all cost. Regrettably, America has lost 44% of our ranchers since 1980! Ranchers and farmers are the husbandmen of the land, the most ancient and honorable occupations of all.
Bring back community here in Arkansas, and buy locally grown produce and meat.
Living in Green Forest, AR is a unique and enjoyable experience. It is a small, rural town located in the beautiful Ozark Mountains. The scenery here is breathtaking and the people are friendly and welcoming. There are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy such as fishing, hiking, camping, canoeing and bird watching. For those who like to explore local culture, there are plenty of arts and crafts stores to visit and the local farmers market has some of the freshest produce around. The climate here is milder than most places in Arkansas due to its elevation which means all four seasons can be experienced without extreme temperatures or weather extremes. Overall living in Green Forest provides a peaceful atmosphere combined with plenty of opportunities for recreation and exploration making it an excellent place to live.
This statement will no longer be true if the wind turbines are erected! Scenery? What scenery?? And many birds and other wildlife will be slashed to death! It’s not going to be peaceful, either.
In addition, the Midwest has been in a severe drought, and crops have suffered, hay especially, along with cattle being sold from farms. We should be alerted that wind turbines can exacerbate the problem. See this:
Wind farms lead to ‘significant’ decrease in soil moisture, study
From the article:
Our research shows that the operation of wind turbines will cause significant drying of soil, and this drought effect differs significantly according to season and wind direction.
— Prof Gang Wang of the School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Ludong University in China, GRIPT News, May 11, 2023
As we reported earlier on Wind Concerns, this new study suggests a correlation with Harvard University researchers who concluded that large-scale wind farms “would warm average surface temperatures over the continental U.S. by 0.24 degrees Celsius.”4 In other words, increase warming — which is the opposite effect desired by those pushing for renewable energy.
[Bolding and highlight, Secure Arkansas]
Well folks, there you have it!
Elected officials, we are calling on you to weigh in on this. Are you concerned about the long term consequences of this wind turbine project? Secure Arkansas is sorely concerned. We need to care about the ecosystem around which we ALL live. Our farmers, the land, and the people who elected you deserve respect.
Yes, this may add a nice little tax base to the county coffers, to the tune of $24 – 25 million, but at what cost to the public? It’s NOT worth it! If we did away with the tax credits, wind turbine facilities wouldn’t exist!
Would YOU want wind turbines in your backyard? If the wind turbine project is brought to fruition, everyone in that area will suffer, and this includes their health. There always comes a time when you have to pay the fiddler for dancing to his tune.
And the taxpayers are NOT going to like it if they will have to pay for the decommissioning of these inefficient turbines after the greedy hucksters have reaped all of the profit for themselves.
Call to Action: Readers, your County Judge and JPs need to be contacted about the wind turbines immediately! Why? Regrettably, because a moratorium on wind and solar facilities has already failed before the Carroll Quorum Court. The Quorum Court has failed their constituents! The fate of Carroll County is still to be determined. Obviously, several ordinances need to be made quickly, and the Fire Marshal can help with that enforcement.
David Writer, County Judge
210 West Church Ave
Berryville, AR 72616
Carroll County Quorum Court — Justices of the Peace.
Click the link to view their contact info on the Carroll County website.
And we’ve included it below as well:
District |
Name |
Address |
Phone |
Voting Precinct |
Township |
1 |
Jack Deaton |
770 Hwy 187 |
479-253-1564 (cell) |
Holiday Island |
Western |
2 |
Stuart Bruce Wright |
13 Cloud Dr. |
479-981-1631 |
Lakes Areas |
Western |
3 |
Harrie Farrow |
1 Washington St. |
479-981-0382 |
Eureka Springs |
Western |
4 |
Hunter Rivett |
271 County Road 238 |
870-350-6677 |
Kings River |
Central |
5 |
Matt Phillips |
1004 Pine Ave. |
870-480-7151 |
Berryville East |
Central |
6 |
Craig Hicks |
1004 Maple St. |
870-654-7078 |
Berryville West |
Central |
7 |
Kellie Matt |
156 Morning Drive |
870-480-6315 |
Prairies |
Central |
8 |
Francisco Pedraza |
116 County Road 659 |
870-754-0282 |
North Hickory |
Northeast |
9 |
Roger Hall |
1598 County Road 938 |
870-391-1483 |
South Hickory |
Southeast |
10 |
Jerry King |
604 County Road 814 |
870-480-3156 |
Yocum |
Northeast |
11 |
John Howerton |
12305 Hwy 103 S |
870-480-6460 |
South Carroll |
Southeast |
In closing, we feel that if proper research was conducted, people would totally shun wind turbines.
“Protect our land; preserve our future: say ‘no’ to Scout Energy/Brookfield’s land grab, and yes to safeguarding our legacy.”
For more information contact:
Richard Williams –
Caroline Rogers –
Secure Arkansas is here for you, too! –
Please share this post with others, including your family, friends, groups, and especially your County Judge and Justices of the Peace.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas
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